Dmitry Bretenbicher - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, VTB 2021



Dmitry Breitbiher's bank career started in Novosibirsk - the city where he received a higher economic education. Many years ago moved to the capital and made a successful career at the Bank of Moscow. And after his merger with VTB, he was appointed senior vice president of the VTB Bank, responsible for working with premium clients. Since the end of 2018, Breitenbicher has become a media face, replacing the colleague Vladimir Verkhhinsky as a defender of the interests of the TV viewers in the teleigre "What? Where? When?".

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Vasilyevich Breitbiher was born on July 16, 1975 in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Father - Vasily Andreevich, Mother - Olga Tikhonovna. Dmitry became the firstborn Bretenbicher couple, in 1978 his younger sister Rimma was born.

As a child, the boy became interested in mathematics. Parents, noticing the interest of the Son to the Queen of Science, gave it to school with a mathematical bias. Slender pins numbers, the logic of tasks and the balance of equations - everything led to the delight of young Dmitry. He more than once became a member and winner of thematic Olympiads.

"In the future I wanted to do something interesting and related to the numbers. At first glance, these are incompatible things, but it turned out that there is such a discipline, as an economic cybernetics, which all this unites in himself, "- recalls the banker the moment of choosing a profession.

The guy went to Russia and entered the Novosibirsk State University at the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics. Student years have become a cheerful time also because Dmitry, having a creative veil, joined the KVN movement, played the university national team until the beginning of the 2000s. The game has become an excellent school for the future financier - a sense of humor, a creative approach to work and the skill of witty informal communication will not once again serve him with good service.

In 1996, Breitenbiher graduated from the university, having received a diploma in the specialty "economist-mathematician". Then followed the years of graduate and graduate school.


The labor biography of the economist began immediately after receiving a diploma. In 1996, he settled in the Akb "Tokobank" intern on currency control. Then he worked in the branch "Interregional Governance" in Siberia and the Far East, engaged in treasury operations and exchange trading on Forex. Breitenbicher entered the number of financiers organizing the branch of the Bank of Moscow in Novosibirsk.

In 1998, Dmitry moved to Moscow, his new metropolitan position is the chief specialist of the credit resource department at the Bank of Moscow. From this position, he proceeds to the post of chief economist of the department of lending and investment, and then becomes the head of the financial department of the Novosibirsk branch of the bank.

For two years, from 2002 to 2004, the economist devotes treasury work, being the head of the sales department of treasury products. The next stage of the career growth of Breitbiera was working with private clients.

"Initially, I regarded work at Private Banking as a short-term project. She planned to adjust the channels of promotion and sales, to organize work on attracting customers, develop products and return to the Treasury. However, when he began to engage in this direction, I was truly interesting, "the banker is recognized.

Work with private clients has become an incentive for further education. In order to understand the nuances of transactions with a multi-level asset ownership system, the financier lacked legal skills. And Breitenbiher went to study at the Faculty of Law at the Institute of World Economy and Informatization.

Later, the man received a MBA Frankfurt Business School Frankfurt degree, as well as certificates for various types of financial activities: brokerage, dealer, investment.

Since 2006, Dmitry Vasilyevich is headed by Private Banking, he worked as a director of the field of private banking services director of the Department of Private Banking. Since 2012, he entered the position of vice-president of the Moscow Bank.

After joining the Bank of Moscow, to VTB in 2016, Breitenbiher retained the position of vice-president and head of Private Banking, continuing to increase the income of wealthy customers.

"What? Where? When?"

Back in 2010, the Bank of Moscow became a partner of the television game "What? Where? When?". The mission of the institution began to stimulate the viewers, encouraging their money for original questions. To protect teleighters on the air of each game, a representative of the bank was present.

After the merger with VTB, the partnership passed to this bank, the representative since 2013 was played by Vladimir Verkhhinsky, who during his media mission became a real television. But in 2018, the banker left the telepost due to the transition to the position of Head of Alpha Bank. Replaced a colleague in the responsible position of Dmitry Breitbiher. For the first time, he appeared on the eve of the game in September 2018 and is now happy to fulfill its telecommunications.

The audience immediately responded to replace, noting that the new defender had a rich faith. The first games in the non-pie garden were accompanied by numerous comments on the "strange" defender of viewers. However, a thin sense of humor and a story with a butterfly (one commentator asked Breitenbiher to touch his bow tie, if he reads comments under the releases that Dmitry and fulfilled live, causing delight among the fans of the game) made it in one moment the main favorite of viewers.

Of course, the labor-making surname of Banker also became the theme of numerous memes on the Internet. Network users even called Breitenbicher "Russian Camberbetch".

The hero itself of memes, as a witty man, appreciated the humor of Internet users:

"It turns out that in order for you not to need not education -" Thank you "Matscola and NSU, not professional competencies -" Thank you "VTB, not a sense of humor -" Thank you "KVN, and not even a presence on an intellectual game -" Thank you " "What? Where? When?". We just need a surname - Breitbiher - "Thank you" dad! It's time, like Yuri Dudu, to announce the competition for the most extravagant variation on the name of the name, "he commented on his" Facebook ".

Personal life

In no interview with Dmitry Breitenbicher does not apply to personal and family life. It is known that a man is married and raises two sons. Despite this, secular reporters periodically attribute him novels with ladies who accompany him at glamorous events. In 2017, the banker was attributed to the Roman with a famous Russian designer and the secular lioness of Moscow Ulyana Sergeyenko. Photos Pair flooded secular columns of glossy magazines.

And at the evening dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Tatler magazine in 2018, the financier appeared on his arm with his colleague - Vice President VTB Natalia Malinova.

Dmitry Bretenbiher.

In his free time, Dmitry Vasilyevich loves to play golf. Also, in leisure, it writes poems, the author's columns in specialized editions, develops the talent of the blogger - just read His posts in Facebook. His bright quotes have long been "walking" on the Internet.

Among the close friends of Breitenbiher - TV presenter Alexander Pushnyov, with whom he is friends with a student bench and the Kavainovsky past.

Dmitry Bretenbiher now

In February 2019, Dmitry Breitenbiher said that, following the results of work for the year with VIP-clients, the VTB fund portfolio grew by more than a third, and stated that further work would only be improved.

Dmitry continues to defend the interests of the TV viewers in "What? Where? When? ", Each release of the program invariably decorates a thin humor, rich Mimica and the impassiveness of Mr. Breitenbiher.

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