Afonya - character biography, image and character, quotes, actor


Character History

Character of the Soviet Liric Comedy of the same name. Non-swivel plumbing, whose life changes after meeting with Katya girl.

History of creation

The film "Afonya" removed in 1975 director Georgy Deliay, the creator of the Kin-Dza-Dza-dza, popular in Soviet times! " And Mimino. The role of Afoni, Non-Swivel Plumbing, played actor Leonid Kuravlev, and in the role of the main character - Nurse Kati Snegirev - starred Evgenia Simonova.

Directed by George Dannelia

Interestingly, simonova at the time of filming the film has already been an agreement about working in another project. The actress planned to go to Bashkiria for all summer to starve there in the missing expedition. Therefore, all the episodes where Katya participates, had to be expening hastily in three days. And the director was originally intended to invite Vladimir Vysotsky for the role of Afoni. In the scenario, the scene was even spelled out where the hero plays the guitar.

The shooting of the film "Afonya", organized by the Mosfilm film studio, took place in the summer of 1974. The place of filming was the city of Yaroslavl. A recognizable urban objects have fallen into the frame, some of which have not been preserved to our time. Among them are the Transfiguration Monastery, Khrushchev North Area Bragino, the street of freedom with the department store Yaroslavl, the embankment. For the filming of the scenes, which took place in Borshovka, went to the village of Diyevo-Gorodishche near Yaroslavl.

Actor Leonid Kuravlev in 2017

In the episode, where Afonya will spend the night in the apartment of Kati, there is a moment when the horse is visible outside the window that d'theft drains. Critics considered it a successful find of the director, the metaphor of the future life of Kati, who will have to drag alcoholic Athos. However, in fact, this moment was removed by chance.


Athanasius Borschov on the nicknamed "Afonya" is a young Soviet plumber, drinking and unavailable. Daily, the hero is looking for where to drink a couple with a friend Fedul. The hero is little interested in work and thinks mainly about how to harbor the Magarych client - a treat for services.

Afonya (Leonid Kuravlev in youth)

Beer is a place where the hero loves to spend time. There Afonya is getting acquainted with the plaster. Freshly baked buddies drink and together fall home to Athos. There hero is waiting for the mistress of Tamara, who expects that Afonya will be salary. Seeing the hero drunk in the company, there is no one, Tamara Scandalith, drives over Kolya and leaves himself. Afonya remains without a woman.

At work in the hipe from the hero, nothing good is awaited. When the time comes to distribute travelers from Ptopans, they do not "attach anyone" to Athos, because it is confident that it is impossible to learn anything sensible from the hero. Athoon insists that the trainees are "issued". However, it does not pass and the day, as trainees run away from Afoni themselves, looking at how he works.

The new friend of Afoni plaster Kolya, meanwhile, also overtake trouble. The wife exposes Nicholas to the street and he asks to live to Athos for a while. Hero initially did not even admit to the coola of the man, with whom he drank yesterday, but to live to himself. Throwing a barely familiar man in the apartment, Afonya goes on dancing.

Afonya and his buddy Kohl

There he is met by Katya. That indirectly knows about Athos since school years and mysteriously feeds tender feelings to the hero. Brother Kati in school years played with Afonya in the same volleyball team and told his sister about the hero. This turned out to be enough for Katya to fall in love with Athos.

Afonya himself little draws attention to Katya. The hero like older women, and one just attracts Afonino attention. After dancing Afonya, it is sent to take a walk with the parent, however, on the way to the hero, hooligans are attacked. On this romance ends. Hooligans beat Athos, and Katya is calling the police.

The hero falls into the department, and while Afonya is located there, the shower begins on the street. Katya all this time is waiting for a hero and flies to the thread. The hero sees a girl when from the police go home, and calls Katya with him. Once at Athoni at home, Katya drinks tea and leaves, not wanting to stay overnight.

Frame from the film

Afonya is still fascinated by Katya. New Love interest Hero finds during work when he comes to call to a woman named Elena. Afonya falls in love at first sight and is accepted immediately dreaming of kids and family idyll. For the sake of the new Beloved Afonya, the fashionable steel shell of Finnish production from one apartment and gives that Elena, and the robbed citizen puts a simple cast-iron shell. Katya, in the meantime, trying to attract the attention of Afoni and is looking for new meetings with the hero.

In the meantime, in the meantime, they decide whether Athos will dismiss the drunkenness and fights. "Pops up" and stealing Finnish shell, which is required to return to the rightful owner. For Afoni, this is an occasion once again to meet with Elena. The hero is lucky to replace the porcelain sink into the flower, but he detects the noisy company in the house. The hero understands that this woman sees only plumbing in it and prefers men wealthy and trendy.

Afonya and Elena Orlova

After such a shake, the hero falls into depression, which is trying to treat alcohol by going with a friend in a restaurant. However, the usual method does not help, and Afonya goes home to Kate. There, the hero offers the girl hand and heart and remains from Kati spent the night. In the next morning, Afonya escapes, stating that he drank too much on the day before.

Meanwhile, Kolya's plasters decides to start a new life and returns to his wife. Afonya himself also wants to start a new life and to start decides to go to the village to the aunt, which brought up a hero in childhood. With a teaching hero, I have not seen since then how went to the army.

Arriving in the village, the hero meets the old friend and a friend of childhood, which is now working as a tractor driver. Returning to each other, the heroes together give a telegram to the city, reporting that Afonya leaves from work, and the apartment drops. After this decisive gesture, the hero suddenly learns that the aunt died a year ago. In such news, Afonya flows into an even deeper depression. Going a hero has nowhere and everything is lost. From the aunt, there was a house and a savings record, which that started on the name of the hero.

Afonya and Katya

In desperation, the hero goes to the mail to call the Kate, but at that end of the Wire, Athos report that Katya left. In the upset feelings, the hero goes to the airfield to fly away from the eyes look and put a cross on their own biography. However, the hero's aircraft catch up with Katya with a suitcase.


"And what are you not having dinner, camel or what?" "Conscience I have in! With a trailer! And there is no time. " "- Uncle, white dance! Ladies invite cavaliers. - And you yourself are a lady, or what? - And this is my business, personal. "You're a goat, not a lady." "- From whom we run? - Well, from myself. "Yes, it's possible to escape from myself, but you will not run away from the police." "So you have come to, borschov! You do not know who you yourself! Or maybe it's undergoing? Or a criminal who is looking for the police! Have you checked documents? " "- Are you satisfied with your life? - Very, very satisfied! And you? - No. - Well, in vain! And why-U-uh? - I am philosophically treating it. - Well, if philosophically, so I'm not very ... "


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