Comedy Woman show - photos, issues, participants, Natalia Andreevna, program 2021



Female humor on Russian television - phenomenon is relatively new. There are not so many comedy shows on the screens, where women would be the main characters, and not invited guests. Comedy Woman - Pioneer of this genre, like most humorous programs, grew out of KVN. From there, the girls carried a serious approach to jokes and understanding that humor is not only text, but also shows. Qualitative texts, artistry participants and topical numbers since 2008 ensure the transfer of stable ratings and the love of viewers.

History of creation and essence of the program

Comedy Woman was formed in 2006 on the initiative of Natalia Eprician, known as miniature, intelligent and ulcer Natalia Andreevna from Kavainovsky "Megapolis". The artist decided to make a female humorous show, despite the fact that this genre is considered predominantly male.

Participants of the show Comedy Woman

The project was called Made in Woman and at first he existed outside the television screens, on the scenes of clubs. From the popular Comedy Club, the project was distinguished by the format and did not work in the Stena genre. It was a cabaret with thoughtful pop numbers and elements of the show - girls took the bar higher. In the project, Natalia Andreevna invited colleagues in the club cheerful and resourceful - Elena Borschev, Polina Sibagatullin, Catherine Bulkun and others.

In the scenic format, the show existed for 2 years, from 2006 to 2008, touring the clubs. Then it was decided to switch to the television format, and on November 21, 2008, Made In Woman was held on the TNT channel screen. However, after 4 issues, the project has changed again: the composition of the participants has been updated, recycled stage images and a new name - Comedy Woman appeared.

Stylistics remained the same - the show retained a female cabaret's entourage with pop humorous numbers, bright suit and a serious approach to scenery and musical numbers.

So the program existed for 8 years. Periodically, the project was leaving the old participants, and there were new actors in their place, but there were no radical changes. However, in 2016, during the next issue, Natalya Eprician, without leaving the stage image, announced the dissolution of the former composition of the show. To the surprise of the audience, what looked like a joke turned out to be true.

Explaining that Comedy Woman should move forward, Natalia Andreevna organized a casting to an updated project, which moved directly to the show, becoming part of it. Releases from 180th to 192th were devoted to the set of new actipers. To New Year's release, Comedy Woman's leadership has made a final decision regarding the composition, and also presented another project, the women's Skchech show Love IS.

Leading Show

The creator and the leading project was and remains "Deity on the legs" and "elite one and a half meters" Natalia Andreevna (Natalia Eprician), mathematician-economist for education. She came to humor as part of the Moscow team "Megapolis", a distinctive feature of which was the confrontation of her character and the captain of the team of Denis Privalov.
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The image of the "intelligent ulcer" moved from KVN to Comedy Woman and other shows with the participation of Eprician, although the actress without any problems is coping with other roles. For example, in the December 2018 issue of 2018, Natalia played the Armenian fortune teller, for the real year of the Pig.

First, Dmitry Khrustalev, the captain of the St. Petersburg national team, who was remembered not only by the leadership of one of the best teams in the history of KVN, but also by Putin's specialties, was remembered by Natalia Andreevna. Dmitry led Comedy Woman from the 1st to the 5th seasons, as well as the seventh, after which he finally left the project, going to the Evening Urgant show.

Project participants

Over the years of the Comedy Woman's existence, many popular Cavanesers played on the project scene, who loved the audience while working with the teams of the club cheerful and resourceful.

No show can do without its own sex symbol. In female cabaret, Ekaterina Varnava, the owner of the stunning appearance and the former member of the KVN team "team of small nations". The girl is not only indispensable in the image of the fatal beauty, but also is responsible for the choreographic component of the show, studying dance numbers.

Her colleague on the team of Maria Kravchenko embodies a different image - a typical "clear" girl, "Hopnitsa", which knows the price, but if you believe the official characteristic of the character, "born with a discount".

