Vasily Klyuyevsky - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books, history



Vasily Klyuchevsky - prominent Russian historian, who lived and worked at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. His biography is an example of incredible abilities and purposeful hardworking. Sumy rises from the bottom and enter the circle of the educated society, he made a significant contribution to science.

Among the merit of Klyuchevsky - the creation of a "course of Russian history" in 5 parts in which he puts forward the theory of colonization of Russia as a factor of historical development. The scientific activity of the historian, a supporter of the enlightened autocracy, was not awarded close attention to the Soviet era, only in modern Russia his works appear in the new interpretation.

Childhood and youth

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky was born on January 16 (January 28 for a new style) of 1841 in the village of Voskresenovka Penza province and became the eldest child and the only son from three children of the parish priest of Osip Kuevsky.

Klyuchevsky lived very modestly, if not to say - Poor. And when Vasily was 9 years old, the family and there was a terrible blow - tragically died father. He returned home from the city market and got into a strong thunderstorm: the horses overturned the wagon, the man lost consciousness and choke the water flows. Vasily first found the body of the father and from shocks for a long time he became a bar.

Portrait of Vasily Kuevsky

Remaining without a breadwinner, Klyuchevsky moved to Penza, where they entered the maintenance of the Penza Diocese. Some of the friends of the Father left them a small house, and the orphans and widow settled. Vasily began to study in the spiritual school. But because of the stuttering, the training material could not overcome, the unfortunate threatened to deduct the unity.

Desperate mother simplified one student to work out with her son. And although the teenager worked for a long time and stubbornly, the result was comparable to a miracle. Young Klyuchevsky not only overcame stuttering, but also became a good speaker. After graduating from the school, in 1856 he entered the spiritual seminary. He had to become a priest because he was on the content of the diocese.

However, in the last year, the seminarian commits a bold act - charts the establishment due to "bad health." In fact, Vasily decided to enter Moscow University, whose student becomes, defeated all obstacles, in 1861. The guy chose the Historical Faculty of Philology.


The raging metropolitan life of Manila and frightened the provincial student at the same time. He tried to hold onto the side of political circles, rallies and other student "leisure". Klyuchevsky worked as a tutor to feed the sisters and mother. In 1864-1865, the guy completed his studies at the university. His candidate work was the name of the "Tale of Aliens about the Moscow State" and earned a high assessment. A graduate received a gold medal was left a scholarshot at the department for preparing for the professorship.

Portrait of the historian V.O. Westchevsky. Artist Leonid Pasternak

The master's thesis Klyuchevsky dedicated the unusual and fascinating theme "The ancient Russian lives of saints as a historical source." The historian worked on the labor of 5 years, studied almost a thousand lives, conducted 6 scientific research. After brilliant protection in 1871 he received the right to teach in universities.

The first workplace of the young historian was the Alexander Military School, in which he taught the course of the new general history, replacing his glorified teacher of Sergei Solovyov.

In parallel, he reads lectures at the Department of History in the Moscow Theological Academy and at the Supreme Female Courses, and since 1879 - at Moscow University. Oratoric talent Klyuchevsky for the years of the work of the work is only a commander: lectures he reads with such enthusiasm, which collects students streams, they even stand in line. The historian leads unexpected examples, challenges the accepted points of view, the fillet with quotes and aphorisms, alive and brightly answers questions.

In his speeches, the lecturer arranged entire galleries of historical portraits, including images of Russian monarchs. For example, his ironic statements about the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II, when the historian notices that "since Peter the Great, many wonders moved on the Russian throne." In fact, the Klyuchevsky first began to talk about representatives of the Russian monarchy as ordinary people who are not alien to human weaknesses.

In 1882, Vasily Osipovich defended his doctoral dissertation "Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia" and became a professor of four educational institutions. The achievements and reputation of the young professor were not ignored from the first persons of the state.

In the late 1890s, a number of major historical works are written: "Russian ruble of the XVI-XVIII centuries. In his respect to the current "(1884)," The origin of serfdom in Russia "(1885)," Evgeny Onegin and His ancestors "(1887) and others.

