Bogdan Lishevsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, KVN, Comedy Club 2021



Humorist and Kavanesk Bogdan Lishevsky has long performed in the team team from Tver, but the most popular began after one of the speeches in 2017, when his joke was offended by the residents of Bashkiria. Later, the guy repented and stated that he did not want to upset anyone. Although it caused violent discussions from the audience, still the career of a young man did not prevent. He continues to compose jokes today and often appears on television screens.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future humorist began in the city of Zelenograd, where he was born in October 1993. There, the boy graduated from school, always showed himself actively, loved to participate in school events.

For higher education, Lishevsky chose the Tver State University, which he entered the faculty of psychology. It was there that the guy first got on the scene as part of the KVN institute team, at that time a set of new guys passed.

Soon the humorist was drawn up, he liked to merry the public with jokes. The first competitions with other teams took place in 2009, and already in 2012 his team managed to conquer the Rector's Cup. Then the Lishevsky went to the regional league and took the 2nd place with a team.

Having received a diploma, he no longer work in a specialty, but chose to change the direction of its activities. His relatives did not really support him, Mom wanted the Son to engage in a serious profession. However, when the guy began to demonstrate the first successes in this direction, the woman was accepting and took the choice of Bogdan.

KVN and TV projects

The fact that over the years, the passion for a young man will turn into a profession, which will bring fame and recognition, Lishevsky could not even dream. Together with Andrei Babich, he began to collect the team, who later became the famous spectators called the "Bun named after Yaroslav Gashek". Such a name the team was scheduled to be no coincidence. Yaroslav Hashek is known as politician, as well as a writer and satirik, often invented strange and funny slogans for the party.

After the victory on the university game, the team participates in the Tver League "Upper Treasury" and, not expecting him to go to the semifinals. It became a great achievement for the guys who discovered them the road for a career. Guys continue to perform at competitions with other teams and in 2016 they become participants of the KVN Premier League.

The significance damage of Bogdan's reputation caused the above-described joke about Bashkiria, or rather - about the peoples living there. The guys from Tver, like other teams, it was necessary on the "warm-up" to the question of another team to come up with the most witty and funny answer. So the bunches of the name of Yaroslav Gashek "was to" destroy some stereotype. " In response to this, their replica sounded as follows:

"A glass is half empty - half Bashkir."

Residents of Bashkiria considered it an insult, accusing the captain in National Chauvinism. But Lishevsky in an interview with the Internet publishing stated that this is just a game of words, they did not want to offend anyone and did not invest in the replica of hints on alcohol or other subtext. He also said that all nationalities are respectful.

Noise around the unpleasant case in time subsided. This unpleasant moment did not prevent young people to go to the Higher League of KVN. And in 2018, for unknown reasons, they changed the name on the "Yaroslav Wise Buns." Yumor's style of guys and has not changed. As a rule, the scenes from the team are born due to collective reflections or as a result of improvisation.

They managed to admire the viewers and the jury more than once with their sparkling jokes. Although they failed to defeat them there, reaching the semifinals, the guys received a cash prize, they are also happy about this gift. The main problem of the team is the absence of their sponsor, therefore costs for costumes, travel, accommodation and others have to pay on their own.

Charisma and the active life position of Lishevsky pushes him to work in other projects. It is known that in 2017 the young man starred in the "Friendly Show" program, the presenter lay out it on his channel in Yutube. Although the guy appeared no more than 1 minute, it caused even more interest in Cavaneshchik. Yes, and Sergey's channel, at that time, was gaining popularity.

Despite the fact that Bogdan has time to participate in other programs, he did not throw his native KVN team. Together with the team pleases fans not only by funny miniatures and scenes. In the repertoire of the guys there are songs, as well as the clips taken on them. One of the most memorable for the audience was recorded by the Love-Blood, which tells about the difficult relationship between the guy and the girl. Well, since the format of the collective implies a humorous color, the song is saturated with funny moments.

Personal life

Bogdan prefers not to advertise the details of his personal life, so it remains only to guess if he has a girlfriend. It is only known that he has no wife and children, although the status in Vkontakte makes it clear that the guy in love with someone.

Due to the lack of free time or for other reasons, Lishevsky does not lead a page in "Instagram", but the new photos still stands out in other social networks.

In an interview with the Internet publishing, the guy admitted that if it were not for participation in humorous programs, it would probably be a fisherman. Although Bogdan is infrequently able to leave with friends or relatives to nature, he would be happy to go to the reservoirs with rods with rods. In addition, among his hobbies, watching movies and football matches.

Bogdan Lishevsky now

In February 2019, TNT audiences became known that now Lishevsky will become a permanent resident of the popular humor show Comedy Club. And not one Bogdan decided to change the format of the speeches.

Almost the entire composition of the Yaroslav Gashek bun team will now regularly appear on the new channel. As the guys told, speeches in KVN they are forced to suspend due to the lack of monetary support, since they independently do not pay for expenses.

Probably, now they are preparing for recording new programs, the first broadcast with their participation was released on television screen on February 22. The team fans hope that they will be able to master the new format and deserve not one season.


  • 2016 - Premier League KVN
  • 2017 - "Friendly Show"
  • 2018 - Higher KVN League
  • 2019 - Comedy Club

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