Black holes - what is it, essence, white dwarfs, white holes, in space, photo, supermassive


Today, astronomical science has reached unprecedented success, but mankind is still far from solving all the mysteries that the universe is in itself. Among all sorts of space objects, excluding the best planets, there are and seemingly fantastic, existing habitual physics. As some gravitational anomalies, space and time are being twisted inside. More about what is a black hole and why it is so called, in the material 24cm.

Why is the hole "black"?

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Under the black hole in modern science, the space object is understood by such a huge mass, which begins to suck the environment, including particles moving at the speed of light. That is, the light itself is not able to overcome such a powerful gravitational attraction.

Hence the name that secured in scientific circles. The hole is a place where the subject disappeared there. And the color says: called so the area does not emissible any radiation. Therefore, the "black hole", in fact, synonym for "invisibility," since the human eye will not be able to see the dark spot against the background of the gloom of outer space.

The abnormalities under consideration have borders, crossing which any object is no longer able to start moving back, and is doomed to become part of the supermassive cosmic body. This area around the black hole was called the "Horizon of Events".


The science reflecting the essence of the phenomenon began to use in the second half of the 20th century. However, black holes learned long before that. Back in the XVIII century, the priest and naturalist John Michell first voiced the hypothesis about the existence of stars with a gravitational field of such force that even the speed of light would not be enough to leave its limits.

Photo of a black hole in the center of the M87 Galaxy, obtained using the EHT project telescope (

In the study of the theory, in the future, many physicists and mathematicians have made an invaluable contribution, including Albert Einstein. However, so that black holes become a scientific fact, they needed to find. The question arose about how to detect the objects absorbing any radiation that cannot be seen using a telescope.

In this situation, scientists helped the experience gained during the work on the detection of other inconsistencies, such as dark dust nebulae. They, like black spots, become visible against the background of luminous objects, such as stars and gas nebulae.

This method was applied to and to search for black holes on particles of matter, highlighting a large amount of energy when crossing the horizon of events. That is, the process consists in observing moving around the region with an exceptional gravitational force of particles at the time of absorption of matter. Therefore, the black hole looks like a stain with a bright disk around.

The existence of gravitational anomalies retained the status of the theoretical model until 2015, when assumptions were supported by new data, including the photo of a black hole made in 2019. The image of the object is fixed in the picture. The latter prompted the global scientific community to announce the beginning of a new stage in the study of space.

How black holes are formed

Many questions generate the mechanism of formation of black holes. Astrophysics have put forward four versions that explain the appearance of formidable "eraders of the worlds in the cosmos.

In the absorbing light, the area is able to turn any star with sufficient mass. When thermonuclear reactions cease to happen in it, it "swells", while forming a new type of space object.

  • neutron star with an incredible density of a substance having a mass comparable to solar, with very modest sizes (diameter does not exceed 20-30 km);
  • luminous on the residues of heat energy and gradually cooled white dwarfs (if the stars's own mass is not enough to turn into neutron);
  • If the star is at least 3 times the weight of the sun, then it is compacted so much that turns into a black hole.

If the first scenario is based on a stars gravitational collapse, then the second - describes a similar process, only occurring with a more massive object, for example, with a part of the galaxy. Like the star, the latter decreases in size under the action of its own burden and concentrates the entire mass of the substance in a small amount. Today, scientists know about the presence of black holes in the centers of the set of galaxies throughout the universe.

According to the third scenario, supermassive astrophysical bodies are given the place on the first pages of the history of the Universe, when it just began to expand. The big explosion has formed the conditions in which areas with elevated density of the primary black holes became possible. And then the expansion of the universe "cried" them in space space.

The latest version is based on the fact that the black hole is formed as a result of high energies nuclear reactions that can be reproduced in the laboratory. Interesting fact: Hadron colliders, where such processes are launched, caused alarming for many, since it was believed that such research would lead to the formation of a black hole right on our planet.

Theoretically, black holes formed from objects of different masses can be very different from each other in size. For example, those who appeared immediately after a large explosion will seem tiny against the background of giants that weighing more than the sun in billions of times. Therefore, scientists divided these entertaining facilities to classes: black holes of the star mass, supermassive and quantum.

In the black hole of the star mass can be transformed a star that has begun cooling and shrinking under the action of its own gravity. However, it all depends on the mass and other parameters that can cause a compression stop at a certain stage, and then the result will be only a superlit neutron star. For example, in order for the sun to become a black hole, it needs to "gain weight", since its masses are not enough for the gravitational collapse. According to scientists, the fate of our shine is the transformation into white dwarf.

The nucleus of a row of galaxies contain supermassive black holes, named as they cannot be compared with something familiar to humanity. Even the sun is too small to at least approximately describe these giants. Such a black hole - in the center of the Milky Way.

