KVN team "LOVODY" - photos, participants, best performances, numbers, composition 2021



The club of merry and resourceful, existing on television since 1961, regularly presents the attention of the fans of humor new faces and opens up young teams, distinguished in regional competitions and contests. In 2019, the Lipetsk team appeared as part of the participants of the Higher League, the Lipetsk team called "loudspeople", from the first speeches I remembered and loved by the public.

History of team creation

The KVN team, "loudsching", born in Lipetsk in the mid-2010, became the brainchild of the participant of the qualifying rounds of the television show "Comedy Battle" Nikita Nikitina and his classmates on the technical university Anastasia Lee. Debuting in local student leagues, the team won the Mayor Cup of the native city and became the champion of the University League in 2016 and 2017.

Thanks to this, the guys from the central black earth got to the final of the Interregional Competition in Rostov-on-Don and were not confused at the background of the rivals, which became the "team ATI DGTU" from Azov, "those the most guys" and "national team of friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus" from Stavropol .

The next vertex, who conquered the "loudspeople", was the Premier League of the KVN 2018, where 24 teams were gathered, representing cities such as Penza, Korgalzhyn, Moscow, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Elista and many others.

Once in standby in the initial stage of the Moscow competition under the leadership of Alexander Maslyakov, the younger, Lipetsk students broke into the quarterfinal and confidently occupied the 2nd place, providing participation in the next round.

There, with the support of the famous Cavanechers of the past years, the actress Svetlana Permikova, "loudsching" perfectly performed in the "Freestyle with the star" competition. In the final game, held on September 5, 2018, became the Premier League champions and, by decision of the jury, fell into the highest humorous society.

Becoming the first Lipetsk team who has achieved such heights, and adopting responsibility for the native region, now the guys are actively prepared for their debut performance on the stage of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

When gaining experience, the loudshotos became the participants of the 30th International Festival of KVN "KIWIN-2019", on which the Golden Bolt award was awarded, but did not take the selection to the final stage and did not fall into the Gala concert television ether. However, observation due to the Kulis went to the benefit of the team and contributed to adaptation in the highest league in the beginning season.

The guys shared their own impressions in the video block on the YouTube channel and on the official pages of the team in the social networks "Vkontakte" and "Instagram".

Command structure

The captain of "loudspeople" since the foundation is the graduate of the Lipetsky Technical University Nikita Nikitin. Participant of television humorous projects "Comedy Battle" on the TNT channel and "comedian launches" on the channel "1 + 1" still in his youth dreamed of playing KVN and stubbornly walked to the goal.

A lover wonderful sex gathered around himself girls, which, based on the name of the team, were associated with "cats", while Nikita became the powerful and powerful incarnation of "thunder".

For the first speeches, the captain independently composed the program and started the tradition in which the girls were rarely assigned the role of authors. Only at the moments of the creative crisis, Nikitin's friend was departed and arranged with a brainstorm, throwing fun phrases and situations from their own life.

One of the main assistants of the leader of the team was the exotic beauty of Anastasia Lee, in his youth also participating in several television projects. The girl immediately took upon himself the role of an inadequate humorist and from the first games demonstrated the "Greater", "resourcefulness" and talent for improvisation.

At the stage of the emergence of the collective, Nastya was engaged in the selection of actors and eventually found Anna Gorbokonenko's experienced Cavaneschin, who became a mind and conscience "loudspek". Having accepted the image of a rude and straight lady, Anya on the scenario regularly places annoying Nikita and the iron grip holds discipline in the team during performances and in real life.

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A few later than the third "cat" was a student of one of the universities of the Central Region Daria Aleksksenko, who completed the participants of the participants with a modest and shye character, looking at the world widely revealed.

In addition to actors, the Golden Administrator Anna Zolotar is present, which is responsible for the team of the team in Vkontakte and deals with the distribution of tickets and invitations to games and other events.

It was Anya organized a photo session for Nikita and girls from Anastasia Fleur and published the best works on the pages of the Lipetsk team in social networks. The pictures of Cavanechiki appeared in the usual gray-yellow outfits and depicted poses that meet the characters of their stage characters.

In 2019, a video called "Sea Devils" was removed by the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. The fate of Babai ", and to the international holiday on March 8 made a collage of portraits of girls - team member.

Best speeches

Despite the fact that "loudspeople" just began to conquer the Higher League of KVN, the guys were already remembered to the public with numbers presented at competitions in Lipetsk, Rostov-on-Don and Kazan.

In the "greeting" in the 1/8 finals of the Premier League of 2018, the team issued a number of sparkling jokes about the sprouted tattoo, dates and the series "Menting Wars". Following the current tradition, during the speech of Nikita wandered the girls and in response, he received caustic humorous statements, from the heart of the funny public and jury.

At the same time, Dasha presented an instructive story about the service novel, based on the scene from the film "Bringing", and for the music from the famous Franchise "Mortal Kombat" told about what was happening in the karaoke club after closing.

In the semifinals, the team brilliantly played the scene about hackers called "Computer Help", where Nikita lured viruses for the forbidden fruit. And then the "loudspeople" presented the regional version of the program "Fashion sentence", with the star guests of which Anna Gorbokonenko and Anastasia Lee.

In addition, the viewers remember the dance of the participants under the composition of the Kryptonite group and the number about how the guest is praised by the hostess. In the same program, Nastya repeated the image of the "Mrs.", copying the word Rammstein "Du Hast" for the captain Nikitin.

However, the best speeches did the team of 2018 for the 2018 champion finals. There, "loudschings" "broke" the hall of the miniature about the robbery of the bank in the outback and the scene of family disassembly of her husband and wife after the television broadcast of the popular transfer "Let them say".

"Loudsching" now

In 2019, the "loudster" team debuted in the Higher League of KVN, and now all the forces are thrown into preparation for upcoming games.

In addition to the club of cheerful and resourceful, humorists are engaged in their own professions. Nikita Nikitin works by the Methodist of the local Palace of Youth and leads weddings and other events. Anastasia Lee honors the skills of the architect, Anna Gorbokonenko is an employee of the bank, and Daria Alexenko ends the Technical University.

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