"Secret by Million" - Photo, Lera Kudryavtseva, Editions, NTV 2021



Provocative show - so called the creators of their project "Secret by Million", which started on the NTV television in 2016. In the Transmission Studio, the invited stars reveal their cherished secrets, and each has the price. On the frank conversation of the famous guests of the show causes a permanent leading Lera Kudryavtseva. The show is filled with shocking confessions, genuine emotions, unexpected meetings.

History of creation of the program

The first edition of the program was broadcast on September 4, 2016. A month before this, the channel announced a new show as a unique project, which has no analogues on foreign television.

The details of the personal life of the famous people at all times were vividly attracted to the public, this explains the high rating of gears with star heroes. But the creators of the project "Secret by Million" wanted to go even further and decided to pull the secrets on white, which stars stored in the most secret corners of their memories.

For this, a team of agents that are not worse than private detectives began to explore the privacy of invited Celabriti, removing the most personal, not advertised, carefully hidden. And so that the heroes agreed to make a tour of their past along with the TV presenter and millions of television viewers, a remuneration system was invented.

In the history of television, there were already other similar programs: "Lie Detector", "In fact" (Channel One), "Details" (STS), but NTV created an original project, which in turn, foreign colleagues became interested. In 2017, it became known that the NTV channel sold the right to adapt the secret "Secret per million" companies Binaijay Rights, which is an international distributor in the television sphere.

"I am incredibly proud that it is we - the discovers of this format that did not copy anyone that now the" secret on a million "will be published in other countries!", "Lera Kudryavtseva wrote in" Instagram ".

The essence and rules of the program

All the attention of the audience is riveted to the pair of the host-guest - they are sitting opposite each other. On the table in front of the TV presenter - 10 envelopes with thematic questions about different spheres of personal life of the invitation. In each envelope can be from 1 to 3 questions that have its cost.

Answering the question, the guest takes the money, when refused, respond to funds remain on the account of the program. A total of responses to 9 major thematic issues, the player is able to earn up to 500 thousand rubles.

Specifies the TV presenter questions, increasing the "degree of provocativeness" as the revelations of their visa. If the first questions sound quite innocently, for example, "what an outfit you are on the first date", then the subsequent already force the guest to blush and confuse.

"Why did you break up with the first spouse", "Why did the mother-in-law nicknamed you," is it true that you had a novel with an actress n "," Were you really starred in the video for adults "- Lera Kudryavtseva Picked with questions, and the camera Meanwhile, takes a close-up of the interlocutor to catch the smallest emotions on the face.

Guest only once has the right to refuse the answer - these are the rules of the game. Mostly, the stars use this right when Lera stretches to them the tenth envelope with the value worth 1 million rubles. - This is a secret to a million.

The main question is not read out loud and is known only by the lead. The guest itself decides - to make sensational recognition or burn paper in fire standing near the candles. In the entire history of the program, only five - Philip Kirkorov, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Alexander Serov, Natalia Andreichenko and Tatiana Vasilyeva were ventured at the first step.

These guests left the studio with the amount of over 1 million rubles. As a rule, celebrity money is given to charitable goals. The only participant who answered questions is not for money, but for interest, became producer Yana Rudkovskaya.

Leading transfer

Lera Kudryavtseva leads the project from the very beginning. For her, this is the first show of this format. Prior to that, specialized mainly on music projects, which leads on television since 1995.

Before that, Lera, a native of Kazakhstan (born on May 19, 1971 in Ust-Kamenogorsk), studied in Gitis at the Faculty of Estrades, then worked for Muz-TV, TNT, TV-6, NTV, led "MUZ-MUZ", "Party Zone, "Test of Loyalty", "Club of Former Wives", Music Festivals "New Wave" and "Song of the Year".

The NTV television channel began to cooperate in 2014, led a "big change" show, in which ordinary people are reincarnated in idols - world pop stars. 2 years later, the channel's management entrusted her an important mission - to become a face of a new unprecedented show "Secret by Million".

The image of an impartial agent-provocator manages Kudryavtseva brilliantly, but, according to her recognition, with a fair share of discomfort.

