John Warren - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "We will eat!" 2021.



There is a common belief that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach. But, as practice shows, beautiful culinary abilities are easy to conquer both female. This is confidently declare and prove on their own example and Gordon Ramzi, and John Warren, invariably collecting the multi-million-dollar army of housewives from the screens. For the number of personal fans of the last TV presenter at the end of February 2019, journalists attributed to the actress Lyubov Tolkalin.

Childhood and youth

At the end of September 1968, the 28th, in Miami, the engineer of the Aeronautics and his wife, who worked in the airline "Eastern", was born the son of John. Soon after his appearance, parents decided to move to the UK. Father disappeared for a long time on business trips, so all concerns about children (Warren has another sister Harriet) and their upbringing fell on the shoulders of the mother.

As the TV presenter told the TV presenter in one of the numerous interviews by the Russian media, he had no classic family when close relatives support and love each other. And therefore, in his most striking memoirs of childhood, adults constantly found the relationship between themselves on elevated colors. When John turned 7 years old, he was sent to the famous closed Winchester College College, built in the 14th century.

From an early age, the boy was interested in musical art - he owned the piano and horn, solired in the choir and even tried his forces in the conduction. And pocket money invariably spent on the plates. It was this passionate passion that played a "evil joke" with him - hearing the Hymn of the Soviet Union on TV, the teenager caught fire to learn as much as possible about this country.

By the age of 12, he learned to talk at the "great and mighty", knew several customs and rites and met literature, starting with Pushkin's "peak lady."

When it was time to be determined with the university, the choice of the guy fell on University of Bristol, during the stay in which the student is easily reading the work in Russian. As a thesis project, Mikhail Bulgakov was chosen. At the same time, John finally realized that the future would like to tie exclusively with Russia.

However, about his roots and pedigree, Warren does not forget: on his hand, a ring with a family coat of arms periodically grows. Now his mother lives in the village near Baseingstock, father - in a small town near Birmingham, sister - in London.

Career and business

The decision to move to Russia, the guy did not postpone on later and carried out it immediately after the university graduation - in the 9th day of October 1991. The homeland of Alexander Pushkin and Fedor Dostoevsky met an ambitious British far from open arms. Even at the Moscow Airport, a 22-year-old boyfriend in the neck, a bullet from the driver of the watch seater was pleased. But everything went out, and John did not refuse his own dream.

At first, Warren worked in the Swiss company engaged in the trade of grain crops, and after 3 years he managed to open his own business on the export of sunflower seeds in Rostov. However, during the default, the loss of a huge amount of money was happening, forced to leave to the UK. Despite the initial desire to quit everything, "at home" John felt not in his plate. And returned.

"Then I was knocking on the idea of ​​making sausages. Began to do in my kitchen. All 5 star hotels that opened up then bought from me. All day did sausages, and then I drove them at night. Then it became more orders - moved to Korolev. I had a very beautiful sausage shop there, "Warren told.


The television has a thrust businessman and did not dream, but it seems to dream about him. The project, invented by him and his friend, worked in this area, literally in one evening in the kitchen, suddenly they suddenly perceived "with a bang."

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In 2012, John became a face of culinary transmission on the NTV channel "Let's go, fight!". The most exotic dishes that he had to taste during filming were: the gastric goose, the pate, cooked from the head of the fish, the paw of the bear and others. For the efforts, he was awarded by several national prizes (Food Show Awards, "Smroethel"). By the way, to the project, John did not touch the meat at all and adhered to vegetarianism.

After 2 years, the creative biography was replenished with "male dignity" with a note of 18+, where the main life principles of the strong half of humanity were discussed - both "simple mortals" and celebrities.

Personal life

As for personal life, it is known that he married the Russian woman Elena Domrina, who gave the beloved wife of the only child Alex. At the time of dating, the woman was a secretary, and after a divorce with her husband stood on the journalistic path."Of course, I support Alex in any case. And through this freedom we have become with him best friends. I love our relationship, "John shared the stories about the Son, who received education in London.

Then he twisted the novel lasting in 5 years with a girl from Norilsk named Alena, working in the field of insurance. However, the connection was not ended with a marriage. Now the question about the affairs of hearty John is invariably responsible that there is no longer enough time for exploring the opposite sex because of the employment. By the way, incredible, but the fact: the man has Russian citizenship and not.

John Warren now

John continues to ride in different corners of Russia and replenish its culinary book with new recipes. For example, in February 2019, the project "We will travel!" I managed to visit Karachay-Cherkessia again, where one of the cooked dishes turned out to be shurt.

Warren did not pay attention to the Bashkir capital. In January, in Ufa, he learned the intricacies of the creation of a Baursak and the famous "mirror" cake Olga Soseka, enjoyed Plot and Kystnay, and also visited local attractions - Hockey Match Salavat Yulaeva and the Lyal-Tulip Mosque. Follow the movements and creations of idols, fans can on the program in Facebook.

By the end of the winter of 2019, the name Warren fell into the summary of the latest news not only because of its gastronomic travel. Focusing on a joint shot in the "Instagram" of the TV presenter and the stars of the first two parts of the "Antikiller" Love Tolkalina, journalists concluded that the pair bind more than friendly relations. However, the actress itself spoke quite sharply on this, denying attributed information.

"Photoradscases about the next bitter fact of misses from the life of manufacturers of silent stewards. And after all, not a drop of doubt in the wording, and after all, it was nowhere for the idea that if they wanted to tell, they would tell, "the artist broke out by the righteous anger.


  • 2012-2019 - "Let's go, fight!"
  • 2014-2015 - "Male dignity"

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