KVN team "Parapearam" - photo, composition, best rooms, participants 2021



It seems that there are no not only former officers, but also Cavanechikov. Having left the club merry and resourceful, players do not change and continue to implement themselves on a humorous field. Garik Harlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Demis Caribidis, Alexander Revva and others stay in Comedy Club. Olga Kartunkova, Azamat Musagaliev, Denis Dorokhov perform in "Once Upon a Time in Russia." Semyon Slepakov creates scenarios for TV series, and Ivan Abramov from Paraparamen is now responsible for the music side of Stand Up.

History of team creation

Paraparam is a classic KVN student team, formed in one of the leading higher educational institutions in Moscow MGIMO at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. The thorny path to the stars, or rather, began on the first channel traditionally - from the intravouris games, the premiere fell for 2003.

"Of course, when we started to play, we did not think that KVN would become a matter of our life. Just wanted to distract from the everyday economic faculty and relax! Now Paraparamarama is both a family, work, and rest, in general, really all life ... "," said the participant of Daria Skok with his own thoughts in an interview with the evening Moscow.

From the walls of the Native Institute, the humorous team did not go out 3 years, and then decided to try his hand at the Interuniversity Festival of KVN League of Moscow and Moscow region. Next was followed by an invitation to the "Central Speaker" of the same name, but the success fell far from immediately - in 2008.

This year, the troupe from "Mgymshnikov" diluted "the seized" - Petersburgers Artem Skok and Evgeny Chukarov, as well as Roman Filin from the neighboring Gubkin RHU. In a new composition, students took the lamp assault (Metropolitan League) and immediately climbed to the top, leaving the train of win-win performances.

If you believe with nostalgic memories of the team members, then everything went away is not so smooth, as it seemed at first glance. On the eve of the semifinals, Captain Ivan Abramov, who especially virtuoso passed parodies, lost his voice and could not speak about 2 months. But everything cost.

"The 2006 Season We have lived as children, the 2007th - began to believe in ourselves and understand their shortcomings, 2008 - realized desires," the participants themselves were simply described and honestly.

In 2009, the guys made their way to the Premier League, the inspired by the insurgent. I could not resist the flattering commentary then Alexander Maslyakov - the youngest, noted that a decent team of KVN was born in his native university. The next stage of the creative path is "tower", the dream and the main goal of every Cavanecher. But the hit in it did not happen as expected members of the team were calculated - the Sochi Festival was pounded and abused Alexander Vasilyevich.

The failures were accompanied and in the main league - Paraparamen turned out to be worse than the "kefir" and flew out of 1/8. Naturally, the bitterness of the defeat gave rise to the thoughts about leaving the club's cloud, but, gradually recovering, Muscovites took themselves in hand, and will be in a fist. And completely rehabilitated, although they did not win.

This, of course, strengthened the morale of humorists. At the festival in Sochi, they were driving confidently and with proudly raised head, and then - to the musical Yurmala "Voting Kiwin," who gave them a gold statuette. This achievement players were repeated in 2015. But somewhere loss - somewhere arrived: the cherished "tower" was not submitted again, "Parapearamen" stopped in a step from the final.

Next, "diplomats" had to apply all its eloquence to convince the captain to participate in the highest league - 2013. As a result, they managed to get to the bronze site on the results. This season was remembered not only by the honorary third place, but also in the fact that before the ½ team robbed, depriving the "two" Aipads "and" iPhones ", laptop and pairs of sneakers of the 44th size."

And the Olympiad year was victorious not only for Russian athletes, but also for MGIMO students - they took with them the "dark" "kiwin", and then became the first in the Summer Cup for a couple with colleagues from Pyatigorsk.

As for the choice of the name, then, in addition to the acting, the options "Bib", "Archers" and "Divers" were considered.

Command structure

The members of the team, like the apostles, was 12. In addition to the inimitable Ivan Abramov, whom colleagues were dubbed and a computer genius, and a talent, Daria and Artem Skoki were listed. The couple played a wedding on the birthday of KVN in an important for Paraparara. The girl part-time was also the director, and the "glue" of the team.

Evgeny Chukarov was considered in the team of sex symbol No. 2 and King Tectonics. According to the reviews of "colleagues", the skateboard rode better than playing the guitar. Roman Filin, besides what he charged positive and taught to swear, wore the flattering "Theorient KVN".

Sergey Oborin, the namesake and namesake of the character of the series "Real boys", like Leonid Morgunov, joined the composition of MGIMO students, moving from the Heart of Siberia. Artem Timer is a vocalist from the family of the hereditary military, Sasha Trykin - a vocalist and the responsible for karaoke, Misha Stepanov - a sound engineer and author. Evgeny Platonov - Peterburstz, at school endowed with a nickname mushroom, and Zhenya Perov.

It is not possible to talk seriously, of course, it is impossible to talk with Cavencers, although attempts by journalists took. To the question, for example, as Vanya Abramov took a sense, followed the answer that he himself proclaimed himself. A soft toy "Lososina" is assigned by a favorite props.

Best speeches

The best rooms "Parapearam" include the performances of "Stam" with a star. In the semi-final of the highest league - 2013, "new Russian grandmas" were "new Russians". According to Ivan Abramov, Ivan Abramov shared the dressing room with grandmothers, and eventually transformed into Matrön. And the Shakespeare tragedy turned into a comedy due to the reincarnation of Dmitry Nagiyev to Juliet.

In the plot of another famous miniature, the participants of the action are waiting for Alexander Rosenbaum, who was supposed to play Dr. Watson. But in a couple of Sherlock, Holmes put the beauty of faith Brezhnev.

The memorable "chip" of "diplomats" specializing in international relations, and repeated American news about Russia, told by the viewer with two leading. And, of course, nowhere without parody of the collective captain. Elena Malysheva seems to be more than others: the woman was taken to the police department, she explained how the European Union was arranged.

Muscovites have no numbers about Russian footballers. In the scene depicting the Turkish market, the seller offered a t-shirt with the surname of Brazil Kaka, when he asked Pogrebnyak. Humorists did not forget about the young spectators, organizing the New Year trees in 2015 for a couple with the "Union" and "City of Pyatigorsk".

On the melody of Eric Clapton comedians left the lyrics with the keywords "Bla-Ulam", replacing obvious things, for example, a promise to abandon the bad habit of smoking.

The student team did not disregard both the fundamental associate professor who takes the physics exam in two future volunteers in Sochi-2014 and those who met the New Year's Eve together.

"Paraparam" now

In the summer of 2018, Paraparas published photos from a private corporate event in Kursk, but without his leader.

Ivan Abramova can be found on television that firmly substantiated on TNT and rejoicing his intellectual subtle musical humor a multimillion army of fans. On March 6, 2019, he and colleagues in Stand Up held a concert in St. Petersburg.

Leonid Morgunov from the Sphere of KVN did not leave and, together with Mikhail Marfin, is responsible for the program "KVNschiki", and is also the editor of the Kavainovsky League.

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