Show "Battle of Psychic" - photo, exposure, leading, project participants 2021



Since ancient times, humanity has stretched to mysteries, so magicians, sorcerers and clairvoyants became objects of close attention and inspired fear and respect. In the Middle Ages, people who have supernatural abilities were subjected to persecution and burned on a fire, but now their gift is used everywhere to interpret the mysterious incidents and disclosures of inexplicable crimes, and the show dedicated to mystical investigations is broadcast on TV channels of many countries of the world. One such project was the program of the Russian Channel TNT "Battle of Psychics", which is broadcast from February 25, 2007.

History of creation and essence of the project

The idea of ​​creating the "Battle of Psychic" show itself was not original. Such programs have already arisen in the UK, the United States of America, Israel, Mongolia and countries located on the territory of the former USSR. According to the plan of authors and producers Mary Shaikevich, Vladislav Semurtert, Dmitry Troitsky and Anna Devitsky The Body of the project was the competition between people who have supernatural abilities and the gift of foresight.

During testing, participants had to guess a person corresponding to the proposed parameters, describe the place of stay and tell about the events in the life of guests invited to the program.

Then, with the help of leading psychics and skeptics, the winners of each release, which turned to the next stage, and the losers remained with anything and left the project.

In the Finale, psychics, who successfully coped with all the tasks, fought for the title of finalists and the winners of the show, and then continued to career of clairvoyant or healers and performed in the television battle of the strongest magicians.

Rules and stages of the project

In order to get to the program, the participants passed the casting, detecting supernatural abilities and clairvoyance skills. After the 1st stage of the check, during which the applicants were proposed to guess the subject hidden in a secret place, the mass of those who wanted to be thrown out.

The remaining 30 - 40 people went to the next round and tried to detect a person closed in one of the many identical objects, such as machines, drawers or wardrobes. Those who coped with the task on the first attempt were invited to the chief stage of the competition, which launched within a few weeks or months and broadcasting to the whole country.

Not all talented magicians and magicians could attend samples in Moscow, so the show managers decided to organize online tests and with their help to select extraordinary candidates.

In addition, the assistants producers received applications of people who need help, and most programs showed characters with real life problems and tragedies.

Sometimes part of the "battle" became those who could distinguish the true gift from pretense and well suited for the role of a skeptic observer who helped the professionals to understand the abilities of psychics and identify the winner.

After all the actors of the project "occupied their places," the real tests began, in which, as a rule, 8-12 most capable applicants participated. The offacarious sorcerers, healers, predictors and magicians had to solve the difficult tasks in the studio and to investigate crimes at the scene.

The complexity of tasks increased with each release, for example, in the starting series, the contestants were offered to guess who sits in front of them in the dark, and tell about the life of this person. The stars of the Russian show business became the objects of research, such as the Rapper Decl (Kirill Tolmatsky), the pop singer Irina Ponarovskaya, TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva and actor Mikhail Kokshenov.

In the middle of the season, participants tried to help relatives of the dead or missing, and closer to the final were looking for answers to questions, for decades, the Russian and global public.

Once extrasensses were taken to the Vagankov cemetery to the burial site of Sergei Yesenin and blindfolded offered to determine who lies in the grave. The most striking was the hypothesis of the young mage of Alexander Sheps, who not only described the nature and cause of the death of the poet, but also traced his connection with close women, buried nearby.

Another unresolved mystery of the 20th century proposed by the participants was the mysterious death of nine students on the passage of Dyatlov. Despite the fact that the sorcerers and clairvoidants did not say anything about the causes of what happened, they described the identity of the victims and the painting of an undisclosed crime. And the winner of the 13th season of Fatima Hadueva via photographs called the month of birth and the sign of the zodiac of every deceased participant of the campaign.

Other "legendary" stories appeared in the "battle of psychics" were the death of the American actress Marilyn Monroe, the murder of the Russian television journalist Vladislav Listeyev and the death of the popular actor of the theater and movie Vladislav Galkina.

At the end of each series of project participants, leading and judges, on the general Council, it was supposed to choose the best and worst psychics of the week. Those who did not cope with the tests were expelled from the show, and those who successfully completed most of the tasks were invited to move on.

Sometimes the opinions of the jury members did not coincide, and all the psychics took place in the next round. So it happened even in decisive issues, where four finalists were found in four finals.

Leading and members of the Council of the Jury

The success and high ratings of the "Battle of Psychics" depended on the lead, members of the professional jury and observers skeptics. From the first issues of the audience, the charismatic person of Mikhail Porechenkova attracted, who followed the actions of the participants at the site of events, asked questions and granted sharp comments.