"Artists who come to the studio are predominantly my friends. They know me as a good, decent person. And here I have a somewhat other role. But if a person agrees to participate, it means that he is ready for such a conversation, "the television is divided.

Guests show "Secret by Million"

The first participant of the program was the composer Igor Cool. Master did not compromise the ideal family man's image and spoke only about his wife and children. When Kudryavtseva asked the question of the novel with Irina Allegrova, the musician answered that only creative relationships were between them.

Full unexpected discoveries became part in the show of the artist Boris Moiseeva. The singer found out that he and his two brothers - native only by the mother. DNA test (envelope with the result of Lera opened in the studio) showed that Moses was born her mother not from her husband, but from another man.

The first who opened the secret to a million, became the Queen of Chanson Lyubov Uspenskaya. The singer admitted that at the age of 16 she had a novel with a 30-year-old man from which she became pregnant twins. Beloved persuaded to interrupt pregnancy, what a woman had spied ten years old. Only at 35 years old, the performer was able to give birth to daughter, being in fourth marriage. The wins of the singers amounted to 1 million 250 thousand rubles.

Another artist, who in the 1st season answered the question in the envelope, became Philipp Kirkorov. It turns out that the artist of 6 years was a person involved in a criminal case. The singer accidentally pushed one guard on his speech in the American casino. The man fell and got his head injury. After half a year he died, not survived the operation on the heart. But the native guard still sued the artist. Only after 6 years, it was possible to achieve justification.

Full drama was the release of the program with the participation of TV presenter Anfisa Czech. On the air of the transfer, a woman first told about divorce with actor Gram Bubishvili, with whom he lived since 2009 in civil marriage, and from 2015 - in the official. Lera Kudryavtseva arranged a meeting of the ex-spouses right in the studio, and Guram admitted that he had changed the spouse, still being married.

Not just media personalities are becoming not just a secret personality, but people with a challenging fate, whose peripetia is interesting to the viewer. This was the famous dancer, the ex-soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Tsiskaridze. His path to the top was supipped by no roses. Always the hiding personal life of Tsiskaridze decided to voice his experiences on the ether of the show.

Another guest with a difficult biography is a singer Shura. He has a difficult relationship with his mother - a woman early gave his son to an orphanage. The future artist lived with offend on loved ones, and only after 40 years, the dangerous passion for drugs and the struggle with the oncology, he found the strength for forgiveness. Now the singer wants to have children from a surrogate mother.

Colleagues Shura - Stars of the 90s Denis Klyaver and Irina Saltykov also participated in a provocative show. They talked about how their personal life had had to worry about the betrayal, to forgive and learn to trust again, but to answer the question of a million rubles, they refused to answer.

It happens that a person finds love on the slope of years, when this magical feeling is not waiting. So it happened with the actors of Vladimir Glass and Ivan Krasko. About the charm of late marriage and fatherhood, artists shared with a charming TV host.

Sometimes a person with a flawless reputation comes to the studio, which is successful in his career and happy in the family - it would seem that there are secrets or dark stories here. But the example of the singer Valeria showed that skeletons in the closet are dusting and in such persons. The star told how the victim of domestic violence in the first marriage, as one day he made a married man from the family, and why he failed to blame with the children of the current spouse of Joseph Vigogin.

From women in 2018, only actress Natalia Andreichenko took a million winning out of the studio. However, this was worth the artist of severe memories: Andreichenko admitted that in his youth became a victim of violence.

"I just wanted to say: cute, relatives, there is nothing that, through which it was impossible to pass. There is nothing such that it was impossible to forgive and stay with a decent and happy person, to bear the light and good people, "said the actress.

The beginning of 2019 was marked by a rating issue with Tatiana Vasilyeva. The People's Artist Easily responded to the most trusted issues of the TV presenter: And about plastic surgery, which is done from 40 years old, and about income it has, and about relationship relations. Frankly answered the kinodiva and the husbands, the life with whom was difficult.

She did not hide and the question from the envelope worth a million rubles. Vasilyeva admitted that 16 years met with a businessman from Azerbaijan - Arif Alekperov. This relationship lasted even during the marriage of Tatiana Grigorievna. According to her, with this man she learned true women's happiness.

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