Andrei Livanov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



The novice Russian actor Andrei Livanov should have become a successor of the tradition of the famous creative family, whose members became famous in the cinema, theater and on television. However, at the beginning of the career, a young man left his life with unexplained circumstances, leaving in memory of himself only a small role in the film "I - Doll" and the television series "Rescuers. Eclipse".

Childhood and youth

Andrei Igorevich Livanov was born on December 6, 1989 in the family of actor Igor Livanov and his former student from Volgodonsk Irina Bakhtht.

Andrei Livanov in childhood

Father who lost the first wife Tatiana and Olga's daughter in a terrible catastrophe near Kamensky-Shakhtinsky, very loved his son and tried to give him the best in childhood. Thanks to the efforts of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, the boy entered the Elite Moscow School "Golden section" and from an early age was swimming and foreign languages.

At first, Andrew showed interest in study, but after the mother "traded" her husband on the popular Russian actor Sergei Bezrukov and took his last name, the interest in art began to be traced. Supported by stepfather, the little Livanov debuted in the notorious Musical Musicle "Nord-Ost", and then began to attend courses at the MCAT Studio School.

Education and career

By the time of arrival at the university, the creative profession stopped entering the young man, and he rejected the proposal of the parents to become a student of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, went to the Faculty of Oriental Studies, and a year later, he retrained to Linguist.

Igor Lebanov, with whom the Son retained a warm relationship, later recalled that Andrei often changed preferences and eventually could not decide on his own future, and the thrust for knowledge was faded together with the change of seats of study. In addition, the young man influenced the mother, by rumors, which joined the sect of Scientologists after the divorce in 2000.

However, these circumstances did not interfere with Andrey from 2001 to 2006 to film and become part of the creative team of the militant Yuri Kara "I - Doll" and the adventure TV series Oleg Fomin "Rescuers. Eclipse".

Later, a young man participated in the documentary project of Ivan Tsybin "The irony of the fate of Sergey Bezrukova", where he gave a number of interviews about life and the worldview of the stepfather. In the process of work, the son of Igor Livanova was lucky to get acquainted with such outstanding actors as Mikhail Efremov, Andrei Rostotsky, Maxim Averin, Alexander Domogarov and many others.

Further, these films did not go, and in 2014 a graduate of the Moscow State Open University with the help of Sergey Belakova settled as administrator of the Moscow provincial theater, where he worked to death in 2015.

Personal life

On the peripets of the personal life of Andrei Livanov information is extremely small. It is known that the young employee of the theater under the control of Sergey Bezruck was very friendly with his mother and shared her hobbies of scientology. The native father suspected that the Son is a supporter of the sect of the followers of Ron Hubbard, and after death found in his apartment diplomas of a supporter of a new religious teaching based on faith in a plurality of spiritual human lives.

Igor Livanov for a long time silent about this page of the biography of the heir, but in 2018 he shared the tragedy with Boris Korchevnikov, leading the transfer of the "Fate of Man". Andrei himself preferred to keep his own worldviews in secret to avoid conflicts with Father's relatives.

Andrei Livanov and his mother Irina Beroke

Another side of the life of the actor and theatrical administrator was a passion for traveling, during which he composed essays and made travel notes. Andrei's friends argued that it was written in excellent due to the fact that Livanov was fond of literature, preferring the preference of the Poetry of William Shakespeare.

From the English poet, the son of Irina Bezrukovoy inherited not only the observation and a good syllable, but also a gentle and reverent attitude to the singles of the opposite sex. Close to say that Andrei like no one else knew how to carefully care for girls and conquered the hearts of many Moscow and non-resident beauties.

By 25 years old, a young man did not have time to acquire a constant girlfriend and preferred to live secluded in the apartment located in the southeast of the capital.


Love for loneliness, probably played a crucial role in the tragedy that occurred on March 14, 2015, when Andrei Livanov's body was discovered in the bathroom his own apartment surrounded by syringe with an unknown substance. This situation spawned a lot of rumors about the causes of the death of a young actor.

According to one of the versions, the theater administrator suffering from diabetes mellitus, felt ailment after the injection of insulin and hit the tile on the tile.

According to another version, Andrei died due to an infection received during the trip to Vietnam, and before the death of the colleagues and ambulance calls. According to such a "scenario," doctors did not have time to save a young man and fell into his apartment after half an hour after death with the help of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The third theory said that the son of Irina Bezrukoika abused drugs and died from overdose, but such rumors did not receive confirmation, because Andrei did not smoke, did not trigger to the alcohol and led a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, hypotheses for murder and death from heart failure appeared in the media, and the simplest explanation found a cousin Livanova, Nina, who in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda said that Brother died due to an accident. Later, this opinion divided the friend of the family Mikhail Zadornov.

Of course, the official autopsy could shed light on the tragedy, but mother and stepfather, at the time of death were on a business trip in Irkutsk, did not give any information about this.

Andrei's body was cremated in the territory of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, located in the metropolitan area of ​​Novokosino. At the funeral on March 18, 2015, family members were attended, with the exception of Sergey Bezrukov, and close friends of the deceased, so the exact location of the grave of the young actor is unknown.

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