Handa Cough - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In the late 80s, the Soviet spectators plunged into television experiences for the fate of the main characters of Ferid and Kamran's foreign TV series "Korolev - Poultry Poultry". As they say, the classic does not age and relevant at all times. And therefore, in 2013, the modern same named drama was released on the screens again, shot in Turkey. In the role of the cunning beauty of Azelia shone the actress and part-time model of the chanda cooked.

Childhood and youth

On the second day of the last winter month of 1987 in the city of Inegel, located in the province of Bursa, from the Macedonia Hamdi and his wife, Bulgarian immigrant, Sebhahat, was born a second child (Handa has an elder brother Bedirhan).

Happy parents chose a symbolic name for her daughter - in translated from the Turkish language, it means "smile." And as the girl matured, the girl completely corresponded to his meaning - had a fun and easy temper, being an example for the younger sister Bennce. By the way, all the children in the family coally chose the acting as a matter of life.

Tracting to theater sphere appeared at Handa since the school bench - the girl willingly participated in performances and productions. After studying in the local lyceum Turgut Alp Anadolu Lisesi, she became a student of the psychological faculty of the Istanbul University of Bulli. Here the girl began to take the lessons of scenic skills and seriously engaged in dancing.

As I admitted in one of the numerous interviews, education is an important part of a person's life, especially the actor, and be just talented enough. At the same time, it added that its specialty has largely helped in the profession chosen.

Often on its own pages on the social network "Instagram", Bens, Handa and Bedirkhan lay out joint publications, and also do not forget about their favorite father and mother, devoting to them touching posts.


It is said that no accidents - supposedly fate or providence themselves lead a person at the right time in the right place. It happened with Handa. Once she decided to visit the Comedy Shop's local comedy show as a viewer. But the leading Tagge of Chevik on the scenario was needed by a man from the hall, and they turned out to be cooked. The room lasted for 45 minutes together with 5 planned - with its sudden role, the Turkish beauty coped to perfectly.

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After the program, its producer, completely fascinated by charm, sincerity and organic, cooked in front of the camera, opened the doors to the show business. Thanks to his efforts, in the same 2008, Casting was held in "Little Women", not possessing a special education for this.

The shooting in the debut series occupied a little less than 5 years old and brought a novice actress mad popularity and love of the impressive army of fans. It is also known that during work on a premiere project, he fell into a car accident and got injuries to the blades and ribs. However, everything cost.

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Next, the filmography of the performer was invariably replenished with televisionary paintings - to the remake of the cult "king", the girl lit up in the multi-sized films "like sin", "Alev-Alev", "every marriage deserves the second chance" and "Fatih. The Conqueror".

In 2014, a new section appeared in a creative biography - full-length tapes. The first were the "connected souls", in 2016 in Tandem with Challor Ertugrole, the girl starred in "We will call you back, then the list continued to" sesame paste "with Berk Atan.

Personal life

Behind celebrity shoulders - two marriages. At first, the star of the "magnificent century" Okan Yalabyk was not resistant to the beauty of the chanda (the same Ibrahim Pasha). There were rumors that the novel rose when the man supported the coral during her recovery after the car accident.

Handa Cave and Okan Yalaby

In 2012, they got married, but the family existed a couple of years. The reasons for separation were put forward by journalists and fans of many - from excessive employment until the lack of a child. The spouses themselves commented on their decision "difference in characters and irreconcilable contradictions in their views."

By the way, then the Oakan also tried to build relationships with actress named Handa, but with Dogandamer case before the wedding did not come. In 2015, when sad changes came in the personal life of the ex-beloved change, Naoche, on the contrary, had a fateful acquaintance with Ismail Demirgin on the set of "Unnamed."

And at the beginning of 2017, the fans were delighted with a pleasant news - the actors announced the engagement, and on October 14, they became her husband and wife. The groom drank in a snow-white suit with a black butterfly, and the bride - in a lace dress with an open back and a long loop.

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The festive roller and pictures from the celebration of the artist and now willingly shares with Follovers. Frequent joint publications of Canda accompanies recognition.

"You are always with me in my happiest days," says one of the many records dedicated to the spouse.

And once in an interview admitted that love turns her into a happy person, whom everything turns over inside, and the world seems unchanged beautiful.

Couple travels often, and also visits secular events. For example, on the day of lovers - 2019, they visited the GQ TURKIYE MEN OF THE YEAR awards awards ceremony.

Handa Cave now

From 2018, the coral participates in the series "Reborn Ertugruh", where he starred with Esro Bilgich. One day it was not even without injury. As the media wrote, during the battle on swords with the executiver, the role of Ilbilge Hatun happened an accident - she was injured in her hand.
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The artist is lightningly taken to the hospital, where the doctor reported that the cut was not hazardous, and she returned to work. However, omniscient paparazzi the next day after the incident captured the artist in the trading center in the dressing.

In parallel with the acting career, Handa successfully conquers both a feshen-industry, willingly remove in promotional photo shoots for popular brands of clothing and cosmetics and glossy magazine covers. This allows you to make an excellent figure, demonstrated in the outfits and swimsuits, as well as growth (163 cm) and weight (56 kg).


  • 2008-2010 - "Little women"
  • 2011 - "Like sin"
  • 2012-2013 - "Alev-Alev"
  • 2013 - "Fatih. The Conqueror"
  • 2014 - "Korolev - Poultry Hanging"
  • 2014 - "Connected Souls"
  • 2014 - "Every marriage deserves a second chance"
  • 2017 - "We will call you back"
  • 2017 - "Unnamed"
  • 2018-2019 - "Reborn Ertugrola" ("Risen Ertugrull")

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