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Ekaterina Bulkina (or Oldskilkina) came to the show from the Kazan team "Four Tatar". The colorful appearance and manner of behavior left behind the Catherine Image "Descendant of Genghis Khan", women decisive and uncompromising. And Tatiana Morozova from the Chelyabinsk Moon plays on the Russian national flavor. Her Amplua is an image of a simple Russian woman with a specific lexicon and recognizable emotion expression style.

Marina Fedunkiv, another colorful woman, came to Comedy Woman from the Dobryanka Perm Territory. In the show, she was not from the very beginning, before that, he managed to love the audience thanks to the series "Real Guys," where I embodied the image of Mom Kolyan, Marina.

Among the participants who left the show should not be remembered by the brilliant Madam Polina, the secular alcoholvitsa and the Leningrad poetess, who moved to Comedy Woman, as well as Dmitry Khrustalev, from the St. Petersburg national team. Polina Sibagatullina beat the image of an extravagant and bohemian woman, creative nature, forced to smooth alcohol, the sophisticated worldview.

After the 7th season, the project and Natalia Medvedev, who remembered in the role of uncontrollable and unpredictable young lady. Moreover, the girl did not think about the image specifically - he gradually developed himself.

Unfortunately, one of the most serious scandals over the years of Comedy Woman is connected with Natalia. In 2013, a joke about General Dmitry Karbyshev, more precisely, about his "frozen spirit" sounded from her character. The ineticity of such humor the audience was noticed already then, but then the discussion in the network did not go. However, at the beginning of 2019, Nikita Mikhalkov, seeing the number, harshly and also incorrectly criticized the Comedy Woman participants in the transmission of the "Besgon". After that, Natalia publicly apologized, explaining that at the time of filming did not know about the fate of General Karbyshev and thought that he was talking about a fictional character. Nevertheless, aggression and Mikhalkov, and Vladimir Solovyov, and network users hit Medvedev, although the humorist noted that she did not write the scenario of the show and claimed that he would be on the ether.

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Spectators do not forget Elena Hulovna Santa Maria Gerru. Elena Borscheva, also known as "Beautiful Gunilla," began a comedy career in the titled "Pyatigorsk national team". Comedy Woman humorist worked until 2012, after which she left the show. One of the reasons for Elena's care was the fact that most jokes with her and her somehow beat the appearance of the artist, and eventually the topic has exhausted themselves.

Best speeches

Since 2008, a lot of excellent jokes sounded from the scene Comedy Woman. The actresses do not exploit the infinitely some one theme - without seeing the difference between male humor and female, they joke about everything in the world. In the 1st issue of the 6th season of the transmission, even the presentation of the Golden Shoe Prize was an internal comic reward.

In the Hipster Family Room, where the male image embodied Alexander Gudkov from KVN "Fedor Dvinyatin", beat stereotypes about modern youth hobbies. Over the current realities of the artist and miniature about the Museum of Contemporary Art, which is fairly not understood, why these exhibits are generally considered art.

Another number to the topic is unexpected for a female team - "lawyer in the investigative insulator." There girls laughed and over the prison conditions, and over the scams, and even over the national question - however, very carefully.

There is a place in transmission and jokes for typical gender topics. The room about women in the cabinet beat the classic situation about the collision of mistresses and his wife, but a miniature about the club housewives approached the topic of sex relationships much more tougher - there girls from the soul ridiculed patriarchal stereotypes. There was a place in transmission and number about pregnant women, more precisely - about their whims and the unenviable lies of future fathers.

Repeatedly in Comedy Woman beat the topic, relevant at all times and for all people - familiarity with parents. Over the years of the existence of the transfer, "got acquainted" with elects and chosenses and authoritarian mothers, and the family of Soviet quenching, and parents who were younger than the groom.

Now Comedy Woman is a popular humorous show of Russian television, not lost against the background of other gears of this genre. It changes over time, and therefore does not have time to bother, but at the same time remains quite recognizable not to confuse a permanent audience.

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