No less nice were the individuals of experts, the illusionists of Sergei and Andrei Safronovov, who worked on the show for their own image and therefore laid out in full. Watching contests through the screens of monitors, the brothers tried to determine where the border runs between luck and genuine talent and a little. In an interview with journalists, the magicians said that magicians and magicians really exist and really participate in the project, but even the most talented of them are not given to know the truth about the past and the future.

At the end of 2009, when the "battle of psychics" was at the peak of popularity, Porechenkov left the program, and the actor and movie actor Marat Basharov came to his place. Starting from the 9th season, a specialist in psychology was joined to him, Alexander Makarov, and a group of skeptics was intensified by a criminalist doctor Mikhail Vinogradov and observers from among the stars of the Russian show business. In different series of the program, Ksenia Borodin, Lera Kudryavtseva, Jamie Alexander, Vera Sotnikova, Elena Villais and many others.

Participants and winners

From 2007 to 2018, 200 magicians, predictors and fortune skills fought in the "battle of psychics". From the season for the season, the number of people who have undergone qualifying tours ranged from 8 to 13. The most dense composition of applicants recorded in 2012, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The first finalists were Natalia Nosacheva, a healer with medical education and a noble title, and Peter Sobolev, a young worker of a spiritual salon, and Honored victory won Natalia Votorov, a nurse-predictor, twice survived clinical death. The brightest episode was the investigation of the death of a passenger plane at the request of the girl, miraculously saved after the crash.

In the 2nd season, the finals reached the brother Natalia Vollar, Maxim, who is able to find missing things and people, as well as the cinematographer Leonid Konovalov, who inherited Babushkin Dar of the predictor. In the decisive test, the men struggled with the Dagestan healer Zulia Rajabova and lost, failed to confront the ability to predict the tasks and foresee the questions.

Among the participants of the 3rd season, a young woman named Suul Iskander, which is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. Her person provoked a number of scandals, during which the Kazakh clairvoyant lost victory and, according to the results of the vote, occupied the 3rd place. The main competitors were the Scandinavian sorceress Victoria Zheleznov and the winner of the final release - a dentist Mehdi Ebrahi Wafa.

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In further programs, people of different professions engaged in magic, psychic and healing participated in the decisive stage. Among them are the most famous Roman Fad, expert television program "Invisible Man", Vladimir Murunov, musician and leading channel YouTube, Vitaly Hibert, author of the book "Modeling the Future", Julia Wang, model and actress, Victoria Raidos, Future writer, Moskhen Norozi, consultant of the family of the died singer Zhanna Friske, and Elena Golunov, the mother of the finalist of the 11th season of Vlad Kadoni.

In addition, a whole group of people with supernatural abilities was selected to participate in the transmission of "Psychics conduct an investigation: the battle of the strongest", which started on the TNT channel in August 2016. The main characters of the new show were Konstantin Genzati and other winners of the finals of the original program, to which the talented magicians Marilyn Kerro joined, Tatiana Larina, Galina Bagirova and Ziraddin Rzaev.

Criticism and exposure

Despite the fact that the participants of the "battle of psychics" showed miracles of magic in sight of the public and experts, people who doubted the abilities of these people.

The first for deception spoke the former leading program Mikhail Porechenkov, in a number of interviews revealed the secretions of the shooting process and the real essence of television prepaid "magic".

According to the popular actor, there was nothing openly behind the scenes of the show. Editors and assistants who carefully preparing for the show and studied the cases in question, came up with several ways to drag into the final of the desired psychic.

Some responses of clairvoyants knew in advance, and some were obtained in the process of testing with a small headset or a conditional sign from a specially trained person.

Soon, there was a rumor that the "battle of psychics" became a staged show, where instead of people who have supernatural abilities, specially hired actors of provincial theaters are removed.

This version was developed after Timofey Rudenko, Schizophrenic from Novosibirsk became the finalist of the 19th season. When familiar saw the issues of the program with the participation of a young man, they reported through social networks that this comrade does not suffer from the social network, in fact he is a former member of the KVN team, who went to Moscow to the Casting Show "Comedy Battle".

The real picture of the "Battle" of the "Battle" journalist was revealed by the journalist "Russia-1" TV channel Boris Sobolev, in 2019 released a documentary called "Going to the hell." Exposures made by the reporter became a sensation in the world of psychics and had a negative impact on pseudomags, fortunellers and clairvoyants.

After the premiere, many winners of the show lost customers, crowds who visited non-real spiritual salons, and the leadership of the discredited program decided to suspend the shooting of the next, already 20, the season and announced a project freeze for an indefinite period.

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