Shaw "Ice Age" - Photo, Releases, Transmission, Leading 2021



The "Ice Age" on the first channel is a unique program that allows the artists of the theater, cinema, television, pop, sports for a moment to imagine themselves by the conquerors of the elements. Along with professional skaters, they perform axels, trees, flips and rittbergera, walt and rotate the wolf. And do not yield to the technique.

History of creation and essence of the program

In 2006, the "Star on Ice" was published on the first channel, created by the "Lekalam" British BBC TV and Radio Company. The essence was that figure skating professionals went on the ice in a pair with celebrities, which barely kept ice skates.

From day to day by exhausting workouts of actors, ballet, cinema, television, turned into masters. The art of dissecting the ice newcomers taught the world champion in this sport Ilya Averbukh.

After releasing the season, the producers of the first channel thought about creating a copyright, similar to "Stars on Ice", with more complex rules, team confrontation, intrigue. In 2007, television saw the Ice Age.

Competition rules

The essence of the "Ice period" remained the same: the couples are combined with skaters and celebrities, distant from the "Ice" sport. To hone to perfection a short or arbitrary program, delivered by professional choreographers, the participants have a week. Next, they represent the numbers to the jury.

Despite the fact that in 2006 the 6-point system (from 0.0 to 6.0) was classic for figure skating (from 0.0 to 6.0) was replaced by the new judicial, participants of the "Ice period" were evaluated by the old rules. This step was intentionally, even inexperienced ice conquerors could understand the principle. Estimates are exhibited traditionally for equipment and artistry.

Couples that scored less than the entire judicial scores become nominees for reaching out of the program. Save them can audience voices sent by SMS. Those who, before the next issue, will not conquer the love of Russians, leave the project.

There were cases in the history of the show, when the viewers' opinion turned out to be secondary. Thus, in the 4th season of the "Ice Age", Katerina Spitz and Maxim Staviski scored only 36.19% following the results of SMS voting, but Chairman of the Tatyana Tarasova, Chairman of the Tatyana Tarasova announced that "all couples that have come down to the 15th stage automatically came out In the final, regardless of the results of the voting of viewers. " "Clearing" is underway until 10 pairs remain in the standings.

In the 5th season, the leaders of the paired credit were given the opportunity to save less skillful skaters from the departure. So, the winners of the first 4 programs were awarded the "savings cards", each of which could be used only once. "Maps" issued each release, even if the leaders in the standings did not change. Thus, the same participants could apply immunity.

Winners are determined by adding the opinions of the jury members with the choice of viewers. The maximum index that skaters can get - 10. At the final concert of the "Ice period" one honors the owners of not only the 1st, but also the 2nd and 3rd places.

The key difference between the "ice age" from the "Stars on Ice" is in the team confrontation, because the coaches of Ilya Averbukh and Alexander Zhulin are leading to victory. Masters of figure skating put for wop numbers, help improve the equipment. The more filigree performers will be in their teams, the higher the chances of winning and folk recognition.

In the 2nd Glacial Season, the command element was removed. Each 2 release participants moved from one coach to another to reduce the degree of rivalry between Averbuch and Rogulin.

Presenters and members of the jury

The history of the "Ice period" has 7 leading. With a microphone in hand, like on the rink, skaters stood side by side with artists.

Began to comment on the "Ice" battle actor theater and cinema Marat Basharov, who in 2006 won the "Stars on Ice" show, and Irina Slutskaya, two-time world champion in figure skating. For the shooting period, the athlete was pregnant, so in the middle of the season it was replaced by TV presenter Ingeborg Dappeat.

After God, Slutskaya decided to devote himself to a child, so her place near Marat Basharov was taken by the star of the television series "My beautiful nanny" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The 2nd season of the Ice Age begins with the fact that the figure skater in the literal sense of the word passes Basharov in the hands of the artist, barely standing on skates.

In the 3rd season, Zavorotnyuk and Slutskaya remained without male support - Marat Basharov again stood a couple with a three-time champion of Russia in figure skating by Tatiana Navka. It was with this partner that the artist won in the transfer of "Stars on Ice".

