Asya (character) - photo, biography, appearance, character, quotes, Ivan Turgenev


Character History

Asya - the main character of the one-name of Ivan Turgenev and the film filmed on the replaces. Girl with an uncertain social position. Maid daughter born from Barin. Brought up brother. Beloved the main character of the story that the writer marked like N.N.

History of character creation

Ivan Turgenev began working on the belt in the summer of 1857, and finished the text in November. The publication took place in 1858, when the first issue of the literary magazine "Contemporary" was published. It was expected that the author would be much earlier than the tack of editorial board, but the work went slowly due to illness and a tired state.

The idea of ​​the story was born from a writer in Germany. In one small town, Turgenev became a random witness of the scene, which pushed his imagination. The girl looked out of the window in the upper floors at home, and at the same time the elderly woman peered out of the window of the first floor.

Ivan Turgenev became interested in the life of these two people and tried to imagine what happens between them. The idea of ​​the story was born from these reflections, but the history of the work of the work affects the autobiographical moments.

An interesting fact - the Turgenene itself had an illegitimate daughter of Polina, which became the prototype of ASI. Like the heroine of the work, Polina died, from the point of view of the society of that time, in a strange position. The mother's mother was a peasant, and Father, Ivan Turgenev, - Barin.

Polina fell into the society of the nobles from the peasant world and felt in a new environment not in his plate. Turgenev had another illegitimate sister of Varvara, who could also become a prototype of ASI.

Artists David Borovsky, Ksenia Clementeeva and Vladimir Zeltes, created illustrations for the story at different times.

Image and biography Asi

Situation - a small city on the banks of the Rhine. The main character falls on a noisy student holiday with music and is acquainted with two compatriots - the girl Asi and her brother, a kind of gagina who is going to become an artist.

Heroine is 17 years old. The full name of the mysterious girl with an unusual appearance of Anna Nikolaevna Gagina. This is a low thin feature with a "boyish" haircut to the shoulders, brunette with curly hair, black eyes and long eyelashes. Wears a widescreen straw hat, which closes the part of the face, the ripple scarves and long shawls.

The heroine often occurs the mood swings, the girl is sad, it begins to have noisy having fun, eccentric and performs unexpected actions. Maybe, for example, to boil on the ruins of the old castle, deciding suddenly pour flowers there. Slowly to the main character begins to come true that Asya, in all likelihood, no sister Gagina is actually.

N.N. It is not able to solve the mystery independently, according to the quotation, "a capricious girl with a stretched laugh ...". A few days later his patience bursts, and he causes Hagina to a frank conversation. It turns out that the girl really does not have to Gagina with his native sister. Himself, Gagin, at the twelve years left home to Petersburg, to the boarding school. The father of the hero lived in the village and by the time of departure Gagina became a widow.

Only after the father died, Gagin found out that the parent had another child - a girl. This child was the heroine of the work, which was born from Barin and the maid Tatiana, who worked in the house of Gagina. Until the nine years, the girl lived with his mother in the hollow and grew in a simple rustic environment, so the manners were little like a "lady".

On the ninth year of Asina's life, the mother died, and the girl fell into the house of the father-landowner. There they began to re-educate, trying to make a maiden of noble origin. At the time of death, the father of the orphaned daughter was already thirteen years. From his relatives, only a summary brother remained at the girl, on whose care of Asya and turned out to be.

Four years ago, a summary sister spent in the St. Petersburg guesthouse, where the brother passed the heroine. This is a difficult period in the biography of the main heroine. In the guest house, the girl was trying to re-educate, but the "dyed" character changed little. She tried to instill good manners and teach French and German languages, and also taught to dance Waltz.

Then the girl together with the gagina leaves abroad, from which the description of the story of the book begins. Asya meets with N.N. And he causes deep pity. He thinks that the nervous state of the girl is caused by the pity of her social position.

The heroine, indeed, many complexes on the soil of "obscene" origin. She shame his own mother and wants to be no worse than noble maidens. Because of these complexes, the behavior of the Operation often looks unnatural - she is tense, strangely laughing, loves to rip and in society keeps himself not too skillfully.

But this characteristic is only a protective reaction. Asya was used to voice out aloud everything that comes to mind, he does not know how to lie, and the natural timidity masks the unulcable behavior. It's hard to blame with the heroine, despite the good heart. At the same time, the girl is smart, energetic and movable, ridiculous and does not like to sit still.

Brother sees in the form of sisters, first of all, spoil and capriciousness. The heroine is really inclined to the shadows and daring behavior, loves to give acquaintance with people of another social circle.

Young people penetrate to each other with gentle feelings, and once he writes a letter to a hero, where he asks for a date. N.N. There is a serious conversation with the elder brother. He sees what feelings the girl is experiencing to the hero, and is interested, is it going to marry.

N.N. hesitates and does not feel confident in what really wants to marry. As a result, agree that at the next meeting, the hero will reject the feeling of the girl so that in vain does not encourage the in love.

The next time the Barin's daughter and the maid meet the hero in the house owned by the widow of Burgomaster. She admits N.N. In his own feelings and rushes into his arms, however, a man suddenly begins to put forward a claim to the girl. The hero, it turns out, did not like the fact that the potential bride trusted his brother and told that about his own feelings.

Having heard all this and realizing that her love is unrequited, the girl runs away, and N.N. Together with Gagina, it is necessary to go in search. Before the man, finally, it comes to that he still has a desire to marry and some feelings for a girl. However, it's too late.

He is going to talk to Gagina the next day to ask that asyna's hands, but it turns out that they left. N.N. He learns that those went to London, but there the track is finally lost. The further biography of the heroine remains unknown.

The key theme of the work is a problem of love that does not find a response. And the main idea is that indecision and doubt are not the best assistants in the character, because of which the main character misses his happiness.

Asya in films

In 1977, the film studio "Lenfilm" came out a film in the genre of melodramas based on the story of Ivan Turgenev. The director and the author of the scenario became Joseph Heifitz, in the role of Beloved N.N. An actress Elena Koreneva starred. The film was shot in collaboration with the German film studio "Defa". The shooting took place in the cities of Babelsberg and Potsdam. The actor Igor Kostolovsky performed the role of Gagina, and Vyacheslav Yazhepov played the main character. The roles of the second plan were shot by German actors.


You drove into the lunar pillar, you broke it! Do you think I want to drink? No, there are flowers on the walls that are certainly necessary. No, I don't want to love anyone, except you, no, no, I want to love you - and forever. I want to cry, and I laugh. You should not judge me ... by what I do.


  • 1858 - "Asya"


  • 1977 - "Asya"

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