Group "7b" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, Songs, News 2021



In 2019, the anniversary of Russian rockers: in June - the leader of Chayfs Vladimir Shahrin, in July, in July - at the permanent frontman "Splin" Alexander Vasilyeva and "Night Sniper" Diana Arbenina, in October - Vadim Samoilova, Senior Brother from Already non-existent "Agatha Christie." But before all of the listed, Ivan Demyan's birthday took the birthday greetings - on the eve of the holiday of lovers he was 50 years old. And, of course, such a solemn moment the soloist of the group "7b" could not not divide with Moscow fans and gave a concert in the famous metropolitan club "16 tons".

The history of creation and composition

The first song "My Soul" Ivan Demyan wrote in the last month of 1997 in the working village of Voronezh region with the wondrous poetic name Talovaya. This fate brought him during the Transnistrian armed conflict - along with his wife and little son in his arms, he was forced to leave his native Moldova. In a new place, a man mastered the profession of a tinsmith, engaged in his own business. But the soul demanded a completely different, which - Ivan, and at first did not know.

Everything happened unexpectedly and spontaneously: once on the way home under the sound of the steps there was a musical rhythm and suddenly poems came. Bright outbreaks as if the future was opened - that there will be creativity, and the path for which it is worth going. At that turning point, together with the 5-year-old Son, Vlad Ivan and composed his debut composition. As the Demyan Jr. later, the children's words proposed to them, they also included in the text.

The resulting creation was submitted to the court of close friends, and then the idea of ​​creating a separate team came. No sooner said than done. Through a record 7 days, the Russian "religion" was published - the future of Demyan's future colleague was part of the "7B" colleague.

She successfully stormed local festivals, won prizes. But this seemed to be a little Ivan, and he, deciding to change everything cool, went to the capital of Russia. At first, I lived on a rented apartment in the Moscow region, I worked in the car service in the afternoon, and at night rehearsed in the garages - "7b" was born here. The history of Bend's creation under the new title originates from the International Women's Day of 2001, when the studios had a cassette at the studio, and after they handed it on the radio station.

"Young winds", only appearing, instantly conquered many charts and televisers, including "Our Radio". Within two months, the single did not leave the famous "charts of a dozen" and turned into a kind of business card.

As the frontman himself said, "7b" is an encrypted medical code in which "light schizophrenia" is hiding. And the soloist knows about this does not interfere. In his youth, the singer doctors put this diagnosis and even put in a special institution. This later prevented to fulfill the cherished dream of childhood - to conquer the sky.

Soon the bass player of Religion moved to the capital. At the apartment, which was at the River Station along Klin Street, the life and creativity of the rock band continued, unlike other domestic. However, soon, from there, the musicians had to be moved, because the closings were learned about the addresses and they were not allowed to work. Actually, in the area, the clip was removed on the very hit single, where she brightened not yet known glucose - a girl saving a white flower from a strong wind and shower.

The classic composition of "7B" prefers not to change that the big rarity for show business and the subject of pride for the participants themselves. In addition to Demyan and Lights, "7b" - these are two Andrei, Belov (guitar) and Catalock (drums), Stanislav Tsybulsky (keyboards), Peter Losev (sound engineer plus vocals) and director Igor Chernyshev.

The team reigns friendly, almost a family atmosphere. Two days after the last meeting, the friends-colleagues welcome each other with the words: "I have not seen it for a long time," and in constant touring tours, surprisingly around, laugh, practically without ceasing.

Curiously, but the fact - Ivan has no special musical education, and the game on the string instrument learned on his own.


Almost all songs from the debut collection became hits - "Autumn", "I know! Will be!" and others. And the "city on the Neva" fell on the soul even to the root inhabitants of the northern capital, despite the line contained there: "There is a city on the Neva, I have never been there anymore."

After the first appearance in the world of Russian rock music, a flurry of invitations hit all sorts of festivals in the world - "Maxidrom", "invasion", "air" and many others. In the piggy bank of achievements - the soundtrack to the cult Balabanovsky "Brother 2" and duets with famous performers: with Vladimir Shahrin, Oleg Menshikov and even with the legendary Germans Scorpions.

The singer himself would have dreamed of towing with his idol Viktor Tsoem. And partly his dream came true - "7b" participated in major concerts dedicated to the 50th and 55th anniversary of the birth of the leader "Cinema".

Few people know, except that the most devoted fans that the producer "Tatu" participated in the creation of the second collection of "Intocent", and Demyan himself is the author of two songs for Yuli Volkova and Lena Katina. In addition, the guys were responsible for "melodic" accompaniment to commercials - Pepper TV channel, MacDonalds and a foam drink.

By March 2019 in the Arsenal of the team - 9 albums, each of them combines one trait.

"In each album, there are several tracks for military themes. Probably, reading the ancestors with me, respect for the grandfather, I love the story and adore to watch historical films and documentary. And my own destiny is associated with various redirects, "the musician told about his writings.

In the "young winds" - this is a "unresolved moon", in the "alien" - "flying from the war", in Olympia - "Colonel". And on male, said vocalist reinforced with actions, organizing the annual festival "Thank you by my grandfather for the victory."

According to Ivan, in each collection there is a song from the repertoire of "religion", but at the same time something new is constantly running. For example, in 2017 to the 15th anniversary of the Group, the album "Sun to decide" was released, in which there was a place and an extended composition, and unusual experiments with tools and sound. Initially, he had to be called as "visiting God."

Valuable information about the professional path, the first concerts and speeches are contained in the documentary film "15 windy years", lifted to the anniversary of Benda and is available now on YouTube. At the same time, the light saw the autobiographical book of the same name. The frequently asked questions about their activities Ivan is responsible for:

"If I can do, give his creativity to listeners, I am happy. You need to love each other, give each other love, appreciate each moment and every moment of this life - in this and there is happiness. "

"7b" now

2 years after the release of the "Sun to decide", February 12, 2019, the 7B discography was enriched with an "atmosphere". Single "Rock alive!" Executed in Tandem with the son of Ivan, and the "Ghost Warrior", presented as a bonus track - with the ensemble of the Russian Guard of the Russian Federation.

"So it's time to summarize the half-century total of my earthly path with this" atmospheric "musical album and present it to you as a gift and answers to everything," Ivan Demyan commented on the brainchild.

In honor of the 50-year-old anniversary of the main vocalist, the team organized large tours in the cities of Russia: February concerts completes Ufa, Martov - Kaluga, April - the city on the Neva. On changes and additions in the poster of the fans and connoisseurs of Russian rock can follow the tour website and in the official group in Vkontakte, where there are photos from speeches, links to participants' pages, goods and topical news.


  • 2001 - "Young wind"
  • 2004 - "Enclosed"
  • 2005 - "Reflector"
  • 2007 - "My love"
  • 2008 - "7 years. Anniversary"
  • 2010 - "Olympia"
  • 2014 - "Immortal"
  • 2017 - "Sun to decide"
  • 2019 - "Atmosphere"


  • 2001 - "Young wind"
  • 2001 - "Autumn"
  • 2002 - "I love"
  • 2004 - "Enclosed"
  • 2005 - Viva!
  • 2009 - "Bird"
  • 2010 - "Viktor Tsoi"
  • 2011 - "Let's fly with the war"
  • 2014 - "Love there"
  • 2015 - "41th Fascist"
  • 2017 - "I live"
  • 2018 - "appear"
  • 2018 - "I know! Will be!"
  • 2018 - "Miracle My"
  • 2019 - "Copper Horseman"

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