Show "Hooligans" - photo, history and rules of the project, leading, participants, fights 2021



Realistic Show "Hooligans" first appeared on the "Friday" channel in 2017. It was then that the 1st season of the project started, whose task was to re-educate unmanaged party members who do not appreciate girls near them. For several months, guys have to go not to pass, not one complex test, with the help of which they will prove to the second halves, which have changed.

History of project creation

The idea of ​​creating a similar project came to the producers of the "Friday" channel after the successful launch of the "Patzanka" show. In this program, the heroines were girls. The project was a great success, and therefore there was no doubt in the new luck. Initially, other names were considered for the transfer, including "re-educate their guy" and "who is the most daring room here", but they decided to dwell on the "hooligans".

The qualifying round on the project "Hooligans" was held in several stages. As a result of the casting, the organizers selected 8 of the most arrogant, cheeky and irresponsible guys from Russian cities whose behavior of which their second halves was already despair to influence. By the way, the girls also came to the show following the younger people, this step is the last chance for couples to save their relationship.

In the fall of 2017, the 1st season of "hooligans" came out. The Soundtrack for the transfer was the composition of the Black Star musical label called "Secret", which was performed by Raper Schurge and singer Kristina Si. In the 2nd season on the screensaver, modern rhythmic music sounds.

The second season, the channel "Friday" pleased the audience in January 2019. And here the concept has changed. Initially, the participation of steam in the project involved their joint work on relationships and changes. After the debut series of the project, thousands of girls from Russia sent a letter to the editorial office with requests for help. Paired and individual tests prepared by leading should help in love to find mutual understanding, learn the whole truth about each other, and help them restore relationships.

Essence and rules of the show

The project lasts a few months, for this time the couples are populated into the house. Moreover, at the very beginning, a provocative party with alcohol and unfamiliar girls are arranged for guys, so that their second half and mentors of the project saw their own eyes, as they may behave in a similar setting. Upon arrival, the girls settle in a comfortable house, and the guys are placed in a tent installed on the street, similar to the Army mobile barracks. Some time they live there.

In the 2nd season, young people and girls arrived on the project by couples. But this time they are waiting for a "alcoholic" party in honor of the arrival. Then the organizers of the show come up with tests. They are aimed at improving couple relations, their frank conversations with each other, as well as psychological assistance. For the sake of his favorite guys, they are forced to live in strict rules, carry out the unusual tasks and even study the foundations of the etiquette.

At the end of each week, looking at how young people behaved and their changes, leading summarize. According to the results of the tests and personal observations, the project leaves one young man once a week. At the same time, the girl makes a choice: to leave him or break the relationship forever.

By the end of the show, only 2 pairs remain in the final, which for the months of testing have shown themselves from the best side. The participants are last proven by the lead that they have changed and are ready to build relationships from pure sheet, without deception, change and manual attribution. The winners choose the same leaders, and a cash prize is awarded as award.

Leading and mentors

In the 1st season, Kavhens, humorist, and actor Sergey Ershov, who remembered the audience along the youth series "Real Guys" was becoming a guys on the correction path. The main responsibility of the lead is to curb young hooligans, find an approach and convey important information to even the most unmanageable. The artist showed the guys what a man should be, in his own example.

In the 2nd season, the place of the lead took Daniel Salem. A man also conducted a show where young people needed help in building relationships. This is the Ukrainian project "Love for survival", but since the shooting was held in another country, he could not leave his native Ukraine for a long time and refused to follow the participation. And soon Daniel was offered to work in Russian "hooligans", they took them just in Ukraine.

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Anna Soltneva became the only unmanned leading show "Hooligans". She is a family psychologist who does not just talk with couples, but creates provocations for them, allowing to put a partner in place. With her, the guys waited for experiments, unexpected tasks and surprises.

The woman was repeated more than once in other projects as a psychologist, the experience of working before the cameras she had. Anna is very tactful and calmly trying to penetrate into the soul to each participant, to identify the problem and convey it to the guys.

Couples involved in the show are real, although some believe that such programs are invited exclusively actors, and they are even looking for information for exposing the organizers. However, in this case, the "Friday" channel has real help with young people and girls, without which their relationship is doomed.

Participants and winners

In the 1st season, 8 guys from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Slavyansk-on-Kuban and Anapa participated.

Pavel Valdin is a representative of the cultural capital, tried to save the relationship with Christina's girl. More precisely, she tried, and the guy himself - the real started, who loves shocking and causing behavior. He also loves to drink, and when alcohol bothers the mind, the actions of Paul force his girlfriend to constantly break the relationship with him.

Evgeny Ivanov also preferred alcohol, parties in clubs and friends, which would not tell about his wife Diana, who constantly took the initiative to their own hands and tried to establish everything.

Konstantin Men from Anapa first reminded the audience of the bandit from the 1990s. Any disputes with guys solved fights. With a girl Mariana, a young man is associated not only personal relationship, but also a common child, because of which she tried to save the family.

Insertions of the lead, numerous tests and conversations with a psychologist influenced a costume, and it helped him change, and also to reach the final and become the winner. And at the end of the project, he made Mariaan sentence, the couple played a wedding, a photo from the celebration was laid out in "Instagram". True, now young people are not together, the relationship failed, but, judging by the pictures on social networks, they are still friends.

Another representative of St. Petersburg Archie Chatkov showed most of the time indifference to the partner. He himself from the secured family, the team was in the family made him aggressive, which negatively affected the relationship with the wife of Katya and two children.

And Rostovchancher Mark Gerusov seemed to initially came to the project for PR. Free time, selfless egoist dedicated appearance. The guy himself did not consider that there are problems, but his second half of Regina has a different opinion. It took some time since the beginning of the project, as Mark left the show, not to withstand mocking from other guys.

Mark Gerusov

Moskvich Arthur Asatryan stands out against the background of the other guys with brutal appearance. He considered himself the king of life and the conqueror of the hearts, while forgetting that the beloved Oksana suffers from such a relationship.

Alikhan Barasov - the guy of Ira, also loved to be in the center of attention to parties and parties, merrily joked, but, according to his girls, not ready to create family relationships.

And the tall and slender Ilya Anuriev is rather an apathetic husband who does not consider his wife an attractive and constantly looking to the left.

The 2nd season started in mid-January 2019, and therefore to leave the project only some couples managed.

The relations of the Arseny Chesccin and Daria Karpova are difficult to call harmonious. The guy was brought up in a secured family, where problems were solved by extra pocket money. He does not know how to solve conflicts from conversations, and with any quarrel just offended and silent. Another participant Valentin Trifonov does not make himself restrictions when drinking alcohol, which often becomes the cause of quarrels with Catherine.

Sergey Timshin came to the show with his wife Olga, a guy of conviction behind his shoulders and the reputation of the "yard solutions". He does not control aggression than a very frightened spouse and child.

Cyril Smalko with a girl Catherine is still on the project, whether the guy will be able to overcome jealousy and stop controlling the elected - while it remains a mystery.

Another member of Ilya Kolpakov is very hot-tempered and with quarrels insults the second half Angelina. At the same time, he is afraid that the girl will leave him, because young people together raising her daughter Seraphim.

The project in the new season has already managed to leave several pairs, including Alexander Vinogradov and Tatiana Dubovitskaya, Arseny Chesstukhin and Daria Karpov, as well as Valentin Trifonov and Ekaterina Merder.

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