"In fact" - photo, history of creation, presenter, Dmitry Shepelev 2021



It is believed that television enslaves the person and the main tool for achieving the goal are a talk show. "Let them say", "tonight", "alone with everyone" - programs that, regardless of the subject matter, attract the scandaling screens. A reliable niche among the entertainment gears of this kind is now occupied by the show "In fact," where the main characters are removed on clean water using a lie detector.

History of creation and essence of the project

In 2001, the first talk show appeared on the ORT television channel (from the English. Talk Show - "Spoken show") "Big Wash", which was leading Andrei Malakhov. The transfer was attracted by the audience an abundance of shocking facts, because only in the television studio, husbands and wives confessed in treasures, criminals - in committing murders and thefts, and negligent parents - in the improper upbringing of children. The burning conversations were interspersed with scandals and fights, which only raised the interest of Russians.

Over time, the audience began to doubt the honest of the heroes of the plots. And then a talk show "in fact" came to the revenue, which in the literal sense of the word placed hostages of scandalous and tragic situations under lies detector. Motto programs:

"This is a studio where it is impossible to lie."

The principle of transmission "in fact" is built at the full-time rate of once close people: spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, friends. Heroes, wanting to achieve truth, sit in the chair and connect to the detector of lies. Throughout the release on the screen behind the seats, the frequency of the pulse beating is translated, clearly demonstrating fear, embarrassment, anger and nervousness.

The moderator of the dialogue between the heroes "actually" is the leading talk show. For the behavior of "experimental" and testimony of a lie detector, experts are followed: profiler and polygraphic. They can also join the transmission participants.

The first release "in fact" came out on the first channel on July 24, 2017 and showed low ratings. The premiere plot about the relationship between the actor Alexei Panin and his former spouse Yulia Yudintseva watched 3.1% of Russians. For comparison: Andrei Malakhov Talk show "Let them say" collected from the TV screens on average 6.1% of the country's population. Discussion of resonant, the later improved the rating "actually" to 3.9%.

The transfer positions itself as a "revolutionary current show", however, from 2010 to 2012, the "Lie Detector" was published on the same first channel - a program in which participants earned money, speaking truth. For the sake of the prize of $ 1 million, the heroes were recognized in shameful and immoral things.

Despite the fact that the main idea is "actually" - to bring people to clean water, the creators of the transfer were often accused of deception and herdog. Most often, unflattering comments were received from celebrities, which either sought to disguise the discontinuous truth under the competently designed lies, or really became victims of television intrigues.

So, Singer Danko argued that the producers "in fact" promised to organize fundraising for the treatment of his daughter in exchange for participation in the show. Full Ivan Krasko and Valery Kalacheva, the former spouse of Singer Pierre Narcissa, said that they were received for shooting in the program fees. The musician Igor Talkov Jr. testified that the final version of the release was a competent installation in which the comments of the experts are adjusted under the readings of the pulse.

Program presenter and experts

The leading current show "In fact" is Dmitry Shepelev, a native of Belarus. In 2008, his work as a moderator of the transmission "Can you? SPLE! " On the first channel, Konstantin Ernst, CEO of broadcasting noted. He invited Shepelev to the television team. Throughout 10-year cooperation with the first channel, Dmitry managed to speak the leading "Eurovision", "the wealth of the republic", "Minutes of Glory", "two votes".

The tragic story of the loss of the beloved made it an ideal candidate for the position of leading show "In fact." On June 15, 2015, after a long disease - glioblastoma - singer Zhanna Friske died. Especially seriously, the tragedy took Dmitry Shepelev - her civil husband, a person, from which on April 7, 2013, the former participant of the group "Brilliant" gave birth to the sole son of Plato.

Wine for the incidents of the parents Zhanna Friske partially laid on Shepelev's shoulders. On the air of the "Secret per million" program, the father of singer Vladimir said that the young man refused the spouse in an expensive drug that improved her condition.

Shocking news called a squall of critics to Dmitry Shepelev. An additional negative generated that the journalist limited to the meeting of the parents of Friske with Son Plato. In addition, it became known that the funds "Rusfond", which were intended for the treatment of the singer and collected the whole world, disappeared. The amount was significant - $ 20 million.

Scandal on the scandal - the life of Shepelev has looked like several years. He gave conform to Plato, for the sake of finding the truth. The premiere of the program "In fact" was positioned as a return of Dmitry to life:

"I survived the death of my beloved and know how it can really hurt. I walked through the condemnation of the crowd and I understand what it was when only you know what was really. I know how much time you need to return to life. And I come back. "
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To find out the truth to Dmitry Shepelev helps the co-supporters: an expert polygraphist Roman Ustyuzhanin, Sabina Pantus profiler, and forensic, lawyers, criminologists, etc.

