Dima Permyakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Songs" 2021



Dima Permyakov - the rising star of the Russian show business, which gives hope of the author-performer from Izhevsk, whose talent and perseverance struck the way to success. His performances on the music projects "Voice" and "New Star" were not crowned with the victory, but in February 2019, the artist appeared in the 2nd Song TV Show on the TNT channel, becoming a musical sensation of the project.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry appeared in the capital of Udmurtia on the first day of February 1996. Dima's parents, Elena and Anatoly Permyakov, to the world of art have only indirect attitude. However, this did not prevent her son to grow creative man and dream of acting and vocal career.

Dima is not the only child in the family, he has an older sister.

According to the singer, Mom noticed the musical abilities of the Son, barely learned to utter the first words. A woman led a child to music school when he turned 3 years old. Teachers spread their hands, because the minimum age of taking students is 6 years.

It is not known, took the boy to school in 3 years or later, but he was listening to the audition, the virtuoso sch clutches the clock. Permyakov today with gratitude recalls the first teacher Maya Fedorovna cleaner, discontinued talents and discovered doors to the world of music to many students.

After a certificate of maturity, the young man in 2013 went to conquer Moscow. The capital met Permyakov welcomingly, the guy became a student of the State Conservatory, where the vocal art successfully studied. After graduating from the university, Dima did not put the point in education and, remembering the youthful dream of becoming an artist, entered the acting department of the legendary Vgika.


In Moscow, the creative biography of Dima Permakov developed rapidly. According to Izhevsk, he became co-owner of the composer studio "Scheme" and achieved a considerable success, selling his songs to famous performers. Anton Morav became another and colleague of the musician, which Dima calls ingenious and believes that the country will certainly find out this name in the near future.
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The musical preferences of the vocalist - soul. Music and songs of this popular African American genre conquered Permyakov emotional feeling, mentality of execution and exposure for improvisation. But, according to Dmitry, it worries him that modern Russian songs and music have lost mentality, migrated towards the West. Therefore, the purpose of the singer is to return to the domestic stage "RUSSIA", make it fashionable and prestigious.

On Youtube-channel, Dmitry regularly lays out the author's compositions and the Caver version of the hits of both Russian and foreign stars. In the desire to climb to the top of the Russian show business, the singer changed creative pseudonyms more than once, but as Dmitriy Getts and PRMKOV did not become a star, soon returned to the present name.

Speeches in nightclubs also did not bring Permovakov's fame, but they gave the experience of the performance on the stage and pushed to participate in television shows, which had not exceeded one star of modern pop.

In 2015, the singer became a member of the Rating Russian Project "Voice". The performance of Dima Permyakova at the "blind listening" stage was marked by failure. None of the members of the jury turned to a young man after the execution of the song "Talk to me, Mom" ​​from the repertoire of Valentina Tolkunova.

Repeer Baste did not like the "excessive manners" of the contestant, and Gregory Leps and Alexander Gradsky thought that the participant had invested the soul into this multi-layer composition, but he could not sing clean, and Dmitry Falchil. None of the mentors saw the guy with their wards.

The defeat in the first for Izhevsk teleproject upset him, but did not break. The following year, Dima went to the Casting TV show "New Star", for which the famous hit "Silk Heart" chose. And again defeat. Warm words of Permyakov waited only from the burden, which praised the voice of the contestant.

Participation in contests and telegraphs did not prevent Dmitry in school. In the workshop of Vladimir Grammatkova in Vgik, a student in a good account, his acting talents are noticed.

Personal life

The main source of information about the favorite for his fans is the pages of Dima Permyakov in social networks, where he opens the curtain of the mystery and posts the photo, allowing to judge his personal life. However, artist accounts in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte do not give a chance to calculate who his girl is.

The best friends and the main people in the life of Dima Permyakov, according to his confession, dad and mom remain. They are the critics, to whom the singer listens with special attention.

The artist's pages in social networks are valuable because the subscribers are the first to learn about its plans and receive fresh information about the release of new songs and clips.

Dima Permyakov now

Music reality show "Songs" on TV channel TNT did not pass by the attention of Dima Permyakov. The singer did not miss the chance to appear on the television screens and passed the casting to participate in the 2nd season. To speak, the contestant chose the song "Your thoughts about me" ("collecting views") and did not lose. This time, the jury members turned out to be favorable to Dima, and the third attempt to break into the show-business was a success.

Vasily Vakulentko, who criticized the Project "Voice" on the Casting of the Project, was very warmly accepted his performance. Listening to the song, Basta approving gestures encouraged Dmitry, and when the music was amended, called the guy "Handsman."

For the contestant, the successful passage of casting has become a pleasant surprise. As he later confessed in an interview with Radio "Energy", came to the scene without lenses for the eyes, so all the forces focused on execution and did not see the reaction of Basta and Timati.

Permyakov called the main intrigue of the project and one of the favorites of the show. Interested in the guy of the audience and judges and a statement that he would not sell the song with which he made, even for $ 100 thousand, although it claims that in its asset 6 albums in the style of Acoustic Balds. True, neither albums themselves, nor even their names on the Internet are not found, and the name of the singer is still little known even sophisticated music lovers.

Dima Permyakov explains this by the fact that under the curtain of 2018 completed the era of amateur creativity and, removing old records, began to write a creative biography from a clean leaf, without regard to the past.

In February 2019, the musician announced the videoclip premiere to the author's composition "I am in a panic", the work on which lasted 2 years.

Now the singer is preparing for the 2nd stage of the television show and is configured to win. This season, as the producer of the show Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov told the producer, decided to abandon the format of reality and not to remove the backstage life of the contestants, making focus on the original author's music.

Discography (songs)

  • "Your thoughts about me"
  • "I'm in panic"

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