Talk show "Let them say" - Photo, Andrei Malakhov, Dmitry Borisov, releases 2021



"Let them say" - the Russian analogue at once 2 popular American programs: Oprah Winfrey show and show Larry Springer. Somehow the program managed to combine and the dramatic component characteristic of the oprach, and the scandalous atmosphere, which Springer is so attractive. Thanks to this, the show has been retaining a consistently high rating and is not losing popularity at the target audience.

History of creation and essence of the program

The TV show, which became the earliest predecessor "Let them say", "Big Wash" was broadcast in July 2001 on the ORT TV channel (later on the first channel). The timing show was 1 hour - so much on average lasts the cycle of the washing machine. That is, it was assumed that viewers can watch the program during a break between domestic affairs.

The subject was appropriate: in the "Big Washing" discussed those parties to everyday life, which is not customary to speak. The show was favorably perceived by the mass audience, although he did not escape criticism and accusations of vulgarity.

In 2004, the transfer began to be called "five evenings" and changed a little format. Discussions in the new version of the show have acquired a more serious shade and focused on social and significant issues and did not even avoid policies. The program came out 5 days a week. In this version, it existed a year - the last issue of "five evenings" appeared on screens on July 29, 2005.

At the end of the summer of 2005, the leadership of the first channel decided to change the name of the transfer to "let them say", as well as make adjustments to the subject of the show. Instead of political and social problems, the program returned to privacy issues. However, now the overall attitude of the transfer has become much greasy: the stories that are discussed in "Let them say" are resonant in nature and often talk about cruelty, violence and sex scandals.

Nevertheless, the show did not refuse the show from the entertainment trend. Periodically, "let them say" produces thematic esters, distant from scandals and "Chernukhi". For example, Eurovision and Olympic Games were discussed in the transfer.

"Let them talk" promptly responds to socially significant events: since 2006, issues devoted to tragedies or deaths of media are periodically created. Such transmissions go out of turn and live. So, for example, it was with the release dedicated to Kirill Tolmakov, Deter, who suddenly died during a concert in February 2019.

From 2011 to "Let them say" an innovation appeared, an Internet surf lovers - issues of "Afftar Zhot". Participants of such programs became the heroes of videos that caused resonance among Internet users. Such a hero, for example, became Pavel Radon residents, the author and protagonist of the web project "Addict Pavlik", on the air revealed cards and told about the real one.

The regularity of the appearance of releases "Let them say" on the television screen has changed repeatedly: first the transmission went 2 times a week, since 2006 the number of issues increased twice. Then there was a short period when viewers could enjoy the show 5 days a week, but from the end of 2012 "Let them say" again returned to 4 issues for 7 days.

This show is one of the few, which for all the time existence practically did not go on vacation in the summer. An exception was the period from 2014 to 2016 - then from July to September, the highestting releases from those already shown were broadcast.

Talk Show

Andrei Malakhov became the first leading and "face of the project". When Larisa Krivzova, producer and the author of the idea of ​​"big washing," arose a thought about such a program, she immediately went to Malakhov and offered him to make a show "for himself." Until 2017 other leaders from "Let them say" was not. The only thing - during the existence of the "five evenings" of the permanent Andrei, 1 time was replaced by Ildar Gendrev and Boris Berman. They led the release dedicated to the series "Moscow Saga" - the screening of the same name of Vasily Aksenova.

In 2014, Andrei had a partner during the releases dedicated to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi - TV presenter and journalist Dmitry Borisov. After 3 years, in July 2017, there was information that Malakhov leaves the first channel. The reasons for the care of a popular leading was somewhat. The majority are considered to fall in the ratings of the transfer, as well as disagreements in the team producing "let them say".

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It was also a rumor that the cause of Andrei's departure was "malakhov's wife, Natalia Shkuleva, waited for a child. On the true causes of parting with the first channel, a man told only a year after care. According to Malakhov, he was tired of how the channel management belongs to him, despite the obvious merit of Andrei and the profitability of his transfer.