Roman Ustyuzhanin, as a rule, asks the unambiguous questions to which you need to answer "yes" or "no", and then puts the verdict - if the hero of the transfer said the truth or lied. But the bright Sabina Pantus can afford a provocation to "read" the facial expressions and gestures of the participants of the show in the stressful situation.

Heroes and themes of issues

The transfer "in fact" is treated for finding the truth about treason, betrayal, kinship, and even committing crimes. Often the focus of video cameras are scandalous details of personal relationships.

One day, a resident of Yekaterinburg Yana Shevtsova arranged a full-time Raperu Gufu, who allegedly was the father of her child. The girl reminded the performer about a strong love and the fact that the sake of her Guf even refused the novel with the soloist of the group "A-Studio" Katie Topure.

And Svetlana Belogurova said that she gave birth to a daughter from the actor Alexander Golovin, the stars of the serials "Cadet" and "Kremlin cadets". The allegations of the heroine of the program "In fact" were tested for authenticity not only with the help of a detector of lies and the Making eye profileera, but also DNA analyzes.

Family problems in the studio talk show are trying to resolve not only ordinary people, but also showmen. So, the lion's lioness Alena Kravets Millionaire husband left on the street for the sake of the new chosen - Anastasia Kaufman. On the detector lies, the loving spouse found out which motives lead her rival: Love or Care.

In such a situation, the actor of the Gauguen of the Solntsev and his elect Ekaterina Tereshkovich was. Despite the significant difference in age (the woman is older than the beloved for 31 years), the couple got married. Press and ill-wishers build assumptions that the Solntsem leads the love of money and PR, and not to a person. The fact is that Ekaterina Tereshkovich has 6-digit bills in Switzerland banks, an elite car with a personal driver, and the estimated cost of its country house - € 1 billion. By the way, in the transfer wealth, the businesswoman questioned.

But the pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya accused of treason to the former spouse Armen Gigarkhanyan. Oleg Polyansky told the wrongness of the musician, who allegedly had an affair with a diva in 2001.

Finding out in the program "In fact", the opera singer Maria Maksakov also tried. The first spouse was criminal authority Vladimir Tyurin. He was accused of the death of the next hot beloved husband Maksakova - Deputy Denis Voronenkov, who was shot among the White Day in the center of Kiev. They say that the politician said goodbye due to multimillion dollars.

Union Voronenkov and Maksakova seemed perfect, so the press was surprised when just a few months after the death of the spouse, the singer returned to the world of show business. And after a year and a half and at all, a mourning robe was removed: secretly married Dalhata Khalaev, who was 11 years old. The man immediately sold one of the apartments Maria Maksakova and disappeared. In the reasons of the behavior of Khalayev, not only the investigation authorities, but also the film crew of the first channel, tried to understand.

One of the most scandalous and popular stories "in fact" was the face of Diana Shurgina with her offender Sergey Semenov. At the end of 2016, the Court recognized the young man guilty of rape of the famous heroine show "Let them talk" and sent a strict regime to the colony for 8 years. Then the term of serving the sentence has decreased to 3 years and 3 months.

On the events of the fatal night, when Sergey Semenov had an intimate connection with a minor, I had to remember even after the release of the criminal to freedom. The young man held an answer to the detector of lies before Diana Shurgina, her mother and father, as well as his spouse.

In continuing the criminal topics on the air "In fact" program, three sisters of Khachaturian, who in July 2018 were accused of killing Mikhail's father - on his body a traces of 37 knife wounds were found. The girls testified that for a long time, his father committed violence over them, provided psychological pressure.

Dmitry Shepelev and his coordinates for a dozen episodes tried to find a person guilty of committing murder on the beach under Tuapse, the victim of which was the 20-year-old Anastasia CHAMGER. The suspect in the case is its girlfriend Alyona Popova. On the eve of the tragedy between the girls there was a quarrel. There are no direct evidence of the fault of the Popova, so the investigation, and with it and the transfer "in fact" continues to search for the criminal.

In addition to personal tragedies and crimes, there are socially significant topics in the center of attention, for example, the investigation into the tragedy on Dyatlov's pass. Then, in 1959, 9 tourists were killed in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, the circumstances of their death were not established to this day. On the air "In fact," new circumstances revealed, the truthfulness of which confirmed the lie detector.

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