The program "Peace inside out" - photos, issues, "Friday", Dmitry Komarov 2021



Programs on such a fertile and truly interesting topic, like travel, on television uncountable many. "Non-notes", "Eagle and Rusk" and even with the stretch "last hero", regenerated in 2019. This also includes a series of transmissions Ivan Urgant and Vladimir Posner. The "world inside out", proven in his own example and showing unknown places, successfully continues this glorious list, for which critics appreciated, handing the Teffi award.

History of creation and essence of the program

Usually, those who are tired of the car of labor everyday life see salvation in changing the situation, and preferably - different from the usual. There is a way out - take a passport and point abroad. There, rest is divided either on "seal" - near the beach or pool with cocktails, or active - on local attractions. Back most often people bring photos to memory, souvenirs close and charge of cheerfulness and energy.

And the avid traveler Dmitry Komarov approached this question original - from Thailand in 2008 with him a clear desire to create his own transfer. And this was not a rush of the enthusiastic guest of a new country, and a conscious decision supported by the accumulated experience. Behind the guy by the time there were more than 20 individual trips, and Indian and is considered to be a national record.

Dima's television did not have a relationship, and worked as a journalist and photographer in glossy publications. Periodically, for the massive, the young man did certain reports, as well as organized the exhibitions. In that turning point 2008, he went to a meeting with Cambodia, Thailand and a border with Burma.

"At some point I felt that I was closely, I can't leave the three-dimensionality of the surrounding world, and to show his colorfulness and diversity, I need additional tools. And when I started shooting a camcorder, I said myself: "It's time to make a TV program," the mosquitoes told about the idea of ​​creating a copyright show.

From her before incarnation passed only a couple of years. And again on vacation, this time - in the native Ukrainian resort, where, closing in the room, he worked on the business plan and chose the name of the project among more fifty applicants. The familiar viewers of the "World inside out" came as an insight, and, relying on intuition, the future lead chose it.

The following was followed by the traditional and most difficult part - the appeal to the TV channels, the search for sponsors and financing, where, according to the law of the genre, Dmitry refused everywhere from proposals. In addition to the general director of the TV channel "City" and part-time producer "1 + 1", whose project caused interest, is true, not as close to invest in it.

However, Komarova was no longer stopped - he decided to act independently, found money and took off his debut edition in Cambodia. Soon he had a mountain of footage in his arms, but he did not imagine what to do with him - how to mount, write a script and captivate the viewer. Her assistant was alone, and he looked at the guy as a novice and profan. Dates were pressed: Dima had to convince the guidance on the feasibility of the proposed idea in 14 days.

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I had to rely on intuition again and create an episode as such as he would personally like him on the other side of the screen, bypassing the usual rules. Inadmounts, stress, a huge desire and invested work paid off in full - the video I liked it, the program was given good.

On December 11, 2010, the first of the seven episodes of the 1st season was published on the rating "1 + 1". Over it, in addition to Dima, two workers worked - the operator Andrei Polevanov, who later changed Alexander Dmitriev, and the Master of Master Vitaly Naryshkin. Russian television showed their adventure on Friday.


Dmitry Komarov remains a permanent person of the project from the date of foundation. It seems to be difficult to confuse something. Unusual dishes from all over the world he tries without fear (sometimes the blood of a bull was served for breakfast, mixed with milk), agrees for insane ideas (including mysterious rituals) and his own example proves how multifaceted life and man in it.

Personality that can almost alone take a trip to anywhere in the world and find a common language with each living in it - the object of attention of the public. And especially - the feminine half of her half. Charming and open Dima remains so with journalists. The guy, in addition to working moments, is ready to shed light on such burning questions as personal and family relationships.

"I love to travel one. Because so you can feel the country, to penetrate her life. Sometimes you need to travel with your parents, because it is an opportunity to stay with them, chat. And these are the emotions that will be remembered. "

So frank the lead, having two higher education, who has preserved the specialty, and a specialist in public relations on each other.

In addition to an important mission, to open television viewers on the country's sofa with an unfamiliar and often from an extreme side, mosquitoes do not forget about neighbors, financially supporting children who need help. Plans to even create their own charitable foundation.

"My foundation will be different. I will or yourself cover the current costs when income will be enough for it, or find an investor. But everything is only extremely transparent and honest. So that people could check and make sure that this is not another "feeder under cover", "Dima explained.

Fans of the Program and its leading monitoring its movements in the social networks "Instagram" and "Facebook".


By 2019, the "world inside out" released the anniversary 10th season. The show started, as already mentioned, with Cambodia, who remembered a truly shocking diet. Local residents are not afraid of tarantulas, but use as a separate dish. They are caught by observing precautions, fry in oil, like Fry's potatoes, and eat pleasure.

Before leaving to this country, Komarov decided on the necessary, from his point of view, the experiment is to try on himself in calm conditions of the bite of the semi-sophobe snake. The verdict after is the "horror movie in reality."

In the 2nd season, the destination was listed India. And here more than a week, the film crew spent in the world in the world in the world in the open-air cream - in the city of Varanasi. Working for Ukrainians was severe both physically and morally - which was worth only the smell of the combustible human body.

The African journey consisted of 3 countries and remembered Dmitry Tribe Mursi, where the bigger the plate in the lips of the woman, the more beautiful it is considered. Aboriginalov he taught to play a children's game when it is necessary to take the liberated chair than led to admiration.

In Vietnam, the Ukrainian guy participated in the hunt for elephants. In Indonesia and Papua, he managed to booked side by side with former cannibals and even acquire housing in the tree, and the operator was the first degree of gangrene.

A journalist brought with you from Nepal to the examination of the hair from the temple, where the alleged sole scalp of Yeti was kept. Bolivia revealed secrets in the 7th season. Selling brides, closed settlement of anthewers and chocolate preparation - only a small part of the narration.

Upon arrival from Japan, the Ukrainian came to the conclusion that it would not be able to settle there - in view of their "troubles" about the desets, voice and depths of bonquing. But the country of the rising sun gave acquaintance with the Earth Angel - a suicide catcher.

In 2018, shooting took place in Brazil, who met the "world inside out" not only by the carnival procession and Lusseli Santus, who played the "Slave of Isauru", but also the pistol at the temple from the guard of a drug trap in Favelch. Having been in Amazonia, the presenter went to catch ancient fish and almost caught in his hands to pirates.

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