Show "Life of others" - Photo, project history, leading, travel 2021



In February 2019, a new show was started on the first channel in the popular Trevel-Format of Others today. From the first announcements, the creators of the project intrigued the viewer with the original transmission concept:"There were no such travels on TV!".

And this statement was willingly believed, because the TV presenter of the new project was made by Jeanna Badoev, known as a creative approach to this kind of projects.

History of creation and essence of the project

Shooting began in the fall of 2018. For Jeanne Badoev, who performed the author and leading, the project was the second experience in Travel Show. The first is a loud and broken records on the ratings of "Eagle and Rusk" - from 2011 he went on the Ukrainian channel "Inter". Russian audience watched the show on the "Friday!" Channel. Jeanne was a co-host program.

Passion Zhanna to travels know all her friends, fans and colleagues on the workshop. Even at the Institute, she, according to her confession, dreamed of creating a project about the voyage, but the path was long and thorny.

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In the new show on the main channel of the Badoev country decided to move away from the things familiar in the trains. In other words - no sights, national dishes, traditions, photos for memory and souvenirs. Instead - weekdays of ordinary people, social know-how, prices for "communal" and other features of the life and life of foreigners.

"I was always interested in the life of foreigners from the inside. That the locals in the refrigerator, what hospitals they have, how many they spend on light and water per month, as their pensioners live. There is no other information anywhere, "Zhanna shared on the eve of the release of the" Life of others "on the ether.

Among the most difficult parties to work on the project, the author called the search for heroes - ordinary citizens, who would be allowed to go home and for a cup of tea would be told about how they lived in their native country, given the pros and cons.

The first release was broadcast on February 17, 2019 and was dedicated to life in a fabulous city on water - Venice.


Zhanna Badoeva was born on March 11, 1976 in the Lithuanian city of Majkey. However, the Showwumen was famous in Ukraine, where in his youth moved with his family. The girl acted in the Theater Institute named after I. K. Karpenko-Karog to the Faculty of Directors, at the end of which he taught there for some time, and then began to cooperate with popular Ukrainian TV projects.
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At first, Jeanne joined the male formation "Comedy Club", becoming the first resident girl. Then he worked as director director for the projects "Dance for you", "Sharmanka" and "Superzirka".

In 2011, the life of Zhanna cool changes - the eagle and rush project is broadcast, in which the pair of TV presenters travels to selected countries, but one receives an unlimited cash card, and the other is only $ 100. And everyone should most interestingly and spend time in someone else's country. Travel show, shot in a dynamic and youth format, had an unprecedented success. And the first leading - Jeanne and her spouse Alan Badoev - became televisions.

Badoeva left after the 3rd season, when I realized that I realized myself as a presenter and you need to move on.

Then the girl leaves the conversation show format for a long time and plunges into other projects. Since 2015, Badoev has fruitfully cooperate with the Russian channel "Friday!", Where programs are published with its participation as TV presenter: "Battle of Salon", "# Zhannapozhenya", "Dangerous tour".

In 2017, televisar was invited to the project "Eagle and Rushka. Star season ": All ex-leading shows went to the voyage along with pop stars. Jeanne spoke in Tandem with Showman Viktor Vasilyev.

Jeanne Badoeva - a happy wife and mother of two children. In the first marriage, a woman visited early youth. From the Union with a businessman Igor Kurachenko, the son of Boris was born. The second spouse of the TV host was the director Alan Badoev, from which the daughter of Lolita was born. Spouses divorced in 2012, but still friends. Now Zhanna, who left the surname of the second husband, happy in the third marriage - with a businessman Vasily Melnichin. The family lives on three countries - Ukraine, Russia, Italy.


The debut edition of the "Life of others" program is devoted to Venice.

"We will visit you in places where no tourist has come down," Badoev promised at the beginning of the transfer.

And indeed, the inspection of the city began with the maternity hospital. Zhanna and the operator penetrated the inside of the maternity chambers, and seen quite surprised by the audience. It turned out that Venetian women give birth to special adaptations similar to sports shells.

Then the TV presenter visited the school, looked into the class where future gondolors teach - this is such an educational specificity. The following points of displacements in the city of steel universities and student hostel. The guys who interviewed Zhanna, told about the features of learning, life in a hostel, prospects of Venetian education.

In the lens, the journalist visited representatives of numerous professions: firefighters, doctors, artisans. And, of course, the main point, without which the show "The Life of others" is a visit to the ordinary citizens and sincere conversations at the table. Zhanna Badoeva visited the Gloria Rollyan house - the former champion and an instructor on rowing at the school of gondolors, as well as visiting the true Venetian aristocrat of Eleana Cappinidi-Sorio.

The second issue, which already many viewers, appreciating the format, was looking forward to, was dedicated to Singapore. He also began with an educational topic. What is the difference between Singapore children's gardens from Russian, in what cases students are allowed to beat stick, why there are no books in the libraries of Singapore, that students eat for lunch - they are looking for Jeanne's response to these and other questions.

Also, along with TV presenter, the transmission fans on the other side of the screen visited Singapurtse homes with the most different sufficient and saw that the state program of affordable housing was developed here, thanks to which citizens do not remove apartments, and live in their own.

Singapore travel was fascinating. The viewers of the Widow were adopted by the picturesque views of the capital, modern architecture, learned that the city was built on the principle of Fengshui, which is probably the key to his successful development. After all, Singapore is among the top ten most expensive cities in the world.

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