KVN team "Buns" - photos, participants, composition, best performances 2021



The team called the Buns of the Yaroslav Gashek buns, which are abbreviated by the "buns", come from Tver. Like other cavancers, they started the guys from university performances and at that time did not even dreamed of the Higher League of KVN. The love of the audience the team managed to conquer thanks to sparkling yumor and the charisma of all team members.

History of team creation

The story of the "buns" began in the walls of the University of Tver, when the club was organized for local students. Moreover, it was originally included in it only students of the Faculty of Social Work and Psychology. Then the guys speaking on the scenes of Tver, and could not imagine that they would appear on television, among other KVN teams.

Andrei Babich and Bogdan Lishevsky are considered primary outputers of the current "buns". The humorous team was originally called the "bun name of Yaroslav Gashek". This name is not chosen by chance. Gashek - Czech politician, satirik and writer, glorified his name with funny slogans for a party that composed regularly. And the word "buns" was invented so that the name did not sound too officially. Later the name of the writer was changed to the "wise".

The first important victory for Cavanechikov occurred in 2012, when they managed to take the 1st place in the university game. From this point on, the career guys like humorists went up. So students fell into the Tver League of Upper Treasury, where they conquered judges with a sparkling humor and successfully reached the semifinals. In 2016, young people came to the first league, and then in the Higher League of KVN, where 2 years in a row were speaking and laugh at the audience with miniatures, replicas, music and songs.

In 2017, in the Higher League, the guys could not become champions, but also the 3rd seats of humorists, because this position in competitions of this level meant a lot. In the same year, Cavencers managed to take "Small Kiwin in Gold" on the "Valley Kiwin" in Svetlogorsk.

In the Higher League of the KVN 2018, the team had to be posted on the full and do everything possible for victory. Young people just recently got on television, and therefore they wanted to gain themselves in this position. The diligence and acting skills of the "buns" remained unnoticed by the judiciary.

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Evaluating the participants, the jury exhibits points for each specific competition. In the final, the guys from Tver scored the required number of points to take the 2nd place and get a cash prize (500 thousand rubles). And after, along with other teams, KVN, young humorists went on tour through the cities of Russia.

"Buns" do not adhere to some single style of humor, but do not like to joke on political topics, and also do not affect religion, everything else is not a taboo. In their arsenal there are always funny miniatures on the current time of the problem, which they wicked and cheerful the jury and the auditorium. Scenes are born due to improvisational ideas of individual participants, as well as as a result of collective reflections.

The only problem that does not allow Cavencens to develop in the selected direction - the absence of a permanent sponsor. The money won in the Higher League was spent on the payment of accommodation in Moscow, as well as to buy costumes and details.

To win in KVN - today the main goal of the guys, they hope that they will be able to continue to stay afloat and acquire constant financial support. So far, young people have a contract with KVN, they do not have the opportunity to participate in other projects, although after the club of fun and resourceful "buns" plan to create an author's humorous project, which has not yet been on television.

Command structure

In today's composition of the "buns" includes 7 people. Captain Team - Andrei Babich. The guy was born in Tver in 1991. After graduation, two higher education was received in Tverskiv University - Economic and Engineering. And after, he entered the Magistracy of TSU to the specialty "TVURDINALS". In the team, he is not only an actor, but also the author of jokes and miniatures.

Another bright member of the KVN team - Bogdan Lishevsky. He comes from Zelenograd, where she ended the school, and after he moved to Tver, there was a specialty psychologist in TVGU. In the student years already played in the university team. Bogdan is fond of football, in his spare time he loves to watch movies. In the current team occupies not only the actor, but also the author.

Ivan Vasnev appeared in the team also since the founding of the university team. In addition to speeches on stage, the young man works in the position of the content manager.

And Ilya Belyakov joined the guys a little later, not from the moment of the first performances of the "buns". After school, the young man entered the Tver State Agricultural Agricultural Academy, where, having received a diploma, remained to work, respond to KVN in the university. In the team he is the author and actor.

Together with the above Cavencers on stage, Vyacheslav Zhdanov, the only girl Anastasia Sergeeva and Debt Roman.

Best speeches

In the career, the guys had a lot of good outlets on the stage, among the best speeches, the audience note several scenes. In addition, musical compositions have long been associated with the name of the collective. Among them, the song "And Love Sleeping" Magamed Dzybova, which Bogdan Lishevsky comes to the scene, and "love knocks on the door again." This track with the clip guys recorded on their own.

And in the competition "Mark" guys and themselves often perform ridiculous songs, although, as KVN participants are recognized, none of them have special musical abilities. But in this competition, because the main thing is not a beautiful voice, but the meaning laid down in the composition. For this reason, the speeches of young people are always remembered to the audience and are repeatedly revised by lovers of the club cheerful and resourceful.

In 2018, in the semifinals of the Higher League of KVN, the team of the Buns of the Yaroslav Wise Breaks sprocked the battle between Corporal McGregor and Habib Nurmagomedov, but as an example of the guys led Duel Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich and Dantes and presented it at the Canon of the XXI century. In the real battle of fighters UFC defeated Nurmagomets. Before the battle, McGregor did not miss the opportunity to insult the opponent, the situation of Cavanechiki was also ridiculously beat in the created formulation.

Another funny room of the guys showed in one of the Summer Release KVN. The miniature was presented in the scene, as if the team participated in the team called Ekaterina Andreeva - one of the most recognizable persons of the first channel, leading evening news, and asked to warn her by phone when the ether begins, because there is no one in the studio.

In the meantime, a traditional screensaver appears on the screen and music is playing that notifies the start of sending news. At the table, as usual, Sits Andreeva. Cavaneshchik shouts into a microphone: "Come on!", And Catherine starts visiting the latest events. They played as if the TV presenter and truth began to speak after his replica.

They joked the guys and about the World Championship, and also took other important issues in the quality, exciting hundreds of viewers, and turned them into funny thumbnails.

However, not all speeches were successful. For example, a joke about Bashkaria - she though he cheated the hall, but by the user caused a mass of indignation. This happened in 2017, when the guys performed on the 1/8 finals of the highest league. In the harmless reprise, the guys that "the glass is half full, and half Bashkir," part of the audience saw the subtext, accusing representatives of the Bashkir nation in drunkenness.

The team of young humorists was accused of national chauvinism. And others wrote that Bashkirs are militant and brave people, and there is not a single fact in the works of art that climbs into alcoholism. Meanwhile, the "buns" hurried to explain to the offended spectators, apologized and answered that it was only a game of words.

"Buns" now

In December 2018, after the end of the season of the Higher League of KVN, the captain of the bun team, Andrei Babich, announced the leaving of the team from the club cheerful and resourceful. He also added that this decision was made in conjunction with the rest of the participants and it is final. The reason for such a decision was financial difficulties.

"Buns" were told in an interview that they had no sufficient monetary support for further performances. Of course, they helps the university, but this money is still missing. Previously, representatives of state power promised to assist the young team, but these promises were not fulfilled.

No matter how sad guys were not to leave KVN, the humorists are not despair. Indeed, in the future, it would still have to give way to other young teams that only begin to speak. Already, Cavenceniki moved to a new popular and rating project - Comedy Club. The guys were invited to several performances, which will probably soon make them permanent resident residents.

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