John Reed - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



John Reed Journalist's biography, the author of the book "Ten days that shook the world" turned out to be a vehicle - American lived 32 years. Vladimir Lenin appreciated his works highly, and therefore allowed to bury the Kremlin wall at the Kremlin Wall, next to the hotly beloved revolutionary Islessa Armand.

Childhood and youth

John Silas Reed was born on October 22, 1887 in Portland, Oregon. His mother Margaret was the daughter of the industrialist Henry Dodge Green, who is rich in creating and managing three large enterprises - a gas-light company, a plant for the production of cast iron and a plumbing plant.

Journalist John Reed

Father Charles Jerome Reed arrived in Portland from the East as a producer of agricultural machinery. Charisma and the mind of a young man quickly won trust in businessmen and farmers, and therefore rich on their orders.

Charles and Margaret got married in 1886. The first in their marriage was born John, who was affectionately called Jack. The boy often sick, so he spent his childhood surrounded by nurses and servants. After 2 years, Harry appeared on the world.

The brothers attended the private Academy of Portland. Jack was enough smart, easily absorbed information, but did not strive to become an excellent student, considered the school tedious. Father did not have higher education, so I dreamed of teaching sons at Harvard. In 1904, Jack was first sent to Morristown, New Jersey, prepare for admission to college. In the young man did not wake up a pull for knowledge, but he succeeded in sports and literature.

Reed failed the first attempt to enter Harvard, but in 1906, after all, he fulfilled the father of his father. Jack did not worry the study. He entered into a support group, a swimming team, a dramatic circle, headed by the editorial office of the "The Harvard Monthly" and "Lampoon" student journals, as well as the choral club. In 1910, he regularly performed at the Hasty Pudding Theatricals Theater, composed music and texts for their own humorous show "Diana's Debut".

The Socialist Club Harvard headed a friend of Reed Walter Lippman, in the future there is a famous lawyer and journalist. Jack did not in the club, but sometimes attended the meetings. Here and lay in fertile soil seeds of socialism.

Reed graduated from Harvard in 1910 and on the advice of his mentor - the poet Charles Tuisen Copeland went on a journey through the UK, France and Spain. Copeland said that a real writer, which Jack dreamed of becoming, should "see life" to reliably describe it.

Journalism and social activities

Even at Harvard, Reed realized that he would like to devote to the life of journalism, leave his mark in the center of the reporter industry - New York. Acquaintance with the American writer and Columnist Lincoln Steffens allowed us to get a job at "The American Magazine", at the same time John worked in the magazine "Landscape Architecture" by the proofreader. Reed lived in Greenwich Williage, the focus of poets and writers, musicians and artists. Pleasant neighborhood and paid favorite job made New York magic place. American studied the city tirelessly, dedicated to him poems.

Work in magazines helped John to pay for rental housing, but the young man sought to become an independent journalist. He collected a whole collection of failures from different publishers about the publication of his articles and essays about Europe before appearing on the "The Saturday Evening Post" pages. Then they were interested in "Collier's", "The Forum", "The Century Magazine", and one of the poems of Reed was put on Arthur Futu's music, a member of the Boston Six.

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The interest of the Reda to social problems woke up after acquaintance with writers of Tarbell and Joseph Lincoln Steffens. Unlike his comrades, the American chased more radical ideas, some of which were embodied in articles and reviews for the magazine "The Masses" edited by Max Istima.

It often happens that interference in the political situation of the country and propaganda contradictory the existing system of ideas provoke difficulties with the law. In 1913, Reed was arrested (this is the first arrest among the set) when he tried to speak on behalf of silk in New Jersey factories.

The cruel treatment of riskers and short-term imprisonment made Rida's views even more radical. He wrote the article "War in Paterson".

John Reed books

The main theme of John Reed creativity is a revolution. In the fall of 1913, the editorial office of Metropolitan sent an American in Mexico to tell about the national rebellion of the National Bunte. He spent in the Pancho Villa camp, the revolutionary general, 4 months old and wrote a cycle of stories, later released by the full-fledged book "Resty Mexico" (1914). The articles published from the fields brought Rida to the fan of a military reporter.