Monument to Vasily Klyuchevsky in Penza

From 1893 to 1895, Klyuchevsky taught the history of the Son of Emperor Alexander III - the Great Prince George Alexandrovich. In this status, he had a personal location of the sovereign, was close to the royal family, was in their society. Despite employment, continues research work, produces a "short allowance for a new history", the third edition of the "Boyar Duma of Ancient Russia".

In 1900, a professor who had already visited the status of the Dean of the Historical and Philology Faculty of Moscow University, the Vice-Rector of this university, as well as the Russian Chairman of the Russian History and Antiquities, was also elected to the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

The beginning of the new century marked the publication of the grand labor of the Kuevsky "course of Russian history" in 5 parts. It can be said that this is the work of his life: the preparation of the book went over 30 years.

Vasily Kuevsky

In it, the professor develops the theory of four historical segments: Dniprovskaya Rus (the basis of the economy - trade), Verineolzhskaya Rus (the state power has passed to the prince), the Great Rus (Management of Kings and Boyar Duma), Imperial Russia (the ruling estate - nobles, the development of the production economy ).

In 1906, Klyuchevsky leaves the spiritual academy, in which he worked for 36 years, despite the protests of students. Now the teacher reads lectures at the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture, where his listeners were many talented artists and artists.

Vasily Osipovich left behind not only an extensive bibliography, but also a whole generation of remarkable students who were outstanding historical scientists. Among them, Pavel Milyukov, Matvey Lubavsky, Alexander Kizhevetter, Mikhail Bogoslovsky, Sergey Bakhrushin.

Personal life

In the late 1860s, Vasily, already being a teacher in a military school, makes the first steps in his personal life, begins to care for Anna Borodina - the older sister of his student. But Anna rejected the walling of the historian, wanting to devote himself to orphaned nephews.

Unexpectedly, the Klyuchevsky for all in 1869 married Anna's older sister - Anice, who by that time was considered "who stuck in the girls." She was then 32, and she was 3 years older than the groom, but it was not embarrassed by Klyuchevsky.

Contemporaries describe a scientist far from the classic canons of beauty by man, attributing to him the appearance of the parish ass: an inexpressive face, a rare beard, a little ironic facial expression. But it was worth a man to tie a conversation, as his incredible charisma manifested.

Vasily Klyuchevsky on mortal odds

Biographers Klyuchevsky report that the spouses carried a tenderness after a whole life to each other. But Anice did not become close to the Spirit man for Vasily Osipovich. But with her younger sisters - Anna and hope - Klyuchevsky supported a trusting correspondence.

But Anice Mikhailovna took care of the life, house and economy, because in these matters, like most scientists, her spouse was absolutely helpless. The married couple brought up the only son of Boris, who graduated from Moscow University and helped his father in his scientific activity, although he did not have a special aspiration.

Also, his niece Elizabeth Kornev grew up on the rights of his native daughter of the professor in the family. The girl in 1906 married and soon died from Chakhotka. After 3 years, Anice Mikhailovna died - the woman died suddenly during one of the hikes to the temple.


For the Klyuchevsky, the death of his wife became a blow, after which he did not recover. The outstanding scientist and teacher died on May 12 (May 25, in the new style) of 1911 in Moscow due to a protracted illness. Vasily Osipovich's grave is located on the cemetery of the Don Monastery.

Vasily Kuevilsky's grave

In memory of the Russian historian in 1991, his house-museum in Penza was opened. The exposition is located in a memorial building where the enlightener lived. In the same year, a bust and a memorial plaque are opened in his native village of Voskresenovka. On October 11, 2008, a monument to Vasilia Kuznetsova was established in Penza.


"Being neighbors do not mean being close." "To be happy means not to want to get anything." "The frankness is not a gullibility at all, but only a bad habit of thinking out loud." "Axioma is the truth that evidence has not been enough."


  • 1866 - "Delatives of foreigners about the Moscow State"
  • 1871 - "Ancient Russian lives of saints"
  • 1872 - "Pskov disputes"
  • 1878 - "Tale of the wonders of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God"
  • 1880 - "Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia"
  • 1885 - "The origin of serfdom in Russia"
  • 1887 - "Evgeny Onegin and His ancestors"
  • 1890 - "Composition of representation at the Zemstvo Cathedrals of Ancient Russia"
  • 1904-1922 - "Round Russian History"

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