Sobesevich - biography, character and appearance of the hero, quotes, actors


Character History

Sobashievich is a landowner who offers a profitable deal for the sale of "dead" shower. The character complements the image gallery created by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Initially, the writer planned to create three volumes of the work, pushing out from the composition "Hell - purgatory - paradise", but later refused to be planned. Literary criticism still analyze and disassemble the characteristics and descriptions of the characters in order to analyze the poem.

History of creation

Nikolay Gogol

The book "Dead Souls" was born thanks to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In Memoirs, Gogol wrote that Pushkin motivated him to create a work and even gave the idea of ​​the plot for him. The poet retold the buddler a fun story that heard, being in the link in Chisinau. The retelling anecdot reached Gogol 15 years after the event that occurred. It was about the boom, which was buying dead souls from the landowners to get a bank loan.

In that epoch, such incidents were not rare, and the idea assigned by chikchikov was not used by one fraudster. The plot and images of the heroes are written in detail and in detail, and the reality of that era allowed the reader to penetrate the narrative.

Work on the poem began in 1835, shortly before the writing of the "auditor". The idea did not seem to be a fascinating writer, so the work was given with difficulty. Having finished the play and returning from the journey in Europe, Gogol attempted to add a work. Chapters have repeatedly rewritten, and the work was delayed. The book was completed in 1841. Arriving from abroad to Russia, the author presented a creation for consideration by the Cancer Committee.

Nikolay Gogol and Pushkin

In Moscow, the book was perceived with distrust, so Gogol appealed for help from Alexander Belinsky. The critic has highlighted the author, and the "dead souls" were published in St. Petersburg in 1842.


The "death" of the hero's soul is similar to the one that manifes, Plushkin and others show. The lifestyle of the heroes is convenient, and they do not intend to change it. They have no life goals, and the souls of worm and stationary. Heroes have no relatives, or they do not take part in the family life. There is a feeling that the landowners appeared from nowhere.

The meaning of the name and surname of each landowner described in the work is important. Portrait of a companion is exposed to animal associations. The author compares Mikhailo Semenovich with a large clumsy bear and even awards the hero of the Frak like a shade. The perception of the inner world of the hero begins with acquaintance with his appearance.

Chichikov and Sobashievich

Sobashievich approached all issues thoroughly than was different from his neighbors and caused respect for the public. Description of the manor, the interior and the character attitude towards the economy says that he is not a thing. The landowner wants the peasants to have material bases, realizing that the fate of his estate depends largely on the welfare of serfs. In this matter, the nobility is mixed with greed. With all the shortcomings of the Sobevich, it is impossible to call him a stormy person. It distinguishes him from Plushin, who lives the injignment. A meal for a heavenly alert, a pleasure, and for the author - another way to emphasize the animal beginning in the hero.

The man of strong physique, firmly standing on his legs, the Sobehevich in everything adheres to maximalism, preferring the preference to large volumes of food. The author calls his hero "Kulak". He is a man who gives preference to the carnal, worldly. This character has physical strength, but appears to be a rude, nervy creature. He has good health, a large body and appearance, which resembles the type of epic heroes.

Appearance of Sobesevich

Surname Sobesevich seems to indicate an animal origin. A man has a strong grip, rude with surrounding people, has a "dog" temper. At the same time, the sheter landowner and is looking for their own benefit and convenience. Its straightness and rudeness are amazed. Sobaevich does not believe in anything and is inclined to condemn others. Speaking surname and description of the appearance of hyperbollasize its image.

Sobekevich blames officials, but lines mutually beneficial relationships with them. Learn Barin does not like and hates those who promote mental interests and passion for receiving new knowledge. In education, Sobehevich sees the possibilities that are able to shake comfortable conditions for its existence.

"Dead Souls"

Mikhail Semenovich Sobesevich deserves the attention of readers. The reader meets him long before the plot stronge. The author describes the house of the hero, the estate as a whole and only after that reveals the characteristics of its character. The estate and the Lord are distinguished by good quality, and Chicchikov first notices the reliability of buildings by entering the village of Sobesevich. The estate of the landowner was practical without unnecessary decorations and completely coincided with his way. Every detail accompanying the companion in the house is similar to him.

Manor Sobesevich

Peasants quietly lived under the auspices of such a host. The satiety and well-being represented his meaning of life. Sobekhevich in a conversation with chikchikov demonstrates his grip and talent of Deltsy. He quickly leaves the hints, calling things with his own names, and even manages to circle Chichikov around his finger.

The list of the departed peasants of the landowner wrote his own personally, explaining in detail who was who was in life. Calculation, seducker and cynicism moved to them. The result of the transaction was pleased with both participants.


Directors who inspired by classical literary works were shielded by the work of Gogol. The first kinocartine was published in 1909. It was a black and white dumb ribbon Peter Chardynina, in which Sobevich played Vasily Stepanov.

Alexey Mushrooms as Sobesevich

A few decades later, in 1960, Leonid Trauberg put a film playing on the plot of the poem. In the work on the project used drainage the work belonging to Peru Mikhail Bulgakov and written in 1930. In the image of Sobelaevich, Alexey Mushrooms spoke.

Director Alexander Belinsky In 1969, also removed the TV check as the books. Self played by Yuri Tollauyev in the production.

The premiere of the next screen was held in 1984 due to the director Mikhail Swweinge. In the image of the Sobelaevich, Vyacheslav was innocent.

Vyacheslav innocent in the image of Sobesevich

The first television series on the works of Gogol was released in 2005. Pavel Lungin released a project called "The Case of Dead Souls." The role of the companion went to Alexander Sechchev.


A skilled dealers, Sobesevich did not want to spid out with a favorable deal. Demonstrating scope, he was jammed before chikchikov, using his favorite expressions:

"When I have a pork - let's come on the table on the table, lamb - all the ram, goose - all goose!".

The hero was not shy in expressions, describing his worldview and trying to prove that his lifestyle had its advantages and much more honest than the rest:

"I know them all: these are all scammers, the whole city is there such: a fraudster on a fraudster sits and a fraudster will chase."

Honest stories about their point of view did not interfere with the companion of riding, boldly surrounding the guest around his finger and stinging the price of the dead serf:

"Right, inexpensive! Another fraudster will deceive you, will sell you rubbish, not the soul; And I have - that the poorest nut, all for the selection: not a master, so different any healthy man. "

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