On August 14, 1914, soon after Germany declared France's war, RID on the task "Metropolitan" went to the ITALY neutrality retainer. The journalist military collision seemed the result of the imperialist rivalry of farmers and merchants, which he wrote (although anonymously) in the article "War of Traders" (1914) for "The Masses".

In 1915, Reed was started at a long journey through Eastern Europe. He saw the destroyed Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bessarabia. On the approach to Poland, the journalist and accompanying his artist Boardman Robinson arrested on suspicion of espionage. Probably, the life of John Reed would have cut off even earlier - men threatened, if it were not for the intervention of the American ambassador.

Freed from custody, Reed and Robinson tried to penetrate the territory of Romania, this time the Great Britain's ambassador. The experience gained in this journey lay down the book "War in Eastern Europe" (1916).

As the war approaches, the financial situation of the Reda became more and more deployed. Metropolitan refused to print his radical articles. The journalist had to lay paternal watches in Lombard and sell the house to survive. Because of the aggressive tone of the works of Reed, another reliable platform for publications was closed - SEVEN ARTS magazine. The career of the Americans rolled down the slope. The situation was saved by the revolution began in Russia.

Reed arrived in Russia immediately after an unsuccessful attempt of the leadership of Lavra Cornilov to overthrow the power of the Provisional Government chaired by Alexander Kerensky. The economic situation of the country was in decline, food was missing, crime flourished. The configuration of the temporary government and the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin was aggravated.

The October Revolution began reflected in the most famous article of the Rida "Ten Days that shook the world" (1919). Lenin responded about the work like this: "I sincerely recommend this essay of workers of all countries." Events in Russia are also devoted to the collection of stories "Unknown Revolution".

Returning to the USA, Reed made more than 20 campaign speeches, praising the socialist regime of Russia and the piercing American intervention. For their ideas, a journalist was arrested 5 times.

Personal life

Personal life of John Reed Pedolla with random connections and stormy, but short-term novels. The first chief of the journalist was the secular lioness Mail Dodge.

The son born in past relations did not interfere with the girl to travel with his beloved in Europe, to acquaint him with famous people, for example, with Pablo Picasso and Arthur Rubinstein. When Dodge was not near, Reed "Delivered" a love passion on prostitutes.

Upon returning from Eastern Europe, John met a journalist Louise Bryant. They were happy together, but regularly started attitudes on the side. The treason was considered the norm for bohemian society, which pursues the idea of ​​sexual liberation.

Reed and same-sex connections were not hurt - one of his lovers was Eugene O'Neill, the future laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature, the multiple owner of the Pulitzer Prize.

In November 1916, Louise Bryant became Rida's wife and accompanied him on trips to death. They did not have children.


In 1920, John Reed visited Russia for the second time. In the fall, he was determined to return to the United States, but the plans broke the hard disease, which was determined on September 23 as influenza. 5 days later, conducted in the fever, the journalist was hospitalized. Attentive patient observation has shown that it is sick with a rapid tit.

Tomb of John Rida

The political situation in Russia detained the supply of drugs, so Reed did not receive proper treatment. Over time, paralysis has occurred the right side of the body, he could not speak. Bryant kept his spouse when he died on October 17, 1920. The cause of death was the progressive suction tit.

The grave of John Reed is located at the Kremlin Wall on Red Square in Moscow. He is one of the three Americans who were honored to be buried there.


  • 1913 - "Santan: Mad Knight of the West"
  • 1913 - "Day in Bohemia, or life among artists"
  • 1914 - "Resty Mexico"
  • 1916 - "War in Eastern Europe"
  • 1917 - "Tiburlain and other verses"
  • 1919 - "Ten days that shook the world"
  • 1919 - "Red Russia: Triumph Bolsheviks"
  • 1919 - "Red Russia II: Working Socialist Federation"

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