KVN team "City Pyatigorsk" - photos, participants, best performances, Olga Kartunkova 2021



It all started with the "Noeva Ark". So in 2009 it was called the future team - the champion "City Pyatigorsk". The humorists gathered together came to the final in the Central Krasnodar League KVN. After the first success, the team swung at the Central First League in which he became a champion. Together with the captain of the team, Olga Kartunkova, the national team succeeded in the Higher League.

History of team creation

The participants of the future champion team before the unification played KVN in other teams. It is known that the backbone was the players from Pyatigorsk teams "Break" and "bad habits", as well as "Visadian Stavrovers" from Stavropol.

Already as part of the team "City Pyatigorsk" (GP), the guys successfully performed in the Games of the Central League of KVN. According to Captain, Olga Kartunkova national team, in the teams initially 17 people were initially. Within 2 years of active activity in KVN, Pyatigorstsev took place. People left the team for various reasons. Someone did not stand psychologically, someone has changed their life plans.

With the advent of the team "City Pyatigorsk", the audience immediately began to compare it with the predecessor - the "national team of Pyatigorsk". The fans expected a team on the stage, like jokes and numbers with Slepakov's seed team, even wrote in social networks: "This is not that Pyatigorsk!".

Olga Kartunkova, as the leader of the team, emphasized that the "national team of Pyatigorsk" and "City of Pyatigorsk" are completely different teams, with a different style of speeches. The only thing that unites collectives - participants from one city.

In addition, the senior comrades on the stage supported newcomers, helped to avoid mistakes and transferred experience in KVN. The guys still with gratitude recall the support from Slepakov's seeds, which in the first year constantly came to rehearsals.

In 2011, the team enters the highest league, which comes to the final. GP on the results of the scored points 3rd place. The next year "City Pyatigorsk" wins games in 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 final of the highest league. After that, Cavanechiki falls into the final battle.

The winner of the 2012 games is the team from Smolensk "Triode and Diode", and the GP divide the 2nd place with the "Faculty of Journalism". In an interview with Olga Kartunkova, he remembers how the participants of the GP felt after the final. Several people wanted to leave the team. Even sounded did not go to the next season. But fans and fans of a funny team persuaded to continue the game.

"After some period, they still gathered and decided that in the next season, let's lay out completely, let's make some kind of highlight. So we appeared in the team Murat Erkenov, "says Olga.

The team successfully performs at the musical festival in Jurmala and receives "Big Kiwin in the dark." This is the third largest prize.

In 2013, five citizens improve the result and become owners of the main prize of Jurmala - "Big Kiwin in Gold". The captain of the team Olga Kartunkova is awarded a special prize of the jury "Amber Kiwin".

A worthy completion of the season becomes the victory of Pyatigorstsev in the final game of the same year. GP plays with such strong teams as "Kamyazaki", "Dnipro" and "Paraparas".

"We posted a little better than other teams. There was a game of friends. And everything looked as if we did not compete, and finished school and received certificates, they said goodbye to the teachers, "recalls the final Kartunkova.

Next year, the team begins active touring activities. And March 2014, the city of Pyatigorsk performs a solo concert in the KVN house.

The team is often invited with performances in far abroad, where Pyatigars have a huge number of fans. In 2018, they could not go to the United States due to refusal to receive visas in the American Embassy in Moscow.

Command structure

Captain Kartunkova Olga, Gulaksizz Artem, Vinokurova Tatiana, Gaidukov Timur, Goryunov Alexander, Akopyan Yuri, Dylanyan Arthur, Iskandaryan Sevak, Naumov Alexander, Savchenko Alexander, Morgunov (Utmelidze) Ekaterina, Heloyan Vlad, Chroshin Vitaly, Erkenov Murat.
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After the final speech, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov noted that the Pyatigorsk team holds on fragile female shoulders. The main roles in the team are playing girls.

The most popular participant of Pyatigorstsev - Olga Kartunkova. The KVN Editor Leonid Kudrouda tells her the image - a powerful woman who "gives" the authority to the team participants. A bright talented cavancec managed to create unforgettable images on the scene. Because of this, Olga was often compared with another participant of the game: the captain of the Samara group "Juice" Dmitry Kolchin. He, too, the image of the Tirana team. Cavanechiki from Pyatigorsk emphasize that each team has its own "chip".

Catherine Morgunova according to the script constantly confronts the Kartunkova on the scene. The team participant found personal happiness in KVN. She married Leonid Morgunov from the Paraparam team. The offer girl received on the stage of the Jurmala Music Festival in 2014.

"Pre-Lenya approached Alexander Vasilyevich, asked permission to such an act, he said:" Valya! " ... It was very nice, I honestly did not expect, "recalls Katya.

Another representative of the female part of the Tatiana Vinokurova team plays on the scene of the companion and a friend of Olga Kartunkova. Until KVN, a girl of 2 months managed to work in a specialty manager of the organization of tourism.

Participants of the team together passed Cavanenian fire, water and copper pipes. Humorists rallied common failures and success. The guys compare themselves with the family, in which everyone is worried about and help in difficult life situations.

Best speeches

The authors of most jokes are team members. Most topics for miniatures are taken from life. So there was a plot for "Stam" "Gritsatsueva Elena Petrovna in the market." Olga Kartunkova told the story, and her mother became the prototype of the main character.

Among the best numbers of Pyatigorstsev "Skandal in the family", in which Olga played the mother of the family. From her it gets a son-compattus and a tractorist husband. The neighbor plays Ekaterina Morgunova.

The guys often turn to movies on the basis of which they make a performance. Until now, the spectators remember the Caucasian Captain, in which Murat Erken has played Sachov. Kartunkova performed as Komsomolska and the beautiful Nina.

With a reference to another film, you can consider the number about the new year, where Pyatigar residents seemed to portray the main characters from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry". Even picked up similar props and clothing of the main character.

From the music numbers, the fans still remember the competition, in which Morgunova played an abandoned girl, and Kartunkova - the reserving of her babe cleaner. The miniature is built on the song of love of the Assumption "Convertible".

Among the legendary numbers of the team - the story about Gypsy Carmen from the miniature "at the station". The most spectacular can be called a joint performance of Pyatigorstsev with the Paraparamen team, in which the guys beat rivalry between the teams in preparing for the wedding of Catherine and Leonid Morgunov.

In the "Greeting" at the Summer Cup in Sochi in 2015, the team entered the costumes of the heroes of the cartoon "Mermaid". The audience was already accustomed to the exit of Olga Kartunkova, accompanied by Tatiana Vinokurova, but this time the girls of model appearance with the voices of Oli and Tanya unexpectedly left. The masculine part of the team was very quick and ridiculously rebuilt on obedience to the predicted beauties. It turned out, it was a bait for Dmitry Nagiyev.

Among the cult jokes of Pyatigorstsev miniatures "Store robbery", "a couple in the forest", "at the reception of a nutritionist", "Camping of Jason", "Vernik waits for a call from Maslyakov" and other funny rooms.

"City of Pyatigorsk" now

After the KVN, the team members took up personal projects. Someone works by the author, edits the league. Some chose a family and personal business.

Olga Kartunkova and Ekaterina Morgunova are filmed in the projects of the TNT TV channel. They can be seen in the humorous show "Once in Russia" in which they now continue to play.

Olya invited to the movies. In 2016, the actress played the role of Luba in the film director Alexander Nellobin "Groom". In 2019, Olga Kartunkova pleases the appearance in the Sitkom "Two girls on the Meli", in which the company makes Mikhail Barshatov, Sergey Burunov, Vladimir Sychev and others.

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