"Songs" on TNT - photo, history and rules of the project, participants, jury 2021



The vocal realistic show "Songs" coming out from 2018 on the TNT channel, was created to identify talents and their further promotion on the scene. Participants receive tremendous experience with real professionals of their case, which throughout the program gives them valuable advice.

History of creating a show

The launch of the TNT channel of the new musical project became known in the summer of 2017. The announcement states that the 2 most advanced producers of Russia Maxim Fadeev and Timati are looking for young talents for their promotion under their labels. The qualifying casting was held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar, the audition lasted a month. Applications were accepted only 5 days, during this time the organizers took 15 thousand applications for participation in the show. The 1st season of the project started in February 2018.

Initially, the project was characterized as a musical show of talents with elements of reality. And the authors of the idea of ​​the creation of the program were given to Prongyakin and Konstantin Obukhov, famous producers of Malfa and Black Star label producers later attracted later and already undergoed the show. The goal was to show the audience the realities of how artists come up with songs, music and create from this show. The organizers immediately stated: to win, not able to sing enough, you also need charisma and artistry.

In order for the audience to be convinced of the honesty of the competition, in all cities organized direct broadcasts from the sites where castings were passed. Among other members of the talent jury on the casting was taken by the Black Star Marko Jakomo's musical producer, as well as the producer of the show of Anton Belyaev.

The 2nd season started on TNT in February 2019, this time spectators were waiting for some changes. In addition to the fact that Fadeeyev replaced the rapper, producer and creator of the Gazagolder label Vasily Vaculenko, with the release of new programs mentors promised that young singers will show a lot of copyright material, 3-4 times more than last time.

Before launching a new season on television in the Moscow jazz club held an informal presentation of the show. They invited journalists and bloggers to her, who before the start of the project were able to estimate 2 hundreds of lucky who claim to be in Black Star and Gazagolder.

Before the concert, the "songs" organizers promised that the 2nd season would be even more powerful than the 1st, the participants are very strong. They performed the guys with two songs and told personal stories a little. Among them, there are both professional musicians and those who decided to change the generation of the activity and fully plunge into music.

The essence of the project and the rules of the competition

The main goal of the show is the promotion of a little-known performer to the status of a world-class star. As the general producer of TNT told, the canal is looking for a hero who knows how and loves to sing, and is also ready to develop in this direction.

Mentor of the 1st season, Music Producer Maxim Fadeev said that most of these projects on Russian television are staged, and even after victory, artists from such show disappear in an unknown direction. They do a real story, whose winner is waiting for Glory. The second mentor of Timati also promised the finalist with a great future with a million fans and numerous concerts.

Of the 15 thousand applications for a television contest, only a small part. The show consisted of 4 stages: castings, selections, concerts and finals. The ability to evaluate castings and concerts had both members of the jury and the audience by free shipping vote for the artist you like through the TNT-Club application. At the first two stages, participants perform their own song or a pack of popular hit. In the next round, the artist passes, if at least one mentor liked.

After each issue of casting, the audience returns to the project of one retired participant, and when this selection ends, among all the winners of weekly votes, one, which, by bypassing other selection steps, immediately falls into the instructor's team. Representatives of the jury do not affect the choice of fans. But the selection stage is evaluated only by mentors and gain 10 people in teams, of which they will try to make real artists in the other series.

20 musicians who have passed this stage are settled in Apartments of the Mercury Towers in Moscow, where the camera is tirelessly followed by their preparation for final performances. And since artists should not distract anything from training, the organizers decided to deprive them of Internet access, mobile phones and other gadgets. As part of the show "Songs", the contestants will give 7 ambitious concerts.

The winner will be defined in the last series of the project, which at the stage of the final will take the greatest number of votes from the audience. In addition to the monetary prize of 5 million rubles, which took 1st place to make a contract with a label of one of the mentors. Upon completion of the competition, the rest of the project participants is also waiting for a reward in the form of a concert tour.

Presenters and members of the jury

In the 1st season, the famous producer, as well as the artist and the creator of Timur Yunusov's actual business, more famous under the pseudonym Timati became the main mentor of the participants. Among other things, the man also created his own Black Star label, under the auspices of which he will promote the winning participant. In the 2nd season of the project, he also remained a mentor for the guys.

No less well-known producer Maxim Fadeev, who managed to unwind not one star, participated only in the 1st season. In the next place, Rapper and producer Vasily Vaculenko took place, more famous for the Basta pseudonym.

Along with the main mentors in various transmissions, participants also evaluated Vera Brezhnev and Semyon Slepakov, Anton Belyaev, Garik Martirosyan, Sergey Svetlakov, Vladislav Leshevich and others.

The leading project was Pavel Volya - the Comedy Club resident, there is also a show "Improvisation", "Laughter without rules", "Dead League" and "Comedy Battle". The project "Songs" is the first of its non-comedy format show. A man represents participants on the stage and communicates with them behind the scenes, learns the stories of the guys, and also helps to tune in before performances. And Catherine Varnava, the star of the humorous show Comedy Woman, led a separate program "Songs. Realities. "

In the 2nd season of the will remained working on stage, it enters into a dialogue with mentors, represents participants and talks with them on stage. Barnabas this time appeared on the screens as a hostess of Besteja, the role of which is to conversations with artists behind the scenes, where they expect their exit to the auditorium. During conversations, the speakers share with her personal experiences, emotions and stories, and it supports the guys.

