KVN team "Kazahi" ("Kazakhs") - photos, participants, best performances, numbers



The KVN team from Kazakhstan spent many years on the stage of the club cheerful and resourceful. Year after year, the storming major height, "KaZahi" and did not achieve the championship title. But it does not concern the audience love, because the self-irony is the key that opens the hearts. And in the ability to laugh at the Asian team will not refuse. Open and scenic guys, one way out on stage caused sympathy and smile and firmly entered themselves in the history of the KVN 2000s.

History of team creation

"KaZahi" from those teams that were formed gradually. Old participants went and returned, new faces were added to them. At the same time, the names changed, but not originally selected style. The team made himself spaces from a deaf steppe, declared the friendship of Kazakhstan and Russia and always differed in hollowness.

Cavanechiki from Astana for the first time made their way to the highest league in 2000 and were called the "Kazakhstan project". The guys immediately brought a national flavor to the game, although in the initial composition half of the team amounted to Russians. Among them, Yaroslav Melekhin was already listed, which years remained the only Russian member of the team.

Asians did not achieve great success in the season, overcoming only the first stage of the competition. However, in 2001, the team members were invited to participate in the Epochable KVN special project "XX century against the XXI century", where only club stars were playing - and ascending.

2002 - the second attempt to consolidate in the highest league, but also did not bring that luck. Renamed to the "Astana" team starts at the Sochi Festival, but the season does not overcome the frontier of the 1/8 finals. The comforting prize is the "Small Kiwin" of the Jurmala Festival, where the vocal skills of guys received a worthy assessment. Already then the Kazakhs show that they are from those, "who can safely laugh at themselves." Withcoming, who will sing the party quasimodo, the conference "breaks" the hall: "I understand that choir?".

The next 2 years pass in attempts to pass in the 1/4 finals, which is happening in 2004. In the 2005th season, the team enhances: the foundations of the "national team of Astana" and "Kazakhstan project" are united and participants of the "Voice of Asia" are joined.

Nurlan Koyanbayev comes from the last team to the Kazakhs - charming and charismatic captain, which was so lacking. The new project was called "Astana.kz", and in 2006 the Kazakhs first reached the semi-final.

By 2008, the team earns the audience love and several "kiwins" of musical festivals - even in unsuccessful seasons, the consoletive prizes from Jurmalas. But in the 2008 season "Astana.kz" also goes to the final of the highest league, which, however, loses to three competitors.

By missed 2009, the team returns to your bosy spectators, once again "encompassing" over the composition and title. Now they are "kazahi". The procession to the final-2010 was not victorious and simple, but, being there in the end, the team becomes the vice-champion KVN. This is the highest achievement that the team has sought for its history. In subsequent years, some participants go to other teams of Kazakhstan and storm with them new heights.

7 years after the end of the last game season, KaZahi gathered together to play in the Summer CVN Cup passing in Astana. As a guest team, the Kazakhs defeated the champions of recent years ("City of Pyatigorsk", "Kamyzyakov" and "Asia Mix") and became the summer cup triumphs.

Command structure

With the coming to the team of Nurlan Koyanbayev Kazakhs have gained an important link. The guy became the captain of the team since 2005, taking the role of the leader at each outlet to the scene. By this time, Nurlan had experience in Kazakhstan television. Now Koyanbaev is a prominent showman of the country: a man takes the post of general producer of RTRK "Kazakhstan" and leads a rating evening show, analogue of "Evening Urgant".

The favorite of the public since the time of the "Kazakhstan project" was the TourSynbek of Kabat - the face of the team and her soul. Carefully cultivated image of the impenetrable space does not assume that the tour of television and cinema in their own country is a trussnbek. At the same time, the man is the founder of the theater of satire and humor, TV presenter, producer and actor cinema. Kabatov is a responsible family man and a father of four children.

Radastly blond Yaroslav Melekhin answered the team for songs and national contrast: without a guy was not to do with jokes about the difference between the Russian and Kazakh mentalities. And in general, Yaroslav "cemented" the composition of the team, moving from the composition to the composition from the very basis.

The only girl Gulnara Silbaeva joined the team in 2010. Prior to that, she played KVN in other teams of Kazakhstan, becoming a country champion. The spectacular Gulnara turned out to be an artistic, singing and organically joined the team, having passed with her the most successful season.

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Having finished the speeches with "Kazakhmi", the actress did not leave the KVN. By joining Sparta from Astana, Silbaev became the highest league champion of 2017. In Kazakhstan, Gulnara is a demanded actress of cinema, on her account a dozen roles in comedies and melodramas.

Nurzhan Basenov passed with the team a long way, starting from the first convocation. The vocal data guy allowed him to shine at musical festivals. It is not surprising that in parallel with the career of humorist Nurzhan engaged in singing at the professional level. Nurdailelet West and Kumar Lukmanov joined the team halfway, but won the viewer to the vitality and acting alarm.

Best speeches

One of the best "stams" in the entire history of KVN was a "Kazakh" in the 2010 final. The story of how mother-in-law came for the new year, went on quotes and became a classic.

Brilliant TourSnub, who, at the request of the son-in-law, was constantly trying to go to Kazakhstan (although in Orenburg lives), earned the highest score in the competition for the team, conquering the jury and the auditorium. The company made up Yaroslav Malerekhin and Gulnara Silbaev. The same Trinity lit up in the story about how the Kazakhs were filmed.

The appearance of Gulnara in the team made it possible to include in the speeches of women's roles. However, in the room about acquaintance with the bride, a girl played a comedian toursnbek. It was not without a guy and in the scene about Chingis Khan, which the team presented in the 2010 final.

On that day, starting with the "greetings", the Kazakhs asked a high bar and did not reduce it to the very end. As a result, by the amount of final speeches, the team gave way to the winners "Buck - Partners" only 0.6 points.

Traditionally, the best team performances consist of miniatures, songs and jokes, many of whom went into the people.

KVN team "CaZaahi" now

"KaZaahi" left the club fun and resourceful in 2010, and the team ceased to exist, episodically intending to participate in special projects.

In August 2018, participants went on the scene "festival" in Sochi. There was a "meeting of KVN graduates", whose broadcast was broadcast on the first channel in November. Commands of the 2011 Champions of 2011 - Samara "Juice". In the battle of Old-timers, the victory was defeated by Dmitry Krchchchka, ahead of the Kazakhs by 0.5 points.

For most Participants, KVN became a springboard to the world of show business and media, and now former Cavencers are engaged in cinema and television in their native Kazakhstan. Judging by the "Instagram" of the participants, in 2019, team members support and help each other in creative projects.

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