Eurishefee - biography, myths and legends, Brother Hercules, where he lived


Character History

The intrigues of the ancient Greek gods markedly reflected on the lives of ordinary mortals. For example, a pathetic and cowardly Eurishevo became the ruler of a large city and the Lord of Hercules only along the whims of the jealous ger. It would seem like a similar gift of fate should be able to dispose of. However, the smug descendant of Persea spent the possibility of wasted.

History of origin

The first references to Eurisfay, the son of Sfenel and Nikippi, are associated with myths dedicated to the twelve exploits of the famous Hercules. In ancient Greek works, a man acts as an antagonist of a positive character. At the same time, the confrontation of the heroes is not tied to personal dislike, but on the conflict of the gods.


Later, the image of Eurisfai involved the ancient Greek playwright of Euripid. The creator of dramatic works used an ambiguous hero in the tragedy "Geraklida". The resulting character, apparently, was interested in the writer, as Evripid returned to Eurissife in the new creation and even made the King Argolid to the main hero. Alas, the drama, the name of which is consonant with the name of the character, practically not preserved.


Evirshee appeared in the city of Mycena, where the parents of the boy ruled. From the very birth, the future king is connected with the cousin Hercules. Both men occurred from the family of Perseus - the famous warrior. At the moment of birth, the Olympus had a dispute, which strongly changed the fate of Eurisfay.

Perseus and Medusa Gorgon

Zeus-stumers, confident that Hercules will appear first on the world, said Greece's gods, that the first grandson of Persea will be the great ruler of Argos. Jealous gera, which already tired of the love of her husband, detained the birth of Hercules Alcmen's mother. Therefore, the first of the sort of Persea appeared by Eurisheffe. The birth of boys shared just an hour.

Alas, Zeus could not refuse his own words, who heard all the inhabitants of Olympus. So little weak boy headed a mighty city. After many years later, the fate and gods of Olympus once again encountered brothers in confrontation.


Hercules, who climbed madness, killed his own wife and children. To deserve forgiveness in the eyes of relatives, the man had to go to Argos. Zeus decided that the most correct punishment for Hercules will be the service of a cousin.

By the time of the first meeting with Hercules, the ruler of Argos grew up, took the designed throne and married Antimakh. Like a cousin, a man did not like the will of the gods. Evirshev was afraid that the famous hero wishes to overthrow the ruler and take possession of the throne of Argos.


Evirshee was so afraid of Hercules, which did not even meet the guest. The man closed in the bedroom and expected with horror what would happen next. The Lord of Argos was so nervous, which fell asleep. And in this dream, Gera, who did not leave hopes to destroy Hercules, prompted the exit to the Eurissife - send the hero to the battle with Nemoye Lv. The cowardly ruler listened to the Board of Goddess. So began a series of difficult and dangerous feats that did not bring any joy or satisfaction with Eurissife. After all, every time a cousin returned with the victory.

After twelve exploits, which Hercules made Evricefa, hero left Agros. The throne still remained in the power of the cowardly first grandson of Perseya. But, realizing that he lost power over the warrior, Evirshev decided to regain the feeling of unprecedented power.

Eurisheffe and Hercules

To make Hercules again with a servant of the ruler of the Argos did not work - by this moment the hero has already died. Evirshee began to pursue his descendants and mother. In pursuit of children of the demigod, a man at the head of the professional army was at the walls of attic.

Evrisfee in gross form demanded from the Tereus to give the arg descendants to Hercules, but a friend of the warrior refused to obey. Open confrontation ended with a defeat for a man. The cousin of the demigod died on the hands of Gila - the senior son of Hercules. Eurisfay's head was taken by the Alcmen, which, according to the fault of Eurisfay, withstand a lot of troubles and humiliation. Woman wicked by a dead enemy of the eye of Verhener.

The cowardly and arrogant ruler buried in two different places. The head of his grandson Persea rests in Tricarinf, and the body is buried in Gargette.


Frame from the film

Evirsia often appears in the cinema and cartoons dedicated to the adventures of Hercules. In 1958, the film "Feats of Hercules" was published, in which Pietro Franchisha reflected famous ancient Greek plots. The role of the proud king of Argos played Actor Arturo Dominichi.

In 2014, the image of Eurisfay again arose on the screens. The film "Hercules" (2014) is based on the biographies of the famous hero and affects the years of serving a cousin. The role of a cowardly ruler played actor Joseph Fains.

Interesting Facts

  • Antimaca gave birth to Eurissife five sons: Alexander, Iphimedont, Eurybia, Mentor and Perimeband. The young men died during the battle with the sons of Hercules
  • Most of the tricky tasks to Eurisshey suggested Gera. The goddess visited the ruler of the Argos in a dream.
  • The place where the upper part of the man is buried, got the name "Head of Eurisfay".
  • The most famous picture of Hercules brother is an image on a vase. The product reflects the moment when a cowardly Eurishea hides in a vase from Erimanfish Vepry.

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