Alexander Dobronravov - biography, personal life, photo, news, composer, age, "lonely wolf", "Three chord" 2021



Alexander Dobronravov is known to many of the Soviet listeners to participate in the team "Merry Guys" as a soloist in the distant 1980s. The bright beginning of the musical career did not prevent the performer to show himself in solo work and as the author of songs for domestic celebrities.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Alexander Andreevich Dobronravova began on July 30, 1962 on Arbat Street in Moscow. His parents had no relation to the work: Father Andrei Sergeevich was a professor, and Stalin Fedorovna's mother is an engineer.

Music with a boy began to study her grandmother, after he, being at a three-year-old age, with ease played a melody of the song "Eh, full-full of battle."

In 1979, the young man received a certificate of secondary education. After that, he entered the Institute of Culture on the Conductor-Choir Faculty, which successfully graduated from 1983.

After graduation, a creative guy, after the end of the university, was inevitably waiting for two years in the army, he was distributed to the railway troops. At the end of the Dobronravov service, participated in the construction of the Baikal-Amur highway.

Carier start

1985 became a swivel in the life of the young Alexander. He became acquainted with the composer and vocalist Evgeny Havtan, the leader of the Rock Group "Bravo". The musician offered the young man to take the keyboard player in the team. At that time, the place of vocalists belonged to the booty singer Zhanna Aguzarova. Dobronravov participated in the creation of the second plate of the group, after which he began to try his strength in other musical groups.

In his youth, Alexander joined the ensemble "Merry Guys", where he fulfilled the role of a soloist, composer and an arguer. Dobronravov consisted of a team until 1992.

song's author

After experience in groups, the artist continued to experiment with solo creativity, as well as work together with the singer Sergey Krylov. Their main hits were the song "Month May", "Autumn - Golden Falls" and "In Tona Kathmandu".

Having left for a year and a half to America in the 1995th, Dobronravov composed the composition "As the workers in Russia in Russia", which later became his business card. Next year, the singer joined as a composer and musical producer to the White Eagle group.

He helped him with this founder of the collective - Businessman Vladimir Zhechkov. During the time of operation in this team, Alexander Andreevich sorted 4 albums, which included some artist compositions: "God", "heaven", "I will buy you a new life."

In 1996, the composer became one of the musical executives of the painting "When the lanterns are swinging at night", and 5 years later, Yevgeny Muravyov created "Anthem St. Petersburg" to the anniversary of the city, the song was recorded together with other celebrities: Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Valley, Valery Meladze, Zhanna Aguzarova.

After Alexander Andreevich focused on creating music for his own songs, he did not cease to be the author of the hits of other domestic pop stars. For the faith of Brezhnev Dobronravov, wrote the track "Love each other", for Gregory Lepsa - "Somewhere behind the clouds", for Philip Kirkorov - "Love five stars".


The artist recorded the popular song "Chamomile for Nataski" in 1995 and took part in the shooting of the clip on this composition, and by the end of the 90s the musician finally chose the path of the solo artist.

According to Dobronravov in an interview, he was always interested in the singer's career than the composer. His song called "Lonely Wolf" became one of the main musical hits of the new millennium. The album of the same name came out in 2002.

A year before, Alexander Andreevich found out the poet Mikhail Tanich personally. Their cooperation lasts more than 10 years and led to the creation of the album of 2013 called the "Territory of Love".

Two years later, the artist released an album called "Nezevny-Negadanno", consisting of 16 compositions recorded on the poems of Russian poets.

In 2016, the musician had a new single "Motherland", dedicated to unlimited love for his land. In the fall, the release of the track "Life" took place, the author of the words to which Larisa Archipenko became, and the music is a composer from Belarus Hermann Titov.

On March 7, 2018, a grand presentation was held in honor of the 55th anniversary of the celebrity, which took place in Vegas City Hall. Philip Kirkorov, Sergey Krylov, Natalia Moskvin and others became invited guests.

Dobronravov's disc "Love each other", according to the author, became a message to the world in three words. The album includes 10 compositions, among which "open doors", "homeland" and "we will be together again."

2020 forced many to look at life at a different angle and to rethink a lot, resulting in the work of Dobronravov, the collection of "best songs", which included 50 of his famous hits.

Personal life

The personal life of a talented artist, composer and musical producer was not less saturated than creative. In the first two marriages he had three sons. According to Dobronravov himself, he has excellent friendly relations with his former spouses, he even calls them relatives.

No less close relationship Alexander Andreevich supports with children. Sons can always call the Father and ask for advice or help, even though they are already quite adults.

Daniel's eldest son went in the footsteps of the Father and also became a musician (his creative pseudonym Dani Good), Middle, Andrei, chose a career in the oil company, and the younger son Dmitry is a medical worker.

With the Third Woman, Elena, the artist tied himself as marriage in 2001, after 2 years in the Dobron-Wheel family, a long-awaited daughter appeared - Maria. The girl in the learning process preference to humanitarian subjects - music, art, English.

In 2021, Alexander Andreevich and his wife noted a porcelain wedding, as followed by subscribers in the Instagram account. The singer relevant to the members of his family, the photos with which publishes on the personal page along with numerous pictures from creative sites.

Alexander Dobronravov Now

Now the talented artist continues to develop in the world of music and give concerts in Russia and neighboring countries.

In the spring of 2021, Alexander Andreevich joined the "Three Chord" show, in the first issue, he fulfilled his hit "As a worn in Russia in Russia". Despite the fact that he himself is the author of the song, Dobronravov received not the highest ratings, he was compared with the previously presented the same composition by the Belarusian counterpart Gleb Matvechuk.

About participation in the program Composer talked with representatives of the press. In an interview, he told that he never was engaged in dancing, so some rooms were given to him with difficulty. Preparation for the performance with the song "Chechetka" required 4 rehearsals. But, despite the invested efforts, the singer enjoys the process of performances and communicating with colleagues on the scene.

In May, Alexander Andreevich appeared as a guest in the release of the transfer "tonight", dedicated to famous songs of the 80s-90s, which did not cost without the live performance of retro hits.


  • 2002 - "Wolf"
  • 2007 - "Peasics, like men"
  • 2013 - "Territory of Love"
  • 2014 - The Best
  • 2014 - "Cities"
  • 2014 - "Favorites"
  • 2015 - "Unexpectedly Negadino"
  • 2018 - "Anniversary concert. VEGAS CITY HALL. Live »
  • 2019 - "Love each other!"
  • 2020 - "Autumn-Gold List Falls"
  • 2020 - "Best Songs"

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