BU bu stuart - photo, biography, personal life, news, films 2021



BU bu stuart is one of the bright and charismatic actors of the American cinema. He is talented in everything - in Wresting, where he showed high results, in music and acting profession. At Stuart, the numerous army of fans, which accurately follows his work, and each role becomes a confirmation of the status of a superstar.

Childhood and youth

BU Boo was born on January 21, 1994 in California. Niels Parents Allen Stewart and Rene Stewart are professional actors. Couple brings up four children. In addition to bu, there are still daughters: Senior Megan, younger PhiFeel and Sage. Boy's father is a professional cascade. The acting profession came after the completion of the career in wrestling. Plays in movies, engaged in producing. Rene Stewart's wife is also filmed in film projects, but she still leaves her family more time.

Real Name Pinewear - Nils Allen Stewart - Jr. To the question why his name is BU BU, the actor explains what the parents gave him a nickname in childhood, so it has become stuck.

Looking at the appearance of the bu bu, it is difficult to understand what nationality actor. From the side of the father there are Scottish, Russian and Indian roots. The mother also has a mixed origin - here the ancestors were the Japanese, Koreans and the Chinese.

All children of Famirt Stewart are known in show business. Senior daughters and son already consisted of actors. The younger sister boasts also makes the first steps in the acting profession. According to Stuart Jr., the father constantly inspires and supports each of the children to try a new one, to look for themselves. This lies the main cause of the success of the Stuart clan.

Like Niels Allen, BU BU is engaged in martial arts, on his account 2 won world championships. Sports skills open access to first child roles.

Boo will manage to engage in music and, together with sisters, Megan and Phievel acts in the TSC group ("Clan Stewart"). In 2006, it becomes a member of another T-Squad musical team. Repeatedly participates in the recording of soundtracks to films, including with the participation of itself.


The first role in the biography of Stuart Jr. receives in the episode of the series "Ambulance". In 2004, the young actor is filmed in the film "Skeleton", which plays the role of a warrior child. Participates in the TV series "Dante Bay", "Everyone hates Chris," "Keep, Charlie." Participation in small roles on serious projects affects professional growth.

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The turning period occurs in 2010, when the BU bu gets the role of the Werewolf Clearwater Seta in the film "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse". Participation in the project brings world recognition to Stewart.

Fans of Vampire Saga immediately note the unusual appearance and athletic character data (the growth of the actor 173 cm, weight 70 kg). In addition, the waswolf set receives a special location of the audience at the expense of friendship with the main character of the film, Vampire Edward Callen.

During the decisive fight, he fearlessly fights with the vampires of another kind of Riley and Victoria, who wish to destroy the Seven Callens, and first of all Bella. The set can immediately learn about the color of the wool - its wolf is sandy.

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In this episode, it is possible to destroy only one enemy - Riley, and the threat to the vampire family remains open. Seth goes together with the main clutch of Saga Jacob from the wolf pack, to continue to accompany and protect Callens.

After the successful role of the bu bu stuart is removed in a number of films, which only strengthen interest in the work of the actor. Among them and "X-People: the days of the last future," where the guy plays the role of James Praudestara, or Varpatcha.

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In 2015, the BU will play Jay in the musical fantasy disney "Heirs." After the successful premiere and positive feedbacks of film critics in 2017, viewers receive the continuation of the film about adventures of adolescents in Auradon. In 2019, the 3rd part of the fantastic musical with the participation of the younger Stewart.

In an interview for the Wamg site (We Are Movie Geeks), bu boh asked, in which franchise the actor dreams to be played.

"I would like to participate in the" Lord of the Rings. " Even if I just killed me in the background, I don't care. I could be an elf, "Shared the creative dream of a star.

Personal life

As with most celebrities, personal life bu bu Stuart under constant attention of the press and fans. It was rumored that in the period from 2010 to 2012, his girl was a Canadian actress Jodelle Ferland. Then there were conversations that the young actor meets with Samanta Boscarino.

It is known that since 2014 (on other information, since 2016), Stewart connects a strong relationship with American actress Megan Trainer. After publications of joint photos on the official page of the girl in the social network "Instagram" there were rumors about the close relations of artists.

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The public received a confirmation when the train wrote that he would lay out joint photos with a bu on a separate page in "Instagram".

The actor open the official page in "Instagram", where photos from filming and their own drawings of Stuart are laid out. In addition, the "Twilight" star leads a page on Twitter.

In the BU bu a lot of fans who created numerous fangroups in Facebook and Vkontakte.

Bu bu stuart now

The guy works a lot and laid out on the filming of movies. The efforts of Stuart were not in vain. Now the star is included in the list of the highest paid actors of the world, where it occupies a leading position.

Glamor magazine recognized Stewart in 2019 the sexiest actor.

The performer continues to engage in musical creativity. There was information that he would like to pay more attention to work in recording studio to prepare her own album. The star has a world tour.

In his free time, the artist prefers to watch his favorite films and play video games. He loves a dog - Labrador Spinee (Spinee) and is experiencing when the animal is sick. For details, the actor shares on a personal page on Twitter. Trying to be in the circle of relatives and friends, as far as possible in a tight star graph.


  • 1994 - "Ambulance"
  • 2004 - Skeleton "
  • 2005 - Dante Bay
  • 2006 - "Heir to Devil"
  • 2007 - "Uncle Pi"
  • 2008 - "Fifth Commandment"
  • 2010 - "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse"
  • 2011 - "Gloomy Games"
  • 2012 - "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - Part 2 "
  • 2013 - "Genezel and Gretel: Wrestlers with witchcraft"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2015 - "Heirs"
  • 2017 - "American Devil"
  • 2018 - "MARVEL Sunrise: Secret Warriors"
  • 2019 - "Heirs 3"

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