SIZO "Sailor Silence": Moscow, photo, inside, where, interesting facts, cameras


Among the specific institutions attributed to the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service, there are enough places that are in comparison with the rest of greater fame, if not popular. In Moscow, to such "popular" locations, intended for the content of the violators of the rule of law, of course, and the investigative insulator number 1, more known as the Syrosk Silence detention center.

Interesting facts about this institution - in material 24cm.

Here is this street, this house

SIZO No. 1, as well as a number of similar places in prison, has an unofficial name - "Sailor Silence". Despite the gloomy shade, there has nothing to do with the sailors, forever "subsided" in the walls of this institution. And obtained in honor of the street, where the building of the investigative isolator is located.

Photo of SIZO

But the street itself was so named in reality. Even in the century of the board of Peter I, a sailing factory with an adjacent sailor settlement was placed in the area. The factory subsequently moved closer to the water - to Novgorod. And the sailors remained. True, now only the elderly veterans who have lost their health and youth in battles and left to live their days on the state security - in the building built on the place of the former settler of the alone.

Since the factory lived in the institution, and it was located away from a noisy city center, and the authorities demanded to observe the peace regime, forbidden in the vicinity of the Laddle, even the passage of the Matrossevaya Silence in the neighborhood. And subsequently, this name got the street.

Transformation series

Before his walls placed the detention center, a variety of organizations quartered in the building of SIZO "Syrosk Silence". But all one way or another were associated with the content of offenders.

So, at the end of the XVIII century, the so-called "straitable house for precision" was opened here, which contained "in constant work", whose behavior was characterized as "indecent and impossible." Then, in the 1870s, the institution was transformed into a Moscow correctional prison, calculated on the maintenance of three hundred men and twice as fewer female representatives.

After the October Revolution, the Reformatorium was organized on the basis of a correctional institution, which was carried out on the re-education and socialization of the laws of young people from 17 years to 21 years before 21 years. Subsequently, the experience gained for the short time of the establishment of the institution was used in the 20s-30s of the 20th century when creating labor homes for minor offenders.

Adult criminals came to replace young people. In 1919, the "reformatory" was transformed first to the Moscow Sokolnic Investigative Prison, and four years later - to Sokolniche Neratrurchad. After the Second World War, a new reorganization happened, and the institution replaced the sign, becoming prison No. 14. And only in 1956 it was called "Investigative Isolator No. 1".

Information is also found that during the Great Patriotic War, the "Matrosskaya Silence" became the institution was called "leather correctional colony". However, the documentary evidence of this fact was not found.

Himself a fence

When the conversation comes on places of imprisonment, the first one comes to mind a certain area, fenced with a high fence with a constant decoration from barbed wire. In the case of the SIZO Silence, a similar submission is not quite true.

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Of course, without the "barbing" it was not. But the fence is not limited to the fence as a fence. It is enough to look at any photo of the detention facility, made from above to make sure that the building itself, having a trapezoid form, is partially replacing all sorts of other fences, representing a kind of barrier that prevents the run of prisoners.

The word shepherd

At the end of the XIX century, the temple was delivered on the territory of the prison, in which the services of the representatives of the Church were held. Unfortunately, in the turbulent revolutionary years, the Bolshevik struggle was destroyed.

The period of "worn" in the territory of the SIZO lasted almost a century. Only in 2018 in the "sailor silence" built the prison temple of the icon of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy". Here now weekly on weekends. And a regularly coming priest teaches detainees who are in the SIZO, waiting for trial and sentence, how to pray. And there is a disbelief conversation with those who want to correct.

Not a holiday home

The leadership of the investigative insulator seeks to improve the conditions of detention of detainees as possible. But not all the premises within the institution are regularly repaired, although the work in this direction is constantly being conducted, gradually changing not only the appearance of the SIZO Silence SIZO, but also the chambers finish.

The main problem of the SIZO is terrible overcrowding, due to which in the chambers of 12 square meters. m live instead of 3-5 people and a half dozen offenders and more. It comes to the point that the trite lacks the beds. Because of what detainees are forced to either sleep in turn, either independently craying at the level of the second-third tier of the beds hammocks. However, the establishment of the establishment of the institution is trying to decide.

So, for example, the bosses of the SIZO repeatedly appealed to the higher authorities with a request to transfer the part of prisoners into other prison institutions, requests were satisfied.


