Pavel Lupkeev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "White Sun of Desert"



Full Pavel Luspekayev possessed an indomitable temper and a bouquet of bad habits. But the wife and colleagues said goodbye to the artist, all the tricks and rudders and adored the "lucky Pasha" - no one could resist his talent and the charm.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in the spring of 1927 in the village of large fat, based under the Rostov at the end of the 18th century by Armenian immigrants from the Crimea. According to the nationality of Luspecayev - half Armenian: the father of the stars, the butcher Bagdasar, originally from Nakhichevan. Mother - Cossack Serafima, from which the actor inherited a high height - also did not have a relationship to art. The family had other children: on the youth photo of Luspekayev, in addition to parents, appears his sister.

Pavlik Lospectan grew hooliganist and somehow in a teenage brawing almost lost his eyes. A craft school in which the guy studied on a locksmith, with the beginning of war evacuated to the capital of Kyrgyzstan. At 16, the active young man escaped to the front. During the battles he was wounded in the hand and frostbite.

The upper limbs of the doctors of the Saratov hospital were going to amputate, but the miracle was injured, and a miracle happened: the hand healed. But the brutal fate of the disabled person still overtook Luspekayeva: youthful frostbite led to atherosclerosis of the vessels of the feet, a series of painful ammputations and the removal of the artist to retire at 38 years.

Pavel Lupkeev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death,

After discharge from the hospital, the guy was sent to the partisan headquarters, and then commissioned and enrolled in the troupe of the Dramatic Theater Voroshilovgrad, now the name of Luspekayev. The young artist was so convincing that, despite the unfinished secondary education, he was sent to study in one of the best Moscow theatrical universities. In Shchepkinsky School, Luspekayev gained a better friend - Eugene Vester, the same young veteran of war, as he himself, and the faithful wife Innu Kirillov.


The actor filmography is small. Pavel Borisovich is predominantly theatrical artist. The whole city on the Neva walked to look like Luspecaev in the "barbar" on the stage of BDT kisses actress Tatyana Doronin. I remember the audience the game of the artist in the "raised virgin" and "grief from the mind." He lived on stage the life of each of the characters: how the scalosis sincerely wondered, can really not know the signs of the distinction of the Preobrazhensky regiment, as Nagulnov suffered from the infidelity of his wife Lushki.

Pavel Lupkeev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death,

Among the most notable roles of the actor on the screen - the landowner of the Nozdors in the "Dead Souls" and the teacher Kostalmed in the "Republic of the Skid". The famous Luspecayev began after participating in Vladimir's ribbon "White Desert Sun". Work on this role is an actor's feat of Pavel Borisovich, because the artist played, moving on the prosthesis and abandoning crutches and dublars. Delighted Luspekayev's game, the creators of the film renamed Vereshchagin in Paul and increased the number of scenes with his participation.

The song about Ms. Good luck, performed by Paul, became a hat, a ribbon - the leader of the film distribution, and the hero of Luspekayev is a symbol of an incomprehensible home. After filming the film on the artist, "written off" a few years earlier retired, a flurry of tempting proposals was sprinkled: Oleg Efremov called Luspekayev to MCAT, and Tatyana Lioznova - to the series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" for the role of Muller. The implementation of the plans prevented the death of the star.

Personal life

To facilitate terrible pain, pursuing Pavel Borisovich after several ammputations, doctors prescribed a Pantopon drug, causing addictory. Realizing that it becomes a toxicomic, Lupykayev, a fan of Bahus and a malicious smoker, frightened and, passing through the agonizing breakdown, was able to get rid of dependence. The big weight of the actor led to the fact that the legs of the legs were abrasing with the prostheses in the blood. Estimation, torment and struggle with illness, the artist fixed in the diary.

Despite the disease, the personal life of Pavel Luspekayev was violent. The artist was involved in fights and scandals (barely stabbed Oleg Basilashvili after the comment in the restaurant, during the filming of the "White Sun" came up in beer and appeared in a frame with a real wound on his face). Przresvev, a man repent and touching forgiveness.

Paul died repeatedly and before his wife, which he considered Holy. Already a month after the marriage of Luspekayev, the week lit up with a long time familiar from Rostov. Then the novels happened to Alla Larionova and a colleague on BDT Tatyana Tkach, who performed the role of the main wife in Harem in the "White Sun".

Inna Alexandrovna, talented and beautiful actress, sacrificed his career, devoted life to his beloved husband and gave birth to Paul's daughter Larisa. Raisa Kurkin, who played Vereshchagin's wife, a lot for the role has learned from the relationship of the spouses of Lupcayev.


Pavel Luspekayev died in Moscow, 3 days to 43 years. The cause of sustainable death was the gap of the heart.

After 5 days, the country noted the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and organize a memorial service on the actor in the city, which is the name of the leader of the revolution, was not easy. BDT and the Leningrad House of the actor eliminated the organization of mourning events. Farewell to the artist passed on Lenfilm.

Monument to Pavel Luspekayev in the image of Vereshchagin

Luspekayev buried in the northern cemetery, located in the suburb of the Northern Capital - the village of Pargolovo. Over the grave of the "incorruptible Vereshchagin", the North-Western Customs Administration. On the biography of Luspekayev in 2005, a documentary was removed, the artist monuments were established in Moscow and Lugansk.

Interesting Facts

  • From the partisan youth, Luspekayev, a German speech was told, as Unceremoniously announced in 20 years to German colleagues on tour in Berlin;
  • The actor often won in the lotteries. On foreign troops went to the casino - Luspekayev was lucky there;
  • On the set of "White Sun", the artist smeared the notable cane, which Paul began to count the talisman. Shortly after the alarms, the actor died.


  • 1954 - "They descended from the mountains"
  • 1956 - "Mystery of two oceans"
  • 1958 - "Blue Arrow"
  • 1960 - "Born Live"
  • 1961 - "Baltic Sky"
  • 1962 - "Capron Networks"
  • 1964 - "Train of Mercy"
  • 1965 - "I go on a thunderstorm"
  • 1966 - "Long Happy Life"
  • 1966 - "Skid Republic"
  • 1966 - "Three fathers"
  • 1967 - "The incident whom no one noticed"
  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1969 - "Dead Souls"
  • 1970 - "Green chains"

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