The supermassive black hole in the center of the Galaxy Messier 87, removed the VLT telescope, is distinguished by a powerful jet - a jet of the substance thrown into the outer space (

As already mentioned, the classification provides for the presence of quantum black holes that have microscopic dimensions and can allegedly be the generation of nuclear reactions reproduced with due technical equipment in laboratory conditions.

But while quantum holes are only theoretically modeled object, which may be found in the future.

In addition to the sizes, scientists are engaged in the study and other features of black holes, for example, such as merging. In the theory of collision of such space education, each other is possible. And if they happen, then lead to gradual mutual acceleration and the formation of an even larger area with abnormal characteristics.

What happens if you get inside the black hole

Among the expaning imagination of tasks relating to the structure of black holes, the most interesting is the question of what will happen if a person falls into this extreme zone. And what will see there. It is impossible to check in practice this, so it remains to be content with hypothetical scenarios.

The black hole is the area where the usual laws of physics cease to work, and the reality itself is split into two. Inside the black hole, space and time begin to be curved until the complete disappearance of these categories. Therefore, here a number of paradoxes emerging beyond understanding.

Based on the ideas of physicists, the cosmonaut, which will approach the horizon of events, at the same time will die and pass through it. What's next - imagine difficult. Theoretically, if you get into a black hole, it will be possible to see the future, because there is space and time there are places.

There are assumptions that there will be a portal, carrying an object to another end of the universe. The place where the earth's rules of functioning of physical objects are canceled, called singularity. It eventually merges everything that falls into the hole, acquiring unknown science of the form of existence.

Planets near black holes

Today, black holes are often fixed by the title like the "terrible object in the Universe". There are similar titles not from scratch, if you consider the following: scientists are inclined to the fact that on the planets located near the "destroyers of the worlds", it is impossible to detect life. The latter is due to the fact that even the smallest of supermassive "devourets of matter" generates tidal forces, threatening the integrity of any celestial body, which is approaching the event horizon.

On the origin and development of life on the planet directly affects the staticity of the system of the system, around which it refers. And when the black hole appears next to the planet, the absorption of the surrounding matter will begin, emitting such an energy of energy, which will destroy any biological forms. Such conditions are too extreme for the evolution of living matter.


At the beginning of the second half of the XX century, scientists started talking about the existence of quasars. In fact, these are active nuclei of young galaxies, in which black holes are located. With a large removal, such objects are characterized by the most powerful radiation.

The photo of the first quarter-found quasar 3C 273, located in the constellation of the Virgin, made by the Hubble telescope (ESA / Hubble & Nasa, -Of-Bright-Quasar-3C-273 / #. YMNPPVKZBIV)

This is due to the fact that there is so impressive sizes of a black hole in the native of the Galaxy that the absorption of the substance creates an accretion disk that can be seen at an incredible distance.

Today, quasars are located by supermassive black holes. It is noteworthy that these entertaining objects do not exceed the solar system.

Stephen Hawking about the phenomenon

The famous scientist Stephen Hawking also expressed the structure of black holes. According to the assumptions of the famous physics, through these objects runs the way into an alternative universe. Therefore, they should not be afraid, because the holes do not destroy the absorbed matter, but only tolerate into parallel outer space.

Hawking relied on the fact that the information cannot be destroyed, otherwise there would be no such thing as a "past" would exist. That is, from a black hole there is a way out, however, it is impossible to return to the original point, because the events that fell behind the horizon can no longer be able to overcome it.

Nearest to Earth

Since the justification of the existence of objects considered in this article, scientists wanted to find those that are closer to the rest. And in 2019, attempts were crowned with success. Astronomers announced the opening of a black hole in the constellation of the ease, sneaking the red giant and the feeding matter of this massive star. And later they reported that it was found similar to that, even closer to our planet, in the constellation of a unicorn.

Black hole deforms the shape of a nearby red giant / illustration: Lauren Fanfer (The Ohio State University, /)

Unicorn, as the object named, not only the closest (located at a distance of 1500 light years), but also the smallest of famous science. But the largest black hole from the discovered by scientists was found in the galactic accumulation of ABELL 85 and is called Holm 15a. This discovery of 10 thousand times exceeds the mass of the bidding, "dwelling" in the center of our galaxy, - Sagittarius A *.

Harvard astrophysics are already looking for holes inside the solar system. Scientists suggest that the existence of such an object next to the Earth is permissible and it will be possible to detect on a light disk appearing as a result of the absorption of matter.

Black and white

An equally distressed object for study remains not yet detected white holes mentioned by Einstein. Theoretically, scientists consider, are obliged to exist "black holes on the contrary."

That is, the essence of white holes is as follows: the latter are not absorbed, but throw out the matter out. In other words, this is a black hole deployed back in time. Since in physical formulas, the direction of time does not play any role, the existence of white holes is not impossible. However, today it is only not confirmed in practice model.

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