History of the show "Ural Pelmeni" - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



"Ural dumplings" call themselves white humor dealers in Russia. It is difficult to argue with this, because the good and wretched jokes of the Urals have been holding the viewer from the screen for more than a dozen years. The love of the public earned since the time of KVN, not going anywhere, but rather increased, because the show "Pelmeni" even those who were not born at the time of their Kavain Triumph.

History of creation and essence of the show

"Ural dumplings" - the so-called popular and popularly beloved team of the club cheerful and resourceful. Now, under this name, a limited liability company is registered, which is engaged in the production of humorous programs. Persons in the creative association remain predominantly the same as in KVN. And this suggests that the "dumplings" associates not only the love of humor, but also a long-term strong friendship.

For the first time, participants gathered together in 1993, and by the 2000s became champions of the Highest League KVN. Since then, they have been welcome guests at the Cup and Special Projects of the Club and successfully toured in the country, collecting the full halls. The liberated guys in orange shirts found their own style, which expressed all the latitude of the Russian soul, so the audience saw in them "his guys."

The success of touring activities, which the team led 10 years, brought the team leaders to the idea of ​​creating their own humorous project on television. The idea was on the surface, because the team members were a self-sufficient creative unit: they themselves wrote the material, he was brilliantly played. It remained only to find producers who would have invested in the project.

The first attempt that did not justify hopes was the "show news" on the TNT channel, where the team actors paroded news programs. The transfer was published in 2007, but quickly closed due to insufficient ratings.

At the same time, "dumplings" offered to producers to create a televersion speech speaking. The idea did not find a response, then the team member Sergey Netyevsky was filmed by the team concert "because gladiolus!", Dedicated to the 16th anniversary of the team. The record was allowed on the air of the Ren-TV channel in 2009, and she was met by the audience "with a bang." A high broadcast rating has noted the attention of the producers of the CTC channel, which offered the Urals to produce their own show on their platform.

The debut series of the project "Show" Ural Pelmeni "has published in October 2009 and was called" Gorge it all ... Horse! ". Since then, all names are calabura based on well-known phrases and phrases. "Libe-Shi flew", "Icra of Thrones", "Your Ozzord", "Dough under the Sun", "Beach Slide" is just a few titles that predict humorous issues.

The format of the show suggests a set of sketches on a given topic. Often releases are tied to festive dates or beat current seasonal topics, whether it is a New Year holidays, a vacation at sea or a day of cosmonautics. Humorists play miniatures and sketches, sing songs, enter the dialogue with the auditorium.

In 2009, 2 releases managed to reach the broadcast, but each year their number grew. The peak of productivity was 2013, in which the "Ural dumplings" released 18 programs. Since then, the transfer came out once a month or a little less often. In 2018, 9 episodes of the show showed 9 Esters.

The project consistently provides high ratings and is not going to pass positions. In this regard, in 2018, the TV channel signed a contract with the "dumplings" for a period of 3 years, which demonstrates full trust of producers. In addition, Ekaterinburg residents received professional recognition of the "Academy of Russian Television", becoming owners of Teffi in the same year. Previously, the team was honored with the prestigious international award "Tafi-Commonwealth" in 2013.

In 2019, the ether dedicated to the new year was broadcast on January 1 and was called the "Garland Country". In the new season, the transfer began to go more often than before: the show is broadcast weekly on Fridays. Thematic and festive issues alternate with the "ABC" ABC "Ural Pelmeni" cycle launched in 2018. "

Program participants

The rights to the brand "Ural dumplings" and the content produced by them are divided between 10 participants of the team. All of them are from the championship formulation of the highest League of KVN 2000, and their names and surnames are familiar with all lovers of humorous programs.

The permanent captain of the team is Andrei Rozhkov, although each second participant could take on the role of a team leader, possessing this sufficient talent and charisma for this. In the show at Andrei, the position of the artistic director, actor and author. For a year and a half, he performed the duties of the director, replacing Sergey Nehievsky, who had gone from this position.

Netievsky left the "dumplings" on the basis of the conflict associated with the rights to the show. The team and a former participant repeatedly entered each other into litigation, presenting material claims. Since 2015, the former producer and director left the creative association and is engaged in other projects.

It is impossible to imagine the "Ural Pelmeni" without Dmitry Brekotkin. He is central actor team from the very base and with glitter playing a wide range of emotions. His characters can be cheaper, stupid, ridiculous and vigorous, but invariably cause laughter to the public and audience love.

Dmitry perfectly knows the mechanism for which jokes are built, so the absurd humor prefers, the course of thoughts in which it is difficult to predict. Brecotn takes part in other humorous projects, including on the account of the actor 2 roles in full-length comedy cinema.

The founder of the student team KVN was Dmitry Sokolov. And today he is an indispensable participant in humorous act, which is broadcast from the screens of the STS. In Sokolov, a little bit from the sad clown and much - from the philosopher. One output of the artist on the stage is sometimes enough to disrupt the applause. The most age group member, he is at the same time the author and actor.

A little younger than him Sergey Ershov - a man who leads the author's group. Since the time of the Kavainovsky past, Ershov preferred to write than play, so it was rare on the stage, remaining a collective brainstorm. Today, "the" Ural dumplings "show" Sergey remains faithful and appears in the frame less often, although the acting talent of the man's viewer has already managed to evaluate the real boys in Comedy.

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Peace talent and acting skills for many years demonstrates Vyacheslav Butchers, the youngest participant from the 2000 championship. Sergey Isaev, Maxim Nizhitsa, Alexander Popov, along with other Urals, combine the responsibilities of the authors and actors. Sergey Kalugin is responsible for the musical accompaniment of the project. In 2016, Artem Pushkin was joined to the team and Danila Pyatkin, as well as a novel of postovalov, who had previously speaking in two seasons "Comedy Battle" and writing jokes for the KVN team "urgent challenge."

