KVN team "Ural dumplings" - photos, participants, composition, best rooms 2021



"Ural Pelmeni" has long left the KVN scene, leaving free swimming. However, to this day, this team remains the legend of the club fun and resourceful, and the jokes of the Urals went beyond the gaming scene and turned into aphorisms. And if the British and Americans on a rhetorical question can answer "42" in memory of Douglas Adams, then the Russian-speaking people are nothing to do with the "Ural Pelmeni" for them will explain Gladiolus for them.

History of team creation

"Ural dumplings" were established in 1993 by Dmitry Sokolov, student Himphaca of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In KVN, he was no longer a newcomer at that time, he had time to visit the "Neighbors" team, which broke down shortly before the collection of "dumplings".

The name appeared not by chance: students who are constantly constrained in the means dreamed of visiting the Sverdlovsk restaurant "Ural Pelmeni", but could not afford it. In honor of the unless dream team and received a name, which in a few years it became known to every fan of KVN.

The game debut turned a victory - in 1993, the Ural Pelmeni defeated the team of the Legal Institute. And after another 2 years, in 1995, they turned out to be champions of Yekaterinburg, the beat of Cavencers of Urga them. Gorky.

At this stage, a series of victories temporarily stopped. In 1995, the Ural Pelmeni adequately showed themselves at the festival in Sochi and were invited to a gala concert and to the Higher League. And there, the guys had 4 years to sway in the shadow of the masted KVN teams in search of their own style.

3 years "Ural Pelmeni" could not be made on the 1/4 finals, but the situation was radically changed in 1998. Then the team managed to reach the semi-final and meet there with the Tomsk "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt", and at the same time getting into history. This game became the first after the financial crisis of 1998 and was remembered by KVN lovers with a specific gloomy atmosphere and a solid number of political jokes that are difficult to imagine on modern television.

A separate mention deserves a parody of Mowgli, in which Aquel said with the flock of Yeltsin's voice - here "dumplings" anticipated the event with the departure of the president. As a result, Tomicham, the Urals lost, but 1998 became a turning point. Already in 2000, the Ural Pelmeni won the long-awaited triumph, becoming champions of the highest league and at the same time having received the informal title of the latest champions of the 20th century.

After that, in the highest league championships, the participation team did not accept. In 2016, the players joke on this topic "Special Project", saying that they stopped playing, because the champions misstitute the next season, which means that the return of the Ural Pelmeni should be waiting in the XXII century.

However, the team continued to ride festivals, regularly becoming the owner of prestigious awards. On their account "Summer KVN Cup" 2002, "Big Kiwin in Gold", 2 "big kiwin in bright" and as much - in the dark.

After the final care of the "Ural Pelmeni" from the SCHN Scene in the Club space formed a gap. According to Andrei Chivurur, a large fan of the team, it is not possible to fill it so much.

Command structure

The captain of the Ural Pelmeni was Andrei Rozhkov, also writing jokes (as, however, almost all team members). Dmitry Sokolov, the founder of the team and the former player of the "neighbors" UPI-TMI, played in the "dumplings" from the very beginning and during performances, as a rule, exploited its own characteristic and rather brutal appearance. Together with him, Vice-captain Sergei Isaev came from the "neighbors".
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At the origins of the team stood and Dmitry Brekotkin, who became a student of the UPI by chance: the mechanical engineering faculty had a meager competition, which facilitated the issue of admission. Institute, by the way, Dmitry never finished, but in the team remained until the very end and later repeatedly appeared in the show "Ural dumplings".

Vyacheslav Butchestniki moved to the team in 1999 from the "guys from the forest" by the deputation (there he held the post of captain) and stayed with the "dumplings", repeatedly participated in the "golden" rooms - like, for example, a miniature about Vladimir Putin, choosing ringtones on mobile .

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Sergey Svetlakov became a bright member of the team, in 2000, having switched to Uraltsam from the "Park of the current period". After completing the game career of the "Ural Pelmeni", he became a popular Russian comic, having visited the Comedy Club resident, and the participant of Our Rashi, and the co-negotiating program "ProjectorParisHilton".

Also as part of the Ural Pelmeni played Maxim Nizhitsa, Sergey Ershov, Sergey Kalugin and Sergey Netyevsky. But women in the permanent composition of the Kavaneov team, except for Olga Zakharova and Alena Tigleva, was not: Yulia Mikhalkov-Matyukhina, Ksenia Kornev and Ilan Yuryev came already in the show of the same name.

Best speeches

During the game in the KVN, the Ural Pelmeni was distinguished by the characteristic intellectual and experimental humor and in songs, and in jokes. The guttasome number is the parody of the game "What? Where? When? ", Gave a universal response to any questions -" Because Gladiolus. "

It is worth noting that many Cavanean jokes diverged among the public, but the Gladiolus "Pelmeni" is unique - in addition to popularity, he also received 2 separate articles in non-format Internet encyclopedias, "Lurkomorier" and "absurd and absurdia".

Another indicative number of the "Ural Pelmeni" is considered a miniature "Salto Delchev" about entrance exams at the Institute of Physical Culture. There, Cavencers also offered a public version of a universal response, but Delchev and Krupsky completely could not repeat the success of Gladiolus.

Already after the end of the active games in KVN, in 2007, as part of a special project, the team presented the audience an unforgettable number on how Cyril and Methodius came up with Russian. After him, the audience got the opportunity to reconsider a traditional look at the reason for the need for replacement shoes at school. And the phrase "carefully! Quotes close! " Forget hard even if desired.

Svetlakov's fans probably remember him in the form of Dr. Verkhovtshev, who gave an oath of Borman. And, of course, it is difficult to forget the hedge, causing Idolispi to fight. But the best team performances are not always long-lasting rooms or full-fledged miniatures. Sometimes there is enough of a few seconds, such as in the episode with Sokolov and Stew at the festival in Jurmala in 1999.

"Ural dumplings" now

Now the team has been functioning for a long time independently of KVN, and its participants have created a lot of independent humorous projects for television and scene. Former "Ural Pelmeni" players can also be seen in the show of the same name, and in other comedic transmissions.

Fans of the club cheerful and resourceful arguments arise how successful the former players are successful. Some consider them successful, others adhere to the opinions that there has nothing to do to the former cavancers in humor. But it is difficult to argue with one: "Ural dumplings" were an extremely popular team in the period of participation in competitions and festivals, and then became an extremely popular commercial humorous project.

This is evidenced by television ratings indicating the demand for the show, as well as the popularity of actors from the modern public - even the one that has never seen their games in the clubs of the club cheerful and resourceful.

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