Dmitry Lanskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Yulia Odeodova 2021



Dmitry Lanskaya is known as the former husband of Julia on the beginning and ex-soloist of the Prime Minister - the popular Boyz Bend of the late 90s - early 2000s. In 2014, he recalled his participation in the 3rd season of the vocal project "Voice". Today, a man continues the musical career, engaged in his own project Lanskoy & Co and composing soundtracks to famous films and serials, among which "Fizruk", "I lose" and "university".

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Lanish Rod from Moscow. The boy was born in 1978 in a simple family and since 8 years old dreamed of playing music. Today, the singer blame himself that he did not show enough perseverance in the classes and did not work the iron base in the instrument, so it insists that their own children seriously referred to the learning process.

In the school they. Gnesinic guy had to come without primary musical education, so he lost to competitors in possession of tools and solfeggio. But Dmitry took his perseverance and charisma and in 1995 a competition was held at the Vocal Faculty of Pour Jazz Department. Before that, the young man has studied at the preparatory course of the school. Surikova, since he was thinking to become an artist.

The teacher of Lansky became Natalia Zinovievna Andrianova, who brought up Polina Gagarin, Murat Nasyrov and other stars of the Russian show business. In his youth, while still a student, Dmitry began to work and sang in the evenings in restaurants. Already then the guy went to samples in various groups.

Music and films

1997 is becoming an important stage in the creative biography of Dmitry Lansky. The guy passes the selection to the Prime Minister's group, created by the producer Evgeny Friedlyand for the sample of Western Boyz-Bend. The recipe for a successful project was the selection of pretty sweet-haired participants who voiced the cherished dreams of the beautiful half of humanity: sang about broken hearts, eyes - "diamonds in three carats" and other cute things.

The team quickly gained momentum and acquired the army of fans, and Dmitry became a popular artist. However, disagreements with the producer forced the guy to leave the group in 2001 and go to free swimming. This process did not go smoothly, and the solo career was not so easy to build. Music material in the style of Jazz Funk, with whom the singer worked, turned out to be non-format for Russian show business.

In 2005, a musician has a couple of singles, and a year later, Lanska represents Russia at the New Wave Competition. Then he takes attempts to create teams playing jazz, funk and rock, and several years speakers in De Lanskoy & Private Party and Dostoevsky Inc.. In 2008, Dmitry took an attempt to be sighing a rap-project T-Killah, fully prepared the first album of the artist.

In the search for a niche for self-expression, the man came to the sphere of cinema. Here in 2007, he began his career of the composer and the sound producer, when at the invitation of the director Vlad Lane began to write music for the series "University". Unnoticed for Dmitry himself, one project replaