Ostap Bulba - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actors


Character History

Character Tale Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba". Senior son Taras Bulba, Brother Andria.

History of creation

The story of Nicholas Gogol "Taras Bulba" was based on a real historical event - the Cossack uprising of 1638, which Hetman Pototsky suppressed. Dramatic fate characters are inspired by specific historical examples. The prototype of Taras Bulba became Okhrim Makuha, Ataman Zaporizhzhya troops, a companion of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Writer Nikolai Gogol.

This Okhrim was three sons, one of whom went over the side of the Poles and betrayed the Cossacks due to the fact that they fell in love with the Polish panley, as it happened in the story with Andrei Bulby. Another son Ohrimim - Homa - became the prototype of Gogol Ostap. This choma tried to deliver the brother-ahead to his father, but died along the way.

Gogol learned this story from a person who studied together - a descendant of the third who survived the son of Okhrim Makuhi, in the family of which this story was passed as a family legend. The writer also studied historical sources intently - works by historians, Ukrainian chronicles and folk songs.

Zaporizhzhya Cossacks

The story "Taras Bulba" was first published as part of the Mirgorod collection in 1835. In 1842, the second volume of "writings" Nikolai Gogol was published, which entered the edited version of the story, which is fundamentally different from the first.

"Taras Bulba"

Ostap - Young Zaporizhia Cossack, Son Pan Taras Bulba. At the beginning of the story of the Hero of 22 years, it is a strong and tall young man who does not yet shave beard. After arriving in the Zaporizhzhya, the hero is making, and the features of his face become "formidable".

The hero has an Andry's younger brother. Ostap, together with his brother, was educated in Kievan Bursa (academy), where young people were sent by twelve. Every year, at the time of vacation, the young men went home and all the way was done on foot, because by customs were considered too young to ride. Taras Bulba gave her horses with sons, only when they were already produced from the bursa.

Taras Bulba with sons

In Bursa, Ostap did not show a zeal in his studies and in the first year even tried to escape. However, the hero returned back, carved themselves in the edification and forced to sit down for books. Ostap ordered the textbooks in the ground four times, for which every time I got a ride. But the hero was considered a reliable companion in Bursa and never gave out others even threatened by punishment.

Despite the fact that Ostap and Andriy grew together and were equally brought up, in the characters of the brothers incomprehensible. Andriy from the young age was a funny man with a slight character, he studied well in Bursa, willingly burst into scuffle and went out of the water.

Ostap was struggling to society and was closed. Mattering, Ostap became a person with a firm character and clear ideas about the debt. Andry remained more frivolous and betrayed "his" due to romantic feelings to the pool.

Ostap Bulba

Ostap is a proud and prominent young man, a real Cossack who does not give a descent to anyone. It beats nicely, it does not shoot and can stand in battle with six opponents at the same time. Ostap and Andry are able to twist the Dnieper against the current. Father is proud of the hero and believes that over time, the "good" colonel will be "kind".

Ostap really demonstrates a good leader's deposit. This is a collected and cold-blooded young man who is not lost in a difficult situation, is able to quickly assess the current state of affairs and come up with how to overcome the impending threat. War and Pirushki are the main care of the hero, the rest of the left is worried about little. With all the dislike for teaching, the Ostap was considered a reasonable person among the Cossacks, whose abilities allowed him to become a curent ataman at a young age.

Andriy Bulba

The biography of the hero ends tragically. Once in the hands of enemies, Ostap behaves courageously, goes to the execution "with a quiet proudness" and persistently tolerate torture, with which the hero is subjected to the city square during the crossing of the people. Taras Bulba, Moveni for the death of the Son, with a huge army of the Cossacks go against the Poles and shows an excessive cruelty to the enemy.


The first film "Taras Bulba" came out at the dawn of cinema, in 1909. This is a short dumb movie shot by the director Alexander Drankov. The first film was filmed primitively and consisted of several spectacular episodes, little related plot or in meaning.

In 1936, the French historical drama "Tarass Boulba" came out. The film shot Russian director Alexis Granovsky at the studio "GG Films". In the role of Osta Bulba performed the actor Roger Dushen.

Illustration for book

Two years later, in the UK, the remake of the film Granovsky called "The Rebel Son" ("Rezero Son"). This time there is no Ostap in the scenario, attention is focused on the relationship between Taras Bulba with the second son - Andrei. He took off the film director Alexander Korda.

In 1962, the American film was released "Taras Bulba" with Holy Brinner in the lead role. Ostap played actor Perry Lopez (Perry Lopez).

In the film a lot of discrepancies with the text of the story and funny stereotypical (from the point of view of the Russian-speaking viewer) of the moments. Yul Brinner is too young and athletically folded for the role of Taras Bulba, which was a high-bottomed Cossack with gray mustache. The film has Gypsies, the battle scene on the swords in the style of "Three Musketeers", there is an episode where Yul Brinner sings in English a song to the motive "Kalinki Malinka". In yet another episode, a "typical" game of remote Cossacks is depicted: the evil bear sits in the pit, and the hero goes along the mining log above the pit, caring vodka from the bottle on the move. In the final, Taras Bulba remains alive, and the Cossacks take Dubno.

Frame from the film

In 1963, the Italian film "Taras Bulba, Il Cosacco" directed by Ferdinando Baldi (Ferdinando Baldi) was released. The role of Ostap there was George Reich (George Reich).

In 2010, Taras Bulba "Reached" to India. The director of Anil Sharma shot on the motives of the Gogol Town of the film "Vir - Hero of the People". The plot of the story "Reasred" to the Indian soil. Andriy and Ostap here were turned into two brothers - Vira and Punny, Taras Bulba - in the father of the main characters, the leader of Gang Prithvi Singha, and Poles in the British, the colonizers of India.

The time of action is the second half of the XIX century. The troops of English colonizers, uniting with the Indian king of Gyanendra, destroy the Singha gang. Vir, along with the younger brother, go to study in London, the capital of the colonialists, who he wants to take revenge on his father. In London, Vir meets compatriot and falls in love, but she turns out to be a daughter of King Gyanendra, the enemy of Vira, who still stands on the side of the British and wants to deal with the hero.

Vladimir Vdovchenkov in the form of Osta Bulba

In 2009, the Russian historical drama "Taras Bulba" directed by Vladimir Bortko was published. The film was filmed in St. Petersburg at Lenfilm film studio, part of the episodes were filmed in the Polish city of Wroclaw, part - on the territory of Ukraine: in Kamenets-Podolsky, on the island of Hortica, in Kiev and Khotyn. The role of Ostap played actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

The film has a number of inconsistencies with the text of the story. Gogol has a smaller emphasis on the Polish Pannachka, in which Andriy is in love. Unknown the name of this character, and after the decisive battle, Dubno Pannochka is no longer mentioned in the text. In the film, Bortko Pannochka gets the name - Elzhbet Mazovale, the daughter of the governor, and the fate of the character is better developed. The heroine gives birth from Andria Son and dies during childbirth.

Frame from the film

In the story of Gogol a lot of anti-Semitic statements that are removed from the film scenario. In addition, the Bortco Poles attack the Bulba farm and kill the Hero's wife, which is not a word in the story. The film also has a scene of torture with rugs, hanging on a hook behind the edge and others, in the story of torture, which was subjected to captive Ostap and other Cossacks, are not described in detail.


"There is life in the old dog yet?!" "Terp, Cossack, - Ataman you will!" "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!" "What, my son, did you help your lyhas?" "The report is what is looking for our soul, that Mile for her everything. My step is - you ".

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