"Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" - photos, best performances, participants, Gregory Malygin 2021



KVN - transmission, the style of which does not stand still and changes in accordance with the life realities. Today's games are different from the Cups of the late 1990s, but the teams that became famous at the end of the past and the beginning of the current centuries forever enjoyed their names in the history of the club cheerful and resourceful. Lieutenant-checkered "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" - Matters KVN, who showed the next generations, how to joke.

History of team creation

The official date of the birth of this KVN team - 1996, but in fact it all started much earlier. "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" were formed from 2 popular artistic teams in Tomsk: Kaleidoscope Show Theater and Luxury Theater. Since the early 1990s, both student theater participated in the regional Games of KVN. But by the 1996, they united in one team and took the name from the novel Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrova "Golden Calf".

Success did not make long wait. In 1997, they became champions of KVN-Siberia and went to the festival in Sochi a year later. The speech of the young team became a breakthrough - the guys got not only on the gala concert, but also at the highest league.

Already the first game in the new capacity turned the victory - in the same 1998, "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" are not without difficulty, but confidently won the Champions Cup of the Higher League. I remember a year not only by this: in the semifinals against the "Ural Pelmeni", the Tomichi became one of the 2 teams participating in the first game after default of the 1998th. This imposed a fingerprint on the tone of the speeches that were remembered to the public with a gloomy-sarcastic atmosphere and bold jokes on a political topic.

Another achievement of 1998 was "Kiwin in Gold", brought by the team from Jurmala. But in the 1999th, Tomichi did not play in the season, but triumphantly went on the summer cup, woning him.

In 2000, "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" returned to the game of the Higher League, but a little less successful than at the debut - the final did not succeed. But in a year, the team re-won the Summer Cup KVN - this in the history of the game happened for the first time. There were no bigger and loud victories, but the achievements did not cancel: in 2000, the guys received the Cup of the President of Ukraine, in 2001 - the Cup of Friendship and the Cup of three generations.

Like many colleagues, Tomichi did not be limited to the scene of KVN - from the beginning of zero, repeatedly participated in separate comedic projects. For example, on their account, the humorous series 2004 "Mayra fraction", as well as the presentations of the late 1990s, made in the genre of political satire. Also, the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" removed the Motheric project "Writing" about the "Kitchen" provincial newspaper "and the cynical comedy" Hamster Day ", still having a rather high rating for Russian cinema on the Kinopoisk website.

Command structure

At different times, more than 2 dozen people played in the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". Some now left the basic team of the team, but continue to periodically participate in speeches.
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For many years, Gregory Malygin, captain and artistic director DLShigin, the head of the team in the team. In 2012, Gregory's life tragically broke out - Cavanechik found the dead in his own apartment. The cause of the death of the captain "Children ..." was the stop of the heart, which many bind with cruel beatings, which occurred 3 months before. A separate page is dedicated to the team of the team Gregory, on which colleagues admit that this loss has become for the team irrelevant.

Another bright member is Vitaly Gasayev, the "voice" of the team and a magnificent singer. Thanks to his voice, the musical numbers of Tomich became truly unforgettable. In addition to the game in KVN, Vitaly is seriously engaged in music - on the account of Gasayev 2 years in the rock band, 10 solo albums and the role of Judah in the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar".

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It is difficult to imagine the triumph of the team without Alexander Fedorov, the actor "Kaleidoscope", which was standing at the origins of "children ...". He played the team from 1996 to 1999 and participated in the struggle for the victory in the Higher League, after which it temporarily stopped regular speeches. In 2010, Alexander returned to the team and now again enters the main staff.

But the brutal and factory Andrei Deulin actively participate in the life of the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" does not accept: he went into business and engaged in passenger traffic. Although Periodically, Andrei performs at concerts, and also chairs the jury of the Barnaul KVN League.

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Separately, it is necessary to mention the star of the Russian comedy scene of Alexander Pushnaya, who has repeatedly collaborated with the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" and later by the "Siberian Siberian" - a team formed after the confluence of the DLSH and the NSU national team.

It is difficult to submit to the team and without Dmitry Nikulina, the "smart person in the world", and the football player Wojcachi Pwishditsa, who spoke thanks to the appearance in the role of Mognikov, "Botanov" and very strange personalities. It is still a member of a permanent composition, like Peter Vince, another actor who was standing at the origins of the "children ..." without which it would be difficult to imagine Tomsi. At the moment Nikulin is actively filming in the cinema.

Best speeches

"Children's Children of Lieutenant" - the team is unique and unique, who was able to impress the audience from the first words of greeting. From the very beginning, the guys focused on "stams" and complex musical contests, and the vocal and acrobatic numbers participants in the DLSh performed themselves, without attracting extras and invited artists. What was worth only the execution of the song of the Pink Floyd group on the balalaica and harmony.

Over the years of the game, the team gave the audience a lot of bright miniatures, and the best performances fans took the quotes, which are now found as independent jokes. For example, a joke that there is no need to say "no" drugs, you need not to talk with drugs at all - part of the DLS number. Just like the anecdote that Dolphins, saving drowning, shout tonnyko to them: "Announcement!".

The fans still remember the brightest episodes of games with the participation of "children ..." - the miniature about Mozart and Salieri, the "castle", where Barrimor was stubbornly called Durramar, and, of course, a parody of the song "I love you, life!" From the room "Wedding" in 1998.

Later, the branded style "Stam" and musical performances of Tomich moved to the "Siberian Siberians", who gave the audience a sparkling miniature about the overwhelmed Gypsies with the Zalihkaya "Gypsy folk song about Goebbels."

"Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" now

DLSh no longer take part in seasonal KVN games, but the team did not break down and continues its existence in the form of a creative group. They toure, give concerts and work on corporate countries. In addition, team members are engaged in independent creativity: Actors DLSh are filmed in cinema, serials and television shows. The team offers fresh information about humorists, announcements of speeches, photos and videos - both modern and archived.

"Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" are rightfully considered the most titled KVN team. Today they are the Legend of the Club. Their rooms still collect hundreds of thousands of views, although jokes are not always clear to the present public, relevant to the political situation of the late 1990s. "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" - the classic of the Kavaneovsky humor - the living, sincere and unhappy.

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