Program "Alone with all" - photos, issues, leading Julia Menshov, "Channel One"



"Alone with everyone" - a program that went out on the Channel One from 2013 to 2017. The leading transfer was actress Yulia Menshov. The show format was supposed to be frank conversations with media personnel. In each issue, personal life was discussed, professional formation and memorable events from a career invited celebrity. Julia Menshova performed an interviewer in front of the guests of the studio. The project revealed some artists, public figures, politicians and representatives of the cultural community from the new side.

History of creation and essence of the program

The program "Alone with everyone" presented on the first channel in 2013. Yulia Menshova was a permanent lead show. She caused the confidence of the air of Ether thanks to the creative profession and a personal acquaintance. Channel producers made a bet on the project, as the concept seemed advantageous. The experience of America did not leave doubts about a chance for success.

Before the release of the project, the TV channel broadcast similar transmissions. Similar promise had the "Nastya" show from Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, but after 6 months, the transfer was closed due to low ratings.

The main characters "alone with all" became popular personalities. Everyone came to the studio with personal secrets and the desire to share with the audience part of the non-screen life. So, Ilze Liepa frankly spoke of the experiences of a woman who in 46 has learned about pregnancy, Valery told about an unsuccessful marriage, and Evelina Bledans - about the details of the upbringing of a special child.

Meshsov called the project-portrait entrusted to her. She helped look at the stars with different eyes, revealing them as people who are not alien to complexity and life tests.

Julia did not insist on confession, but the format suggested honest answers to questions. She managed to create a trustful pleasant atmosphere in the studio and locate the interlocutor. The main goal of the transfer was to show the essence of a person who rarely appears before the eyes of the audience in a true guise.

In 2017, the project was closed at the request of Julia less. The artist published in the personal account in the "Instagram" information that the transfer ceased to exist. According to producers, it happened on the personal initiative less. She did not want the show to be tired of the public and lost inherent sincerity.

Leading transfer

Yulia Menshova is an actress and TV presenter, whose career audience was justified by the fame of parents. The girl from the acting family easily conquered television. She played in the theater, starred in the teleepope "Balzakovsky age, or all the men his ..." and became the star of the series.
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The first television program was the show "World Movie", which goes out on the TV-6 channel. As a producer, the artist tried the forces by working on the project "I myself", which brought her popularity and secured the status of the lead. In 1999, Julia received the "Teffi" award in confirmation of professional merit.

"Roman" less with television did not limit himself to work in the frame. She led the production of programs in the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation. In 2001, he created his own production center and continued to work as an actress. To work on the side of the camera, she was again invited to the project "Teach me to live". The show existed for a year and closed. In 2013, the public again saw Menshov on television in the transfer "alone with everyone."

In an interview, Julia demonstrates sensitivity and tact with respect to the interlocutor. It is attentive and focused on the conversation. The leading manner does not imply a tendency to disclose the scandalous facts, provocations of guests or the presence of uncomfortable issues.

The peculiarity of the work on the transfer for Yulia was that with many guests she had a personal acquaintance and did not know about the peripetias occurring in personal lives. Nevertheless, each release, Meshsov was painfully preparing, specifying the details of the heroes. She revealed the identity of each guest of the studio, allowing himself not to judge the character, and show the face of the face of character and person hidden from the eyes.

In different years, Alexander Gordon, Daria Dontsova, Natalia Podolskaya, Rodion Gazmanov and other popular personalities of the domestic show business became the interlocutors of Julia M. Darion. During the existence of the project, the host organized 600 interviews with famous guests.

Upon completion of the program on the program "Alone with all", Julia was invited to become the leading transfer "Tonight" with Maxim Galkin. The appointment on this role is little embarrassed by the audience of the show. The artists changed Andrei Malakhov on this post, who left the first channel, and a long time fought against the bias of the public. At first, speaking in duet, Julia and Maxim later, it was parted. In 2019, artists alternate by leading the program by Saturday evenings, and appear in the frame one.

Guests of the program

Among the stars that were invited to an interview with Yulia Little, there were actors, singers, composers, public and cultural figures. Spectators really liked the issues with actors, because it was possible to compare their screen characters with a real person.

In September 2015, the studio "alone with everyone" visited the actress Tatyana Doglev. In a story about his fate she told, as he did not enter the circus school, and becoming an actress was very popular. The girl from the working family was in the heart of the Soviet film community. Doglev shared his thoughts about the divorce with her husband, the periods of unclaimed, mental disruptions and even visiting a psychiatric hospital.

The same frankness demonstrated the actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva, the reviews about which from colleagues and partners are full of fiction. The woman shared his beliefs regarding religion and faith, told about the son of Dmitry, who serves as the abbot in the temple. Now Ekaterina Vasilyeva surrendered to church ministry and rarely appears in the camera lens. The more valuable conversation with her.

The vocalists Vitas and Lolita Milyavskaya became ambiguous characters. Two unlike artists working in different genres, they told, with what difficulties they had to face and what is the most valuable in their lives. Both were in the epicenter of the scandal - Lolita because of her daughter in Ukraine in the midst of the revolution and the establishment of sanctions, and Vitas because of the creative crisis and accidents.

They were told on the air "Alone with everyone" and the fate of people of television. Among them were Elena Malysheva and Leonid Yakubovich. TV presenter Elena Malysheva became one of the main persons of the first channel. She is the chief telecommunication country, whose advice listened to millions of television viewers. At the same time, her person is surrounded not only by respect for fans, but also mocketers. The attitude towards the created image was told in a frank conversation with Yulia less.

The appearance of a permanent showman from the TV shows "Field of Miracles" becomes an informational reason for any project. The long-lived channel has never been afraid of changes in life. He later became a father, and by the age of 70, he lost weight and now proud of the knowledge of a healthy lifestyle. An example of motivation and confidence in the Own Forces Leonid Yakubovich demonstrated in the transfer of 2015.

Despite the fact that the show "Alone with all" ceased existence, the first channel suggested the public with a relevant alternative as a transfer "Tonight". The format of the program resembles the concept of "alone with everyone", and the public enjoys the professional work of Julia Little and Maxim Galkina.

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