Dalus ("Moonlight detective agency") - photos, participants, composition, best rooms 2021



The KVN team "The Detective Agency" Moonlight "", which fans abbreviatedly called "Dals", was one of the most small for the history of the TV project. Participants surprised the public by author's jokes, sparkling humor and unlimited fantasy. The team consisted of two people: Timur Babyaka and Philip Voronin.

History of team creation

Philip and Timur got acquainted in Belgorod in 2010. The natives of one city agreed towards the humor and decided to try working together. A random meeting on the speech marked the very existence of a humorous duet. The team received the name "Detective Agency" Moonlight "" in honor of the series with the participation of Bruce Willis.

To attract attention to speeches, they managed from the first appearance on the scene. The decision not to invite other co-authors to the team seemed a bold jury and public. Initially, the team wondered as numerous, but some participants refused to perform performances, while others showed irresponsibility. A true interest in the case was manifested only by Phil and Timur, who decided to dare.

The prospects of the team quickly appreciated the audience and the jury of contests in which he participated. The comedians tried the forces in the format of KVN and in 2011 styled by vice-champions of the regional "League Plus" in Nizhny Novgorod. The guys reserved with new jokes to demonstrate the potential. Already next year they managed to become champions of the Higher Ukrainian League of the Club of Merry and Resources.

After 2 years, Babyak and Voronin occupied the 2nd place in the highest league, which was an incredible result for a duet. In 2015, the appetizers were again participated in the Higher League of KVN, they reached the final competition, but it did not work out. It upset the comedians and made you think about the future.

The secret of the success of the Duet was that the participants refused to use someone else's material. From the scene, they voiced exclusively author's jokes. Philip and Timur were engaged in joint work for 5 years. In 2015, humorists understood that they had exhausted themselves as participants in the game KVN. Babyak and Voronin declared a desire to realize in solo work. The plans also had the creation of a copyright creative project.

The organizers of the Central League of KVN Moscow and the Moscow region appreciated the achievements of the team "DOS", so in the same year they invited a duet to enter the jury on a par with other representatives of humorous clubs. Voicing the assessments of the contestants, the guys showed objectivity and quickly entered the proposed role.

Command structure

Starting the conquest of KVN together, Babyak and Voronin did not think about complementing the team with new participants. The company comedians amounted to sound engineer Andrei Eroshkin, on whose shoulders lay responsibility for the scenery. Humorists ignored the recommendations of the KVN editors to replenish the team composition.

By independently putting yourself in the cramped conditions of creativity, young people did not resort to the help of third-party scenarios, producers and actors. The selected format arranged them, although the workflow often turned out to be discomfort.

Philip became captain, but both representatives of the duet had equal rights. Voronin and Babyak themselves were responsible for the organizational and production process. Creditting with a large amount of work, comedians regularly demonstrated high results, finding a common language in the work on numbers. They were united by the love of humor and a single approach to creativity.

Voronin was born in 1993 and since childhood was fond of Standap. By doing after school in the Belgorod State University, he turned out to be the creator of the KVN team called "Indi". She participated in the university level games and entered the KVN KVN League competition.

Work in the team was inconvenient, so Philip decided to act as an independent author. The comedian material and filed an application for participation in the show "Laughter without Rules". Philip is lucky. In 2010, he received an invitation to "Comedy Battle" and was part of his finalists.

Timur Baby man older partner for 2 years. He also studied at Belgorod University and was fond of humor. The young man went on stage as a representative of the student team KVN "Salad". This team was more popular than "Inde", where Philip participated. The teams performed in the urban league and even received invitations to participate in contests in other regions. In 2010, the creative crisis was outlined in Salate. Like Voronin, Babyak went into solo swimming. A year later, the guys have already prepared material in tandem.

Best speeches

The creators of Dals believe that their numbers remembered the audience due to the benefit in the form of the small number of the team. Speaking at any stage of the KVN contest, comedians represented non-standard etudes. Yes, and cooperation in the duet turned out to be fruitful in comparison with the work in the Great Team.

The guys faced the fact that many of their jokes received refusal editors. At the same time, they strictly followed the compliance of ideas format of the club fun and resourceful. Philip often offered interesting finds, but he refused them. At this point, the initiative of Timur played a decisive role, ready to defend high-quality idea.

The "Muscar" stage in the semifinals of the KVN 2014, in which the duet used the song "The lips of your candy candy taste", conquered the jury and the audience. The eyeliner, voiced by Philip, and the performance of the song Timur in the company of girls looked alone and forced to singing.

The highlight, which the duet accompanied the invented texts, was the creation of parodies on video in Youtube format. So there was a continuation of the room using the mentioned musical composition. The team showed it in the final by entering the etude in the number of their best performances.

The continuation of the number entitled "Investigative Experiment". He was demonstrated in the semifinals of KVN in 2015, and in the final "Dals" prepared the continuation of the "New Year's Investigation Experiment".

In the same season, the team once again demonstrated a creative approach to the use of modern music to create humorous etudes. Poddies chose the song of the Spanish Artist El Moudo "Chacarron Macarron" and played a music scene.

The video format of the team applied at the presentation of the number "Gerasim and Mummy SMS corresponds." Voronin and Babyak were spectacular in the "Music Biathlon", "greetings" and other thematic stages of KVN competition.

They remember the audience due to non-trivial appearance: Timur has always appeared on stage in a bright yellow jacket and with a fashionable hairstyle with a tail, and Philipped wore a funny mustache. These details became the brand "Dalus". At the Summer Cup, the KVN friends were sprode themselves, inviting artists to the stage, repeating the distinctive elements of their style.

"DOS" now

After leaving the KVN Timur and Philip did not break with humor. They changed the format of activity. Voronin continued cooperation with "Gum Battle". Also, together with the Babyak, he accepted an invitation to participate in the show "Once in Russia".

In 2017, Timur became a guest of the transfer "Where is the logic?", Speaking in a contest in a pair with Yulia Topolnitskaya. He changed the image, got rid of long hair and tried his strength in the new direction, making an Etude-Parody to Battle Rappene and Oxymon.

Now the guys planned, have their own creative project. He is called their duet, "Dalus". This is a creative agency for organizing events. In 2019, comedian fans can already invite them to their celebration or order a holiday created under their control.

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