"Male / Women's" - Photo, Alexander Gordon, Julia Baranovskaya, Releases 2021



The "Male / Women's" transmission is on the air of the First Channel since 2014. This is a daily talk show, during which the scandalous, touching and terrible stories of ordinary people are disassembered. Leading programs together with invited guests, Russian television stars and narrow velocity experts, try to help the heroes that are asking for help.

History of creation and essence of the program

The first releases of the Talk Show "Male / Women" were broadcast on the first channel in 2014. Prior to that, there was a similar program on television called "They and we", which Alexander Gordon and Ekaterina Strizhenova. In the new program, the essence did not change, the only significant change in the project was the replacement of the lead, while Gordon remained to take the same place. Although the format of the show remained the same, the name decided to change and presented it on television as a socially useful project, designed to help people who fell into trouble.

This name is not accidental. Also, the leaders have chosen the representatives of the two floors. The goal of the show is to show the audience a point of view and hear the opinion on a specific situation from a man and a woman. As a rule, representatives of weak sex are more worried and have a different look, rather than men who are less emotional or try to keep feelings inside themselves.

The program comes out daily, so the audience regularly watch new series. First, the release is broadcast on channel air, and later appears in free internet. Each time the studio is filled with the audience, and under their lively reaction the leading communicate with invited guests, trying to find out the truth.

Often sharp discussions will develop into a scandal or fight. Even more often, the organizers are presented by a surprise in the form of a hidden guest behind the scenes, which goes under the end of the transmission and puts the story from the legs on the head or, on the contrary, makes clarity in what is happening. The harmonious duo in the form of an emotional Baranovskaya and quiet and judicial Gordon helps to unravel the plot and tells the spelling of the correct way out of the problem.

Leading Show

The Male / Women's Mistress Julia Baranovskaya, who became known to the public after parting with his spouse - football player Andrei Arshavin, and before appearing on television. The girl led the program "Girl" on Russia-1, she worked for some time with the heroons of "reboot to" TNT "," and also tried herself a consultant of the transmission "What Men want" on the same channel. In parallel with this project, Julia acts as a defender in the "fashionable sentence", and in 2017, the studio communicated with the heroes of the Babi Round program.

Alexander Gordon is known as a radio and TV presenter, a journalist, and also showed himself as an actor and director in the film industry. In addition, Gordon is the author and permanent leading gear "Citizen Gordon", "Gordon Kihot", "Closed Show" and "Gordon". Earlier, he served as the head of the journalism of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino", taught McGaffine in the film school. Also, the man led not one transmission on Russian television, and therefore has a considerable experience in this direction.

Topics and gear participants

Over the years of the yield of the program, Gordon and Baranovskaya affected not one important theme of Russian society, and also disassembled private problems, listened to the history of participants and, together with experts, tried to help them. Estera Talk-Show TV presenter had to face an adult-graded adult male, family murders and even with cases that parents get rid of their own children. And stories about divorces and treasures - constant themes.

In the transfer from 2014, the studio discussed the relationship of the Schaliapina Prokhor and him at that time, Larisa Copenkina's wife, which is significantly older than one. In the studio, the spouses raised the topic of divorce, guests of the program expressed personal opinions regarding their problem, and the Gauguen of the Solntians, speaking there by an expert, advised a woman to change behavior.

In 2015, the spectators of the first horrified the story of the girl Carmelite. On the usual day, the 9-year-old perm came out of the house and went to school, but did not get to the destination. And exactly a day, residents of the surrounding houses learned the terrible news - the girl is dead. Under the suspicion of her mother's cohabitant, who had a bad reputation. But the 30-year-old Claudia blames in what happened only himself, because it allowed her daughter to go to school.

Another story of 2016 was shocked by the audience. On the air entitled "Hungry Children" showed the plot of a 22-year-old mother. According to the neighbors, the girl hits and Morit's famous children, for what the parental rights deprived. In Julia's studio, Julia is trying to prove leading and experts that this is an outdated ill-wishers, and asks to help her take her daughters from the orphanage.

Several issues from 2017, which were called "Caution: Blue Whale," attracted great attention to the audience. The topic of the talk show has become a group of deaths, which at that time were distributed in social networks. "Blue Whale" is a game, like a quest, where, after a step-by-step fulfillment of the task from the "curator" of the organization, death becomes the last item. Teenagers were attracted to her, the parents of schoolchildren were united and they were trying to fight the creators of the "Games" in the studio. As an exclusion for the transfer, a young man was invited, who survived and told the audience the truth about Quest.

The first transmission, where Olga Buzova agreed to come after the divorce, was the "Male / Women's" project. In the two Martov issues of 2017, the celebrity told about the feelings that were experiencing at the moment and some time after parting with Dmitry Tarasov. Moreover, in the 1st part of the star gave an interview with Julia Baranovskaya with an eye on the eye, and in the 2nd one already decided to go into the studio. Spectators and experts supported the girl, gave her advice and told their own stories that were experienced.

In February 2018, no one broadcast on the theme "Ornate to live," telling about the guys spending huge money, and earning even more. Not every Arabic Sheikh allows himself like a luxury.

Hero issues Evgeny Nazarov stores a collection of hours at $ 10 million in the house, and the restaurant Alexey Vasilchuk lives in a mansion with a private gym, a cinema and 8 bedrooms. In the studio of the program, young people will tell how they manage to earn good and how much is a luxurious life. At the same time, Jan Lukyanova and Lera Frost, who told the lead, where money from their wallets leave.

A year before that, there was already a transfer with a similar topic "Beautifully to live beautifully", but at that time there were only girls who spend on maintaining their beauty and shopping inconceivable amounts.

In another transmission from 2018, the audience was heard by the incredible stories of ordinary women who met their chosen odds, after which their destinies turned over. Natalia launched an acquaintance on the Internet, on a dating site, and then married Nigerian Prince, and Christina himself tied himself to a marriage with an Indian businessman who transported the spouse from Cherepovets on the coast of the Arabian Sea and helped the beloved to become a star of Bollywood films.

Another series of the show, attracted spectators, was the discussion of the story of Woman Svetlana, which alone brings up a disabled child. Another single mother told in the release, how to grow two sons, the younger child also has health problems. The stories of two unfortunate women unites one person - Sergey Kazantsev.

In total, a man owes former wives of almost 1 million rubles. To get the support of her husband and father of children who threw their husband and father, women are forced through the court to recover alimony. The transfer was also called "a million debtor".

And in February 2019, the audience observed the outrageous history of Natalia Mikhailova, who moved from Serbia to Russia. The woman herself calls himself a "pediatrician on the contrary." Previously, she treated his own malaise and diseases of four children in traditional ways, but over time he replaced the tablet appointed by Dr. Tablet and ointment on folk recipes. Wounds on the son of the son The woman was treated with chili and plantain pepper, and also used other non-traditional funds.

Living in Russia, Mikhailov created a blog on the Internet, and when the first followers appeared, Natalia opened paid trainings. On the transfer of transmission, the leaders are trying to figure out why she fled from Serbia, and Gordon and Baranovskaya convince the self-procured "pediatrician" to stop mocking the children.

The shooting of the gear "Male / Women's" continues and now, the channel management is looking for new heroes for their programs, and the audiences expect a series of broadcast. Leading shows hope that the discussion of life problems in the studio will help fans not to fall into such situations, and if they hit, then know how to get out of them.

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