Engineer Garin - biography, actor, appearance and character, quotes


Character History

The main character of the fantastic work of Alexey Tolstoy "Garin's hyperboloid engineer". The Russian engineer who created a "hyperboloid" is an analogue of a laser, a device that is able to emit enormous thermal beam power. Scary weapons that quickly destroy any objects. Garin is obsessed with the idea of ​​world domination, and for some time the character can be a dictator in the United States.

History of creation

Alexey Tolstoy

Alexey Tolstoy finished work on the fantastic book "Hyperboloid engineer Garina" in 1927. The idea of ​​the novel came to the thick way after a conversation with a friend on the name of Olenin. He told the Writer about the development of a certain engineer who died in 1918. This engineer allegedly built an aggregate similar to the described thick hyperboloid.

Working on the novel, the writer attracted experts, for example, academician Peter Lazarev, famous at the time of physics. Tolstoy also got acquainted with the best times for theories of molecular physics. Notes made during the preparation for work on the novel, are found in the writer's record books as early as the beginning of the 20s of the twentieth century. The author was going to write a novel of three parts, the first should have become an adventurous, the second - heroic, and the third - utopian.

Books Alexei Tolstoy

The first part of the novel was published before the entire text was completed - in 1925 in the three rooms of the magazine "Red Novy". A year later, the second part of the novel was published in the same magazine. In February 1927, Tolstoy published a new version of the ending of the novel, which was entitled "Garin-dictator" in Red Novi.

Tolstoy was going to publish in the journal and the third part of the novel about Garina, but never wrote. The writer sketched a third-part plan in the summer of 1924. It was assumed that the time of action of the novel would become the near future - 1930, the background is the beginning of the Second World War, and everything should have ended to the European revolution.

Illustration for the book Alexey Tolstoy

However, this idea did not turn out to be implemented. The plot of the novel, as a result, written in Tolstoy, is very different from the initial plan. After completing the text, the author continued to edit the novel. In 1934, Tolstoy made changes to the style and threw part of the chapters from the text, and the part was reduced.

After another two years, the novel had to recycle under the children's audience and throw out the "adults" scenes. In 1937, the writer again reworks the text and includes new chapters in the novel, adds a new final, "deducts" from the text of scientific terms. The latest stylistic edits were made in 1939, and then some missed places were restored.

"Garina's hyperboloid"

Drawings based on books

According to the plot, Peter Garin designs the apparatus, which calls the "hyperboloid" using the Nikolay Manseva's own teacher. The mantera himself was a geologist and died during an expedition in Taiga. On the materials of this expedition Garin and managed to build a theoretical base for adventures, which was conceived.

Garin finds a partner represented by Rolling - American billionaire, influential financier and industrialist. Using the hyperboloid, Garin erases from the face of the land plants belonging to German rolling competitors. The billionaire provides a hero of money that Garin uses to seize the island in the Pacific Ocean. On this island, the hero is accepted to extract gold. The power of the hyperboloid gives Garin to break into the bowels of the earth, which before that remained inaccessible. As a result, the hero gets access to inexhaustible gold deposits.

Peter Garin (Frame from the film)

Because of the divisters, Garin turns out to be undermined by the Golden Standard, and the West "Capitalist" world is immersed in the deepest crisis. Taking advantage of the situation, Garin buys the largest industrial enterprises in the United States and ultimately acquire such an influence that becomes a dictator.

The hero takes the new name - Pierre Harry, but for a long time to rule America Garin does not fall a chance. Agent of the Soviet state Vasily Shelda, together with a group of revolutionaries, captures a hyperboloid, on possessing the power of Garina. Following this, there is a universal rebellion of workers.


Evgeny Evstigneev in the image of Garin's engineer

In 1965, the science fiction film "Hyperboloid Engineer Garin" was released at the Gorky School of Garina's hyperboloid in Moscow based on Roman Alexei Tolstoy. The role of Garin there was actor Evgeny Evstigneev, and Alexander Ginzburg became the director of the film. The critic of the Soviet times Vsevolod Revich called the film "Adventure militant with superficial philosophy". Other critics focused on the fact that the black and white "Garin" was shot in the aesthetics of American films "Noir" and unusual and interesting from a visual point of view.

In 1973, a four-ranlery mini-series "Krahi Garina Engineer" with Oleg Borisov was published on the Lenfilm film studio. Director of the film - Leonid Queenihidze. The creators of the film abandoned large-scale fantastic antioticopias created by Tolstoy. The characters of the film characters are depicted "grounded". Garin from fanatics with fantastic plans turns into a person who wants only to enrich. Zoya, Garina's mistress, from charismatic adventurers, which acts with a scope, turns into a nervous lady.

Oleg Borisov as an engineer Garina

In the film a lot of deviations from the plot of the novel. For example, Charger's character in the book plays a minor role. In the film, this person is shown by the agent of a certain organization of fascists, which constantly affects what is happening. At the same time, the relations of the main characters are transmitted schematically in the film.

Vasily Shelda in Roman - a criminal investigation officer in Petrograd and the Soviet agent, which is engaged in the device of proletarian revolutions. In the film, this hero turned into a novice physics, which is engaged in the engineer Garina from some patriotic considerations and scientific curiosity, and not at all on duty.

Frame from the film

Also, there are no global events described in the novel, the global crisis, organized by Garin, the opposition of the main character and Vasily Shelda, the world revolution, and so on. The hyperboloid itself in the film is also not similar to the apparatus described in the novel.


"It has been a painful hour: where to go" Further ", what kind of satanic bow to play something cheerful to the Satanic bow?" "Hurry lovers who joking on an hour from boiling Paris, blinded by fiery screams of the Eiffel Tower, was not to the rustle of the leaves, not before love . Now - everything is at speed, everything is on gasoline. "Hello, baby, at our disposal hour twenty minutes! You need to have time in the movies, to eat dinner and lie down in bed. Nothing can be done, Mi-Mi, it is a civilization. "" The second law of the Golden Island is reading: no one should try to penetrate the mystery of the design of the hyperboloid. Everyone who touched at least the upper hypership of the hyperboloid is subject to the death penalty. "You still can't roll out from under the fragments of morality ... Ah, Shelda, Shelga ... what is this shelter: on this shelf - good, On this - bad ... I understand, tastor: tries, spits, chews a crust, - it says the wine is good, it's bad. But it will be ruled by taste, pimples in the language. This is reality. And where is your moral brand tastor? What sinks he tries it? "

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