Scandals and interesting issues

The "kitchen" of the show is organized so that the transfer participants do not know that their opponents will take part in the shooting. The team "Let them say" is configured to show 2 sides of the truth, but aware of the guest's guest can and refuse to participate in learning about meeting with the enemy.

Therefore, conflicts and fights often happen to transmission, and not only "ordinary" guests, but also media faces participate in them. So, for example, psychic Anatoly Kashpirovsky hit the St. Petersburg sexologist Igor Knyazkina, not satisfying insults from him.

Separate attention deserves a series of issues dedicated to Diana Shurygin - a girl (at that time - a minor), who sent the defendants of Sergey Semenov on the bench, who raped it. Public resonance received after lighting in the transfer "Let them say". The question was actively discussed, the question was not the accusations of false, as a result of which the guests of the studio and the users of social networks were tuned against Diana. Because of the severity of the raised topic, the issues devoted to the shurgina turned out to be "viral" and received high ratings.

Many media persons, despite the scandalous shada of the transfer, participate in the show with pleasure, as, for example, Ksenia Sobchak, which appeared in the transfer in 2011.

Also re-outlined in the transfer and goghnes of the Solders. In the first appearance, a man told about parting with the elderly wife Ekaterina Tereshkovich, and less than a year later he returned to "let them say" with a statement about returning to his wife.

Repeatedly appeared in the show and the scandalous Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Moreover, after shooting release of 2011, the girl accused Vladislav Surkov that the transfer with her participation does not go on the air because of his pressure.

Illuminated in the show and confusing personal relationship between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young spouse Vitaly Tymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The guests of the studio and the audience talked to the participants of the proceedings and their friends and friends. Family scandals, like ordinary people and celebrities - a frequent topic "Let them say". The show also tried to understand the personal life and producer Baria Alibasov, and the actor Ivan Krasko.

But Rapper Guf to participate in the show refused, not wishing to endure the scandal associated with Jan Shevtsova, which the audience considers the culprit of the gap between him and the soloist "A-Studio" of Keti Topure.

For the sake of the material "let them say" can be accepted and studio format. For example, in 2011, the current show made a release in Israel - Andrei Malakhov went there to talk with Philip Kirkorov. The famous singer then was treated in the Israeli clinic after a scandal with the Marina Apple, which Philip pounced with his fists during the filming of the Golden Gramophone.

Another bright "outbound" release was the transfer dedicated to the mysterious tragedy on the passage of Dyatlov. In 2013, seeking to get to the truth, the team "Let them speak" a week has lived in a malfunctional place, documenting events.

Also, the transfer went out in a charitable format: "Let them say" widely covered the situation with Zhanna Friske's disease. Several issues were devoted to the health and life of the singer, in which money fees were organized for the treatment of Jeanne. After the death of Friske "Let them say" made a broadcast in memory of the singer, and later covered the question of where in fact the funds collected on therapy.

The theme of physical imperfection, both valid and imaginary, often becomes the theme of the next broadcast esters. Restored issues devoted to the issues of weight loss and plastic surgery were repeatedly starred.

For a long time I remember the audience Kirill Tereshin (hands-Bazuki) - a young man who graduated in the muscles of the shoulders drug Synthol, which led to heavy inflammations, which now regularly require treatment and threaten a man with disabilities, and even death.

In 2019, Internet users interested and even shocked the video from the alleged new release. First, the leading "let them say" again turned out to be Andrei Malakhov, and secondly, the fate of the family of Krivosheev, briefly represented by him on the camera, looked too much absurd even for this show. However, the unagnation turned out to be simple: the video had nothing to do with the transfer and was a trailer to the apocalyptic comedy "Day to", filmed in 2016, but released on screens only in 2019.

Now "let them say" leads Dmitry Borisov. It is still one of the most popular gears of Russian television. New issues regularly assemble the spectators of Russia and neighboring countries.

The editors of the show closely monitors the events in the country and the world, so only those topics that really will become illuminated in the program. Perhaps, thanks to this, "let them say" does not lose any relevance, nor of popularity, despite the care of Malakhov and the correction of the format.

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