Duncan Lawrence (Duncan de Moore) - Photo, biography, personal life, news, "Eurovision", husband 2021



Duncan Lawrence is a young singer from the Netherlands whose name in the spring of 2019 was on the first lines of the bookmaker's office. The guy left the 1st place at Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv. After the appearance of a clip with the competitive song Arcade interest in the performer only increased. The popularity does not scare him, rather, on the contrary. Duncan is increasingly opens to the world, frankly talking about his life and problems, shares creativity and dreams.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born on April 11, 1994 in Speakeniss. The real name of the musician - Duncan de Mur. It is known that the boy since childhood showed interest in music. From the age of 12, it begins to practice the game at the piano.

Duncan's childhood was complicated. On a personal page in Facebook, the musician remembers what he had to go at school age.

"I was often teased, because I was" fat "," ugly "," gay "," will go in stupid clothes and glasses. " Almost everything that people could say to make me hurt. My dream was always music, "the artist writes.

After transferred humiliations, the young de Moore developed a complex of inferiority, which he had to fight in a more mature age. He calls the music as a refuge in which he could give his feelings to outward.

Every day, Duncan sits down behind the piano, composes music and poems. In a young man, more and more confidence that his vocation is to be a musician.


In 2014, the guy participates in the Dutch television show "Voice". The musician gets into the team to pop singer Ilze de Lang. Duncan is taken by the execution of songs like Sing Ed Shiran, Love Runs Out American Rock Pop Group Onerepublic, Streets Dutch Rock Group Kensington and other popular performers. It comes to the semifinals and leaves participation in the competition.

During this period, Duncan will acquire the necessary connections and support from popular musicians in the country. Spectators remembered the heartfelt performance and voice of the singer.

Lawrence receives a musical education in the Rock Academy of Tilburg. It develops simultaneously in several directions: as a performer, composer and producer. In the first year of study, playing different groups, which differ from each other by genre. After that, Duncan creates its own team The Slick and suited.

The debut of the group took place at the Noorderslag Eurosonic Music Festival, which takes place annually in Groningen and collects musicians from Europe. In 2016, Duncan leaves the team.

Lawrence continues to work a lot on creating songs. He has to leave the country to write in Studios London and Stockholm. During this period, Duncan releases the author's ICARUS project, in which the songs are recorded in acoustics. Ancient Greek myths used as texts.

The musician becomes co-authored songs for Dutch performers. Among the successful projects of Lawrence, working with the South Korean Duet TVXQ, to which Duncan, together with other composers, wrote a single Closer.

The Eurovision participant has no albums yet, although a decent margin of songs has been accumulated.

Arcade composition in a short time gaining popularity growth in users not only in Holland, but also in the European Union countries. The composition is written during training in the Rock Academy.

"Between the classes I just wanted to create a kind of zen moment for myself. For piano. That's when "Arcade" appeared for the first time, "says Duncan.

As the young man remembers, the words and chords of the song came by themselves. The composition is written according to the stories of Louuren's beloved, who died at a young age.

"This is a story about finding love in our life. This is hope for sometimes unattainable. Hope for that you will find what you need in life, "the author clarifies the sense of the song.

A significant role in the song in the Eurovision-2019 competition program was provided by the former Mentor Duncan on the project "Voice" Ilze de Lang. The singer and after his departure from the show continues to support a young man.

The former mentor, after he heard Arcade, called Lawrence and suggested sending it to listening to the qualifying committee. The song received a common approval. Lawrence very much like the thought that famous musicians came to represent the country. And now the Netherlands will present little to the famous performer.

"This is a great opportunity. And now everything seems to fall into place, "the future participant of Eurovision believes.

Clip on the competitive song only during the day scored several thousand views. The artist was filmed naked, which emphasizes the priority of a person before the power of love, which is depicted in the form of aquatic element.

In the bookmakers, the forecasts are encouraging for Duncana Lawrences - 1st place. The main competitors of the Dutch singer - Russian Sergey Lazarev with the song Scream and the representative of Sweden John Lundwick with a composition at Too Late for Love.

Personal life

Duncan on the personal page in Facebook announced the bisexual orientation. According to Lawrence, taking himself in such an quality was the best that he had ever done in life. For him, in this matter, the most important thing is that this is his conscious choice. The singer also reported that he found a loved one and happy in a relationship.

Duncan turned to subscribers to write to him if someone still cannot decide on sexual orientation, and promised support for his part.

In the 2020th, the musician shared with fans of joyful news: it turned out that Duncan marries. Its chosen was Joran Delivers, relationships with whom for several years.

The musician has a personal site, he also has official pages in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Twitter". Here he posts photos from photo sessions, where it acts as a model, and posts video from performances and rehearsals.

Duncan Lawrence now

The musician is now a saturated working schedule. The last year he was preparing an important event in his biography, Eurovision contest, and honed the stage number. Duncan helped a creative team, as part of which artistic director Hans Pannec, Illuminator Ignas d'Az and Ilze de Lang.

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On May 18, Eurovision-2019 finals took place in Tel Aviv, the victory in which Duncan won projected. And if the jury put the song of the Dutchman only in 3rd place, the audience corrected this result, giving him the first. The second place went to the representative of Italy, and the third again - Sergey Lazarev and Russia.

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