Program "Let's get married" - Photo, History of creation, leading, Larisa Guzeeva 2021



"Let's get married!" - One of the most popular programs of the Russian television channel No. 1. The transfer that first appeared on the screens in the summer of 2008, for the permanent spectators turned into an endless realistic series.

History of creation and essence of the project

Manufacturer of the program - Red Square Holding, the only owner of which is now (from June 2015) - Arkady Rothenberg. "Let's get married!" Along with the "fashionable sentence" - the most long-playing projects of the company. For the year through the show passes on average thousand participants.

The target audience of the project is not intellectuals, like a televitory, but housewives and pensioners who wish to listen to the choice of marriage partners and wake up a variety of tastes and preferences of the studio guests. In each release on the hand and heart of the chief participant (or participants), there are three rivals or rivals. Since in Russia, under marriage, the Union of Men and Women is understood, dating is exclusively heterosexual.

From where the first channel takes the bravets, ready to declare the searches for the second half - some grooms and brides leave the application for participation on the site. Other producers of the Program are found on social networks, paying attention to attractive or original appearance and status "in active search".

Applicants to the attention of the main character (or heroine) should demonstrate talents - sing, dwy, treat a delicious dish or show the original number. Sometimes the view turns into a scandal: so, one of the brides stacked the chest before the audience, and the elderly bride-weightlifter lifted a bar in the studio, the weight of which when checking turned out to be 10 times lower than the stated.

Each of the four transmission heroes (the main character and three rivals) brings with them a support group - relatives and friends represent the grooms and brides, help to decide on the choice. The final of each transmission lies in the fact that the main hero should choose one of the applicants or not to choose anyone.

Not all participants of the show are really looking for a satellite life. The purpose of many is PR. For a girl singing in provincial self-conception, the performance of the song on the main channel of the country is the only chance to please the capital producers. On the other hand, sometimes the participants and participants of the program become stars wishing to remind themselves.

So, as brides, Anastasia Volochkova and Olga Buzova came to the "marriage fair", and as a seeker of his wife, Gauguen, who organized a scandal, as one of the brides was supposed to be a woman, having pursuing him years. In February 2019, it became known that on "Let's get married!" As a groom, the participant of "House-2" Sergey Kucherov, who broke up with the leading television trip to Julia Efremenkova.

For 10 years of the existence of the program (and the show went on vacation only at the time of the debates of candidates for the presidency of Russia) on the transfer there were scuffle. Moreover, the fights took place between men (when the bride chose not a contendent, but who came with him a colleague), and between the girls.

The critics of the project consider it immoral. However, some participants really entered into marriage with people who met on the show. Other grooms and brides returned to their native land with famous and found family happiness there.

Leading programs

Assessing the popularity of the show "Let's get married!", Televishers of Ukraine and Kazakhstan launched similar projects in their countries. But in the former Allied republics, marriage television marks did not fit. Perhaps the reason for failure lies in the fact that in Kiev and Astana, producers did not find such charismatic leaders who were found by their Moscow colleagues.

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The transmission is simultaneously 3 ladies - leading, swopha and astrologer. TV presenter, which from the first issues appeared in front of the audience - sharp on the tongue and colorful Rosa Syabitov. The woman created a marriage agency when the widow remained. Syabitov's life experience - the invaluable doctrine of the project.

It is curious that in the first year of the existence of the show one of the participants - Yuri Andreev - launched Rosa Raifovna, and the presenter answered consent. The marriage of Andreeva and Xiabitite broke out, since the All-Russian Swash did not tolerate his husband's hands.

No less bright figure is the leading project of Larisa Guzeyev. The actress in his youth was ingeniously played by the Nadrotan Ogudov in Ribe Eldar Ryazanov "Cruel Romance". In the heroine of Guzeyeva "there was nothing earthly, one ether." The mask of the artist in the show "Let's get married" - a landed, experienced and even cynical woman.

The sharp definitions given by Larisa television grooms and brides, the tricky questions, which the star sets the participants, add scandaling transmission. The program of Guzeeva came a little later than Xiabitite, the first 3 months of the show led a young artist Daria Volga, who left the project because of his "yellowness".

If Larisa and Rosa, alternating roles, depict the good and evil "investigators", having sternly interrogative contenders for family happiness, then the third leading program is the astrologer of Vasilis Volodin - invariably friendly with the participants. At the time of maternity leave in the winter of 2014-2015, Vasilisa, whose name on the passport is Oksana, and the first profession of the economist-mathematician, replaced another expert of horoscopes - the artist and starvets Lydia Arefieva.

Now Volodina on ether sometimes replaces the recognized astrological authority of Tamara Globa. The explanation of the peculiarities of the participants and the forecast of the compatibility of the grooms and the brides on the basis of horoscopes gives a reason for the critics of the transfer to blame the project in the television propaganda of Lzhenauki.

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