Participants and winners

In the 1st season show showed a lot of musicians, some of them are just starting a career, and others already have experience performances on stage. According to the rules of the project, the artists performed alone, as well as a duet, trio or even a whole group.

On February 10, 2018, representatives of Uzbekistan and Belarus, as well as Russian artists, Alisa Zhmurov, from St. Petersburg, the men's Russian format choir from Voronezh, and even the founder of Rap-Battle Slovo Sergey Trushev. And in the next issue, Evgenia Meyer, Maria Sviridova, Lesha Benkes, Samira Login and a number of other artists passed in the 2nd stage.

Among the memorized viewers of the participants should be celebrated Sergey Dragyni, Oleg Ternovoy, Shura Kuznetsov, Daniel Burtsev and Christina Koshelev. Also, the audience liked the speech of Habib Sharipov, who at the qualifying stage performed the track Olga Buzova "Few Polovin". The guy failed to get into the 2nd stage, but he returned to the project later, as the audience gave the greatest number of votes for him.

True, he failed to pass further, none of the mentors chose a young man into his team. The girl under the name of Angelina Paradise, performing the song of Rapers Elduja and Feduc "Pink Wine," did not immediately like the Fadeev, and the rest of the jury, so she could not go further.

129 participants fell into the 2nd stage of the competition. They were broken into teams of 5 people, after the performance of songs, the producers sent guys home or left the whole composition in the project. And in the next round, the remaining singers acted already in pairs, and sang songs only BLACK STAR and MALFA labels. In this evening, the audience and the jury were heard from the performers of Hiti Egor Crea, the Serebro groups, L'One and Moth Rappers, as well as the tracks of Maxim Fadeev and Timati. So determined the top-44 participants who continue to fight for the main prize.

The final selection was held in mid-April, then the composition of the participants speaking in the teams of mentors was determined. Nikita Lukashov, Ilon Solomonov, Nikita, Oleg Ternova, Nazima Janibekova and a number of other artists hit Timati. And the wards of Fadeev became Maxim Anisimov, Tim Greenberg, Evgenia Mayer, as well as Diana Viyakina, who returned to the show after the audience voting.

The second stage of the competition "Songs. Realities "began immediately after the selection of participants. For 7 weeks, they fought for the right to receive a cash prize and conclude a contract with a label. Pedagogues on vocals and choreography were engaged with the contestants. Then there was the time of the reporting concerts, defining the finalists of the show.

After the first week of Timati's classes, Tim Greenberg and Ann Jarel traveled to Him Greenberg and Ann Jarel followed. After the 3rd and 4th ether, the project left Ronny, Diana Viyakina, Nasty and Ruslan Crimlidis. And then the show was lost Evgenia Mayer and Solomona. In the semifinals of the "songs", 4 participants left at once - Jay Mar, Habib, Rodion Toughcul and PLC.

The final of the 1st season of the show "Songs" fell on the 2nd day of summer. The winners of the project were determined by the audience voting. The main prize of 5 million rubles. And the contract with Black Star went to Terry. However, there were no surprises for other participants.

Owners of the 2nd place Maxim Freedom and the 3rd place of Christina Koshelevich signed a joint cooperation agreement with Malfa label. Also, Timati made a desire to work with Danymuse. And Fadeev, in turn, promised several more guys to help in shooting clips.

The second season of "songs", whose show started in mid-February 2019, continues to go now. Therefore, so far about the participants of the show not so much information. On the program in the "Instagram" regularly laid out the photo of young talents, which creates an exemplary idea who will appear this time in front of the viewer on the scene. The guys will also pass a lot of tests before their small part turns out to be in the final.

Information about some participants appeared on the presentation of the new season. For example, a girl with an unusual name Ayiya had previously laid out in the "Instagram" of Caverits on the composition of many popular artists. And not so long ago began writing your own texts.

Rapper Sasha Chest already has experience with Gazagolder and Black Star, and at the same time, the author of the song "My best friend is President Putin." As the guy himself admits, he is in finding himself and hopes that the show "Songs" will help him in this.

Vladislav Korolev from Novosibirsk was already on the 1st season of the show, but flew before a set of teams with producers. Now the guy again wants to experience a chance and hopes that this time he is lucky. In the second issue of "Songs" also sang an ex-participant of the TV project "Dom-2" Katya Zinoviev.

Girl fans made bets on her performance. She was at the TV show for 6 months and during this time began writing their own songs. Timati did not estimate the vocal data of the artist, so the choice remained behind the cloust, however, he chose to respond with refusal. Some fans of telestroy were disappointed with the choice of jury.

The creators of the project plan to collect on the same scene of the most talented and bright artists who, after the show, make a successful career on the scene. And the Gazagolder and Black Star will help them in this.

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