Program "Exclusive" - ​​Photo, Dmitry Borisov, "Channel One", Releases 2021



Human curiosity, the desire to learn the secrets of the personal life of the stars, an irresistible thrust to open the curtain of the mystery of the existence of the departed idols formed the basis of the new show "Exclusive". This is a project that has become the opening of 2018 and has seen millions of Russia's television drivers and post-Soviet space.

The wishes of the public "dig" in the biography of celebrities and the pursuit of sensations have long been exploited by producers and creative managers of television channels of all countries of the world. This is a win-win way to make a media resource popular. Therefore, the audience gladly watch the TV show "Let them say", "Secret by Million", "Lie Detector", "Direct Ether" and others. The project "Exclusive" successfully joined a number of similar, finding its admirers and fans.

History of creation and essence of the program

The first release of the show "Exclusive" viewers saw in September 2018. The premiere made the expected effect and quickly became a rating. The program was justified by the program, giving the first TV viewers an exclusive interview with a woman who was confessed in a 23-year-old love connection with the idol of millions, famous artist Nikolai Karachentsov.

In the studio of the transmission of St. Petersburg ballerina Elena Dmitriev, who lived in France for many years, met with his wife then still a live actor - Lyudmila Forest. The first ether shed light to the essence of the program. For one and a half hours, the TV presenter talks with the heroes of the "exclusive" and asks questions, the answers to which become a sensation and force the hearts of the audience rapidly.

Advertising video transfer came out a few days before the ether and intrigued the lovers of sensations and "digging" in the details of the life of the stars. The announcement sounded words that determined the essence of the upcoming spectacle:

"What was kept secret. What everyone is interesting. What can be opened only to one person. "

As soon, it turned out, during the ether in the studio there are not only TV presenter and its guests, but also a spectator audience, as well as friends, relatives and colleagues of the main characters (or hero). They comment on the heard, put sharp questions, complement (or refute) the answers of key people, applaud or indulge.

In general, the program copies the rating projects - the show "Let them speak" and "direct ether". "Exclusive" comes out every Saturday on the first channel.


To keep a new talk show, the editorial office of the first channel entrusted a well-known journalist, television and radio host, blogger and producer of documentary belts Dmitry Borisov. Since 2015, Borisov has not only not only a journalist, but also the general producer of a subsidiary of the first channel called "Channel One. The worldwide network "responsible for broadcasting in Europe. The importance of the PKVS owns a license for all programs of the first, and his audience in 2019 exceeded 250 million abroads in 2019.

In the asset of the journalist 2 TEFI awards, which were presented to Borisov in 2016 and 2017, and 4 nominations for a prestigious award. And also - the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", which was presented to the TV presenter in 2014 for the preparation and holding of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. At that time, the journalist turned 29 years old.

The recognition of the journalistic talent and authority Borisov also says that in the summer of 2017, he in a duet with a colleague Tatiana Remezova was the main leading "direct line with Vladimir Putin". In the same year, at the end of summer, Dmitry took the "relay" from the senior colleague Andrei Malakhov, who left the talk show "Let them talk."

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In September 2019, Dmitry Borisov, Dmitry Borisov, has been added to the list of projects in which or continues to work.

The TV host had an army of fans, because he not only virtuoso talks in the studio and supports the desired degree of voltage, then asking sharp questions, then protecting the guest from too violent critics, but also charismatic. Spectators, comparing Dmitry with Boris Korchevnikov, Dmitry Shepelev and the same Andrey Malakhov, noted that Borisov found his niche, without losing anyone from his colleagues.

Heroes of the "Exclusive" program

The heroes of the Tok Show Borisov become people whose names for all hearing. Sometimes it is unknown persons who have a relationship (or declare what they had) with the stars. So, the heroine of the first transmission - the ballerina Elena Dmitriev - the public saw for the first time. However, as well as wives (former and true) Alexander Serov and Igor Kostolovsky.

The interview with Elena Serovoy and her meeting with a former husband in the studio was filled with drama - a woman remembered that her spouse beat her once, and the reason for the frequent quarrels and scandals were supposedly a betrayal of a beloved man who were the cause of separation.

The opposite of the emotional heat was a meeting with a Frenchwoman, the second half of Igor Kostolovsky, which, before that, the artist did not show a wide range of admirers. Consuelo de Aviland told fans of the sex symbol of the Soviet era, as met with the main man in her life, which had to be survived on the way to happiness and what role in the fate of the couple played Alain Delon.

The releases of a talk show were extremely dramatic, the heroes of which were the parents of the untimely died dech and Andrei Livanova. Irina Bezrukova was hard to restrain in order not to burst, recalling the dead son. Igor Livanov and Sergey Bezrukov did not come to the studio, but video was broadcast with their words.

The actress spoke about difficult childhood, about suddenly gustling love, who broke out to Sergey Bezrukov and destroyed the externally happy family, in which a small son smashed. And Irina dispelled rumors about pregnancy, which in the early 2019 spent the media, and shared news from personal life.

Parents who died from the heart attack of the 35-year-old Decral told the talk show to the true story about the long-term conflict with the Son, and the Father Alexander Tolmatsky reigned in the fact that in many years it was not able to overcome the abyss among themselves and Kirill, formed after the divorce with his Mother and marriage on young mistress. Mom singer Irina Tolmatskaya, with which Kirill was close to the last day of life, frankly told about the tense relations of the father and son.

Under the curtain of 2018, in December, the fans saw and heard Tatyana Bruukhunov, a woman who took place next to Evgeny Petrosyan. His divorce and loud section of the property with Elena Stepanenko trembled the whole country and fans, holy to the fortress of the marriage and creative union of the pair of artists-humorists.

Bruukhunova, whose life of the persecution of journalists and fans of Petrosyan-Stepanenko was made unbearable, came to the studio to tell their story and dispel the myth about themselves as a "fatal deliberation", destroyed the family.

In early February 2019, the guest of the Ether "Exclusive" became Ksenia Sobchak, whose personal life at the beginning of 2019 is discussed by the media with a special excess. She shared childhood memories, told about the father, who did not want to share with anyone, about a small son. However, to discover the veil of secrets in personal life and speak the topic of the "love triangle", in which two "corners" took Maxim Vitorgan and Konstantin Bogomolov, Ksenia did not.

An unexpectedly touching interview with Habib Nurmagomedov, the UFC champion in lightweight weight. He shared that Mom loves more than his father, told about the laws of honor in the Caucasus and opened the audience that the line of his personality, which they did not guess earlier.

Rodion Nahapetov and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin frankly spoke about relationships with daughters. Nahapetov and his American spouse has improved mutual understanding with daughters who appeared in the first marriage with faith of verbal, but the Fedoseeva-Shukshina relations with two of the three daughters continue to remain tense.

In the same last month of 2018, Dmitry Borisov presented to the audience another surprise, told about the latest events in the life of the Favorites of Million, the Musey of Andrei Tarkovsky, unsurpassed Mili of all time Margarit Terekhova.

The surprise was sad: the children of the Great Actress told about the serious Mother's disease. Margarita Borisovna, who was diagnosed by Alzheimer's disease, today does not recognize their relatives, does not go and does not speak, more and more diving. The audience saw not only children, but also granddaughter Terechova, surprisingly similar to the famous grandmother.

The guests of the TV show had time to become a widow of Dmitry Mariananov, who told about the alcoholism of her husband, Marianna Vertinskaya, who had told about the novel with Andron Konchalovsky, Singer Masha Rasputin and his daughter Lida, Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, who was revelations about the difficult relationship with children, a widowed husband Lyudmila Gurchenko - Sergey Senin .

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