In the 4th and 5th seasons, there were no changes in the presenters - a couple of Irina Slutsky made up a four-time world champion in figure skating Alexey Yagudin. Both were previously participated in the "Ice Delight", so they did not know what it was what it was to speak in front of Tatiana Tarasova. In the 6th season, the colleague of Yagutina has become a TV presenter, known for the transfer of "Evening Urgant", Alla Mikheev.

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The voice behind the scenes is Vladimir Gomelsky, in the past, a professional basketball player, a master of sports of the USSR of the international class, a well-deserved coach of the RSFSR, and now the telecommattor specializes in figure skating. Among his projects - "Ice and the Flame" and "Cup of Professionals", side projects of the "Ice period", which was broadcast in 2010 and 2012, respectively.

Help the program in a tone and create the intrigue of the season helps a permanent member of the jury of the "Ice period", the legendary Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. She is a well-deserved coach of the USSR on figure skating, raising a whole generation of talented athletes: Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitseva, Natalia Bestayanov and Andrei Bukina, Marina Klimov and Sergey Ponomarenko, Alexey Yagudina, Denis Ten. Therefore, if anyone knows a lot about competent skating, then only Tatyana Tarasova.

Side by side with the chairman of the jury were athletes and artists. The most competent is the composition of the 2nd and 3rd seasons: the champions on figure skating Anton Siharulidze and Tatiana Tutmianin, president of the Federation of figure skating on the skates of Russia Valentin Piseev, Ingeborg Dapkin.

In later seasons, Tatiana Tarasov supported the figure skaters Natalia Bestemyanov, Adeline Sotnikova, Ekaterina Gordeyeva, Igor Bobrin, Hockey players Pavel Bure, Vladislav Tretyak, Vyacheslav Fetisov. There was a place for the judicial table and people who do not understand the sport, but they can evaluate the artistism: Alla Pugacheva, Leonid Yarmolnik, Philip Kirkorov, Sergey Lazarev, Denis Matsuev, Kostya Tszyu and others.


Ideological inspirer, producer, part-time leading show "Ice Age", and most importantly, the trainer of participants is Ilya Averbukh - world champion in figure skating, honored master of sports of Russia, choreographer. In 2008, the conqueror of ice awarded two teffi premiums at once for higher achievements in the field of television arts in the nominations "Entertainment Program: Game" and "Best Producer".

To the creation of the "Ice period" Ilya Averbukh is suitable no less responsibly than at one time to prepare for the next figure skating championship. Excitement and fear Before the launch of the next season, a man explains the growing demands of viewers and a high plank set by previous winners. It is clear that in a week it is impossible to make from the beginner of the figure, so Ilya Averbukh works not so much over the wards technique as over emotions.

"For me, it is important that the artists do not just skate with great champions, and so that each number of at least 5 minutes to leave the aftertaste," the figure skater noted.

Despite the fact that the jury members appreciate the number as a whole, Ilya Averbukh focuses on artistry - a line that is equally peculiar to both figure skaters and singers, and actors. The ability to file yourself on ice, with dignity to get out even from the most enchanting fall - here are the skills that is important to get during the Ice Age project.

Alexander Zhulin, the second coach of the show, considers otherwise. He is a real virtuoso in steam choreography: together with Maya Uryova, the titles of world, Europe and the USSR were awarded in ice dancing, received a bronze medal for participating in the 1992 Olympic Games and Silver 1994. For him, it is more important for the technique, which on the rink should not eclipse feelings.

In his productions, Zhulin focuses on complex elements, works with skaters until the movement will reach automatism. Its long-term experience of interaction with partner helps ward couples feel each other in dance.

Participants and winners

The debut season of the "Ice period" gathered 16 pairs on ice: Anna Semenovich and actor Alexei Makarov, Anton Siharulidze and Ballerina Anastasia Volochkov, Irina Lobachev and actor Dmitry Maryanova and many others.

