Zinetula Bilyaletdinov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Hockey 2021



The multiple world and European hockey champion, the owner of the gold medals of the Olympic Games in Sarajevo Zinetula Bilyaletdinov, completing his career in great sports, raised not one generation of Russian and overseas players. Now the former defender of the Moscow Dynamo is held by the post of head coach of the Kazan Club "Ak Bars" and performs the duties of the Vice-President and the general manager of the famous team.

Childhood and youth

Zinetula Hydarovich Bilyaletdinov, Tatar for nationality, was born in Moscow on March 13, 1955 in the family of no famous employees of the Soviet industry. Hydar's father was a native of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which in the postwar years moved to the capital and spent most of his life in the team of the Red Bogatyr shoe factory. Mother Namameric worked on logging, and then gave birth to three children and before retirement, she worked as a cleaner in the shops of the confectionery plant "Red October".

As a schoolboy, Zineatul was fond of many things: participated in sports competitions and played on wind instruments in the children's ensemble of the pioneer camp. For the summer, the boy sent to relatives to the village of Pitsu, where the future champion spent a lot of time in the fresh air and strengthened his health, running around the surroundings with neighboring guys.

In Moscow, Zinetula visited the secondary institution and played in Hockey in his free time in the amateur team organized by the former football player Arkady Larionov. Under the supervision of the midfielder of the Kiev "Dynamo", adolescents themselves poured the skating rink and mastered the skills of skiing and skills to work with a stick and washer. The mentor helped the guys with advice and tried to provide inventory.

As a result, the yard club won the district hockey competitions and got to the prestigious youth tournament "Golden Washer", where the abilities of the Bilyaletdinov strikers were interested in the Metropolitan Club "Dynamo" Stanislav Petukhov and Alexander Kvasnikov.

Solving the fate of the young, hiding hidden hockey player, coaches invited the boys to a sports school, and after a couple of years they had a technical forward, skillfully owning the key and attacking techniques.


Bilyaletdinova's professional biography began in 1971 with debut at international competitions in Poland. There, the attacker retrained to the defender and showed skills in the selection of washers and holding the opponent's onslaught.

Conscreasing in this position, Zinetul, whom Sasha comrades called Sasha, got into the starting lineup of Moscow "Dynamo" and under the supervision of experienced mentors became one of the key players of the Soviet hockey.

For 15 years spent in the metropolitan club, Bilyaletdinov played 588 matches, scored 63 washers at the USSR championships and became the owner of the National Cup and a repeated silver medalist of the Soviet Union championship.

Even in his youth, the pupil of coaches Vitaly Davydov and Arkady Chernyshev was invited to the national team. Taking a leading place in the defense of the National Team, Zineatul participated in the 1978 memorial championship and made an invaluable contribution to the victory of the domestic hockey on the Grozny Czechs, for 2 years the tournament's gold medals have conquered.

After the competition in an interview with journalists, the player admitted that this winnings cost a team of tremendous effort, and, reaching a maximum, players cried from joy under the sounds of the USSR anthem. This triumph brought Bilyaletdinov the title of Honored Master of Sports. From 1976 to 1988, Hockey player justified him, helping the team to overcome strong rivals at the international competitions of the highest rank.

During the game career, Dynamo was participating in 253 matches of the national team, and with the third attempt won together with colleagues Cup of Canada in 1981. In addition, the hockey player became the author of 8 pucks into the goal of rivals at the World Championships and the Olympic Games and 6 times became the gold medalist of the main hockey tournament since 1978 to 1986.

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A distinctive feature of Bilyaletdinov-hockey player was the irrepressible desire to improve game skills. Mastering the theory, he chose the most effective ways to improve the game and fixed them in a diary, headed with the arrival of a professional league. Therefore, after parting with the club and the team, the defender at number 14 has accumulated a solid luggage of knowledge and practical techniques that have become a good help at the beginning of coaching activities in 1988.

The first wards of Zinetula Highiyarovich became the athletes HC Dynamo Moscow, where the novice mentor became the right hand of the head coach Yuri Moiseeva. By the time the photo of the defender of the metropolitan team had already taken its place in the club museum, and hockey players were incredibly glad to work with a great player to be honored with this honor.

Zinetula Bilyaletdinov and Vladimir Putin

However, the "second roles" did not suit the former defender in their homeland, and in 1993 he went to the Ocean with a successful circumstance and became the Assistant of the Chief Coach of the Canadian Club "Winnipeg Jets", having received the opportunity to get acquainted with the Western Hockey Players Program.

Soon the team from the main city of Manitoba Province moved to America, and Bilyaletdinov was lucky enough to expand its own theoretical and practical knowledge in the process of communicating with leading experts of foreign clubs collected in the NHL Championship.

Later the acquired experience mentor used in the Moscow Dynamo, which he headed in 1997. The new technique, which included strict discipline and intensive physical training, turned out to be effective. The metropolitan club became the leader of the Russian championship and in 1999 declared the winner of the Euroleague tournament, and the 2000-M earned gold medals of the National Championship.

These achievements were impressed by the leadership of the Russian hockey federation, and in 2004, the Dynamo mentor instructed concerns about the main team of the country. In the intervals between the international competitions, Bilyaletdinov worked in the Swiss "Lugano" and Omsk "avant-garde", and after the departure of the head coach of the Russian team, the Kazan "Ak Bars" was headed for many years.

The achievements of Zineatuly Highiamarov are among the European Champions Cup, the Gagarin Cup and the Gold Medals of the Championship of Russia and the World Championship of 2012.

Personal life

In the mid-1970s, Bilyaletdinov married a classmate by Nadezhda. Since then, the spouses are happy in their personal life.

Despite the tight work schedule and frequent business trips, Zinetula Khayiyarovich always tried to pay time to his wife and daughter Natalia, who, having matured, learned on a lawyer and married the hockey player Stanislav Romanova. It was not surprising, because in a sports family, it was unlikely to occur differently.

When Bilyaletdinov had grandchildren, Alexander, the eldest son Natalia and Stanislav, continued the tradition of father and grandfather and is currently a player of the capital CSKA and the youth hockey team and pleases relatives with success, posing photos from games and workouts on the official page in "Instagram" .

Zainetula Bilyaletdinov Now

Now the famous hockey player and the coach still stays in excellent physical form and continues to work in responsible posts in the Kazan club "Ak Bars".

The owner of the indomitable energy, the mentor of the current champion of Russia at the end of January 2019 went on the ice "Tatneft-Arena" and performed a shootout in the first semifinal match of the KHL stars.

Awards and achievements

As a player

  • 1976 - Winner of the USSR Cup
  • 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986 - World Champion
  • 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987 - European champion
  • 1978 - Honored Master of Sports
  • 1979 - Cup Winner
  • 1981 - Winner of the Cup of Canada
  • 1984 - Olympic champion

As coach

  • 2000 - Champion of Russia (Dynamo Moscow)
  • 2006, 2009, 2010,2018 - Champion of Russia ("AK BARS")
  • 2007 - European Champions Cup owner (AK BARS)
  • 2008 - the owner of the Continental Cup (Ak Bars)
  • 2009, 2010, 2018 - Gagarin Cup owner (Ak Bars)
  • 2010 - World Champion (Russian national team)

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