SIZO "Sailor Silence" Schedule for the people contained in his walls is subject to a rigorous schedule. Wake-up - at 6:00. Issue - at 22:00. Lighting in cameras does not turn off even at night. There is a daily walk with a duration of one hour. Washing in the shower - once a week, all procedures are given 15 minutes, during which hot water is served.

Camera in SIZO

From leisure, there is a viewing of the TV in the watches allotted for this. The list of allowed programs is determined by the management of the SIZO. Also in the institution there is a library that does not indulge, however, a variety of literature. And not particularly popular a club in which prisoners can manifest themselves creatively.

Local celebrities

Prior to the beginning of the 90s, no one thought census in the remand insulator "celebrities". But the situation has changed when, after the events of August 1991, the entire top of the State Committee for Emergency Regulations (GCCP), which, among other things, included the following high-ranking persons:

  • Vice President of the USSR Gennady Yanaev;
  • Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Vladimir Crochekov;
  • Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov;
  • Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov.
One of the checks of the SIZO

So after the institution "visited" such noble "Velmazby", "Sailor Silence" and found the first fame among the general public. Subsequently, other people have been replenished with other people from criminal authorities to political figures. Among them:

  • The thief in the law Vyacheslav Ivankov on nicknamed a Jap;
  • famous by the whole range of high-profile killer killer Alexander Solonik on nicknamed Macedonian;
  • Oleg Kostarev, who organized the terrorist attack in 2006 in the Cherkizovsky market (14 people died as a result of the explosion, including two children, more than 60 were injured);
  • Organizer of the Financial Pyramid "MMM" Sergey Mavrodi;
  • The scandalous famous owner of Mirax Group Sergei Polonsky;
  • Condemned for an attempt to obtain a bribe of 17 million rubles by the mayor of Yaroslavl Evgeny Urlashov;
  • Hiding taxes of oligarch and co-owner of the oil company Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

In 2021, the "Matrosskaya Silence" SIZO was added to the "Honor Meeting" of the SIZO, the name and Russian public figure and blogger Alexei Navalny, who violated the conditions of the probationary period in the fraud case.


In the history of "sailor silence" was not without the shoots of prisoners. Among the most outstanding, as a rule, mention:
  1. Sergey Ershov's escape, who was able to disassemble the wall of the investigative insulator with the help of a spoon and get out of them, where the law enforcement officers were detained during the day;
  2. Escape with the help of an unbearable accomplice from among the employees of the insulator accused of double murder Oleg Topalov, who had selected from the SIZO using climbing equipment: detained in a day, the accusations of murders were subsequently removed, but the arrest followed the unauthorized staying place of imprisonment;
  3. The most exemplary is considered to be the escape performed by the famous hired killer by Alexander Solonik, who was never caught, - the criminal helped S. Sergei Menshikov, who was hiding along with a fugitive and later, according to investigators, last and killed.

In mass culture

SIZO "Syrosk Silence" was repeatedly mentioned in different artworks, ranging from Bloother lyrics and literature, for authorship, including former arrests, ending with performances and documentary films.

So, several books called "Sailor Silence" and dedicated to the SIZO are written. The authors distinguished: Ivan Mazutin, Boris Sedov, Valery Karyshev. Alexander Galich, who created the eponymous play, although it does not apply to the work of the institution directly, makes it a peculiar symbol of non-free in the Soviet post-war Russia.

Alexander Marshal and Yevgeny Kemerovo, Igor Slutsky and Mikhail Rough, and dozens of other singers working in the magnitude of the Bloom Lyrics were performed about the "Sailor Silence". And as a place of action, the resulting insulator has repeatedly appeared in all sorts of artistic and documentary paintings.

Scandalous Slava

Enough for the share of "Sailor Silence" and all sorts of scandals. There were rumors about the presence of special "apartments" in the SIZO for wealthy "customers". There, unlike standard cameras, the conditions of detention differed did not differ from the hotel: no more than three people in the room, TV, refrigerator and other benefits of civilization. Subsequently, the information was confirmed, which led to the dismissal of a number of senior staff.

On the territory of the investigative insulator, the prisoners were repeatedly repeatedly for various reasons - as a result of beatings from both the cells and employees of the SIZO, from hunger, from the overdose of narcotic drugs. It was not necessary without suicide cases.

Among the last scandalous milestones in the history of the existence of the SIZO Silence, the detection on the territory of the institution of the underground call center. Prisoners under the guise of employees of banking technical support and operationalists or law enforcement officers were engaged in fraud, having lured money from naive victims with all sorts of paths.

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