Relying on the marks of the professional jury and television viewers, the top three opened the pair of Alexey Tikhonov and Alderis Alice Grebencher. It is noteworthy that the skater did not accept the award - he considered that the most bronze medal was worthy of showman Mikhail Galustyan. Silver was awarded Tatiana Navka in a pair with Finnish actor Villa Haapasalo. The Roman Kostomarov and Actress Chulpan Hamatova became the best in the 1st season of the Ice Age.

The composition of the 2nd season, which includes 19 pairs, repeatedly changed. So, the actor Sergey Zhigunov was injured even before the start of the filming, and Vladimir Shevelykov took his place next to the figure skater Irina Lobacheva.

The same fate suffered and partner Anna Semenovich - musician Alexei Kortnev, he was replaced by a fence officer Pavel Kolobkov. Leading Alexander Anatolevich did not "have a walk" with Tatyana Tutmianin and left the project at his own request. He was replaced by a colleague Leonid Zakoshansky.

However, on this surprise of the 2nd season, it was not over: Vitaly Novikov left Zhanna Friske without a pair. Extremely to help the singer came Maxim Marinin. And Olga Arntgolts replaced her pregnant sister Tatyana straight before the final. However, few people noticed the difference, because the artists are twins.

Alexey Yagudin was entered the top three leaders with actress Valeria Lanskaya, again climbed Tatiana Navka's pedestal and her partner Vadim Kolganov. Catherine Gordeyev and actor Egor Beroev were awarded gold. By the way, Tatiana Navka is the most "productive" figure skater: she led to the gold actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov to the gold actor and singer.

In the 2nd season, producers introduced additional awards: Vanagas and actress Ksenia Alferov called the most stylish pair, and Maxim Stavsky and Tatyana Arntgolz - the most romantic.

The 3rd season was unique in the organization: 14 pairs joined the "duel" on the circular system. For victory and draw participants received 2 points, for losing - 1 point. No couple was drained during this "Ice period".

As a result, Bronze owners were two: Alyona Babenko and Alexey Tikhonov, Anna Bolshaya and Povilas Vanagas. Yagudin and Lanska improved the result by conquering silver. The victory was in his pocket at Roman Kostomarov and the singer Yulia Kovalchuk.

In the final of the 4th season, 4 pairs were again: the bronze was divided by actress Lyanka Gryu with Maxim Marinen and Albena Denkov with actor Peter Kislov, silver was awarded Anita Tikhoni and Alexey Tikhonov. Victory remained behind Oksana Dominna and actor Vladimir Jaglych.

The next season, Domnin was redesigned again, but already with the skateman Ivan Skobrev. Margarita Drobinizko and actor Stanislav Yarushin took silver, bronze - Elena Podokynskaya and Peter Chernyshev.

The final 6th season ended with the victory of Adeline Sotnikova in a pair with Alexander Sokolovsky, 2nd place at the actress Evgenia Kregjde and Povilas Vanagas, 3rd place - the singer Juliana Karaulova and Maxim Trankova.

"Ice Age. Children"

In 2018, a project was launched on the first channel for the most young ice conquers - "Ice Age. Children". In the 1st season, 6 pairs and 6 soloists participated. Customized guys to win Ilya Averbukh, Roman Kostomarov, Tatiana Navka and Maxim Trankov, and strictly, but rightly judged Tatyana Tarasova.

The producers of the show tried to no longer offend - the winners were determined in solo skating, and in the pair. So, the best among the boys was Arseny Fedotov from Averbukha, among girls - the pupil of Navka Liza Berestovskaya.

The most filigree couple was recognized by Ilya Vladimirov and Vasilisa Kaganovskaya from the Trankova national team. Their speech under the passage from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" Tatyana Tarasova puts all participants as an example.

In February 2019, the first channel announced the casting of young ice conquers in single skating (from 9 to 11 years old) and dance steam (from 9 to 14 years old) to participate in the 2nd season of the Ice Age. Children". Acceptance of applications will be completed in mid-March, the shooting starts by the end of the month.

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