In the team KVN "Ural dumplings" there were no girls. But in the show at STS, the guy was invited by a bastard Julia Mikhalkov, who began to play women's roles. Over time, Ilan Yuryev and Ksenia Kornev joined it.

In the fall of 2019, it became known that Mikhalkov left the team of humorists. This was announced in his "instagram", backing up the post photo. Such a decision Julia explained that he turned around the show and wishes further development.

At about the same, rumors appeared on the network that butchers left, but this information has not yet been officially confirmed. According to insiders, this happened due to the conflict of Vyacheslav with the producer of CTS TV channel Vyacheslav Murugov.

The best rooms

"Ural dumplings" put numbers surrounded by scenery. Often it is just the interior of the room, against the background of which household and family scenes are unfolding like a dating with parents or solutions with the son of the task about farms. Sketches do not require the abundance of requisition, because they take their own Harizma of actors and the "fat" hall of humorous texts. However, ideas on the show most of the costumed.

The best transmission numbers provide high ratings of the TV channel, and then beat the records on the Internet. Thus, the release of "Lena Cosmonautics" was broadcast on January 11, 2019 and in 2 months scored 2.5 million Views Youtube, and the number about Grandma Paranoika from 2016 and 2019 gathered almost 13 million.

A lot of views scored the release of 2017 "Mandarins, Forward!", He reached the New Year's Eve. Sometimes individual scenes are gaining great popularity. This includes a miniature "Maniac and Boy", the first played Andrei Rozhkov, and the second - Vyacheslav Butchers.

From the old issues, the audience is often revised by the "year in boots" of 2012, as clearly from the name, all scenes are devoted to the army weekdays. The actors beat the situations in the humorous processing facing almost every soldier of Russia.

"Pelmeni" not only fun people, at one of the concerts of 2017, the butchers performed the song "Dad", after which the entire hall was sobbed.

Later in the release of the same year, "50 shades of the tanned" team demonstrated the "Italian Restaurant" miniature, where visitors to the institution faced the difficulties of possession of Italian.

In 2018, the humorists were pleased with another release of "weightlessness", where the characters are taken as the basis, dedicating a large amount of time to classes in the gyms. They go to the store on the exercise bike, press the bun from the chest and pushed the barbell in the abyss, like running with the sixth and sports walking around the apartment.

From 2019, there are 48 minutes published on TV screens called "Ural dumplings. Skimbuch ".

"Pelmeni" represent a parody's show to popular programs, for example, "Dialogs about fishing", where the horns with brackets decide the questions in which "no bottle will not disperse." In other scenes, the Urals beat popular stereotypes and banal situations, such as school corporate in honor of the holiday of March 8 in the teacher. Or discussed the domestic auto industry in the manner adopted by Russians in the miniature "Battery Sel". Jokes from the show went on quotes and became covered, for example, "a gift certificate in the amount does not look" from the number about the boy and a gyroscutor.

No less viewers remembered the issues of the "Battle of Fujers" series. From the "ABC" Ural Pelmeni "" fans loved "Grandmothers in the Future", the scenes "apartment repairs in prison" and "protemat". In the future, they have repeatedly taken to the location of the chamber of the investigative insulator, for example, for miniatures "Tale on how Ulyukayev in prison was sitting. Would".

Among other issues, users of the network remember the humorous sketch of 2019 on how birthday is family, corporate and all-Russian. Usually, Tamada is ruled at such an event, and if you do not remember it, it means that the holiday has succeeded. For the name of the series, the authors decided to remake the popular statement "What the hell is not joking", calling it "than the cake is not joking." Most of all positive emotions caused a scene on the dismissal of the doctor.

Then the release of "Husband for an hour" was released on the screens. But the "furry sentence" was already treated for women, or rather, how men suffer all the tricks. They know all the benches near the boutiques, most rejoice when the wife has something to wear, and all their lives are dragging packages - from the house with garbage, and in the house with women's things.

"Nervous September" appeared on "Youtyuba" in the fall of 2019. As it is clear from the name, the release is dedicated by September 1, when the children bring home the task for parents, study another language - the labor language, when everything is done through the exam, and the only thing that changes in school is curtains.

Then the series came out, which could be called "Summer is a small life." But in his best traditions of "Pelmeni" called the release "Summer is a little tin," so the humorists described the holiday season, when the charters are closely from the charters, and because of the number of holidaymakers on the seashore, pebbles are not visible. And later, to the International Day of Ladies, artists have prepared a special collection of Tamara Igorevna and the whole family. "

The Bubn Tyuz concert was filmed in Moscow, in humorous processing presented the life of the theater actors who come to life after the third call, do not know whether there is life for an advance, and meet the dawn with the inclusion of sofits.

"Ural dumplings" now

Fans of humorous programs are looking forward to the release of new issues of the Ural Pelmeni. On the eve of the holidays of 2020, at the end of December 2019, a New Year's concert program called "Christmas tree, children, two tables" was released on the screens. In the festive release, artists told how to hide a bottle, snack and "oobhymeline" in a snowy beach, conducted a lecture "How to recognize Alkonos" and taught to make gifts in the shop "All 100 rubles". But most of all laughter caused a scene in which "Pelmeni" showed why Elena Malysheva is an ideal wife in the New Year period.

In January 2020, on New Year's holidays, two more releases of a humorous program called "All by law" and "strong feeling" came out. And in early February, the artists pleased the fans with the release of "difficult choice" and prepared a couple more programs - "People of X EL" and "tired solarium".

Sale of tickets for live concerts "Pelmeni" is carried out through the official website of the show, and information about new speeches is published. Also, the project management is maintained by an account on Yutubeub, where releases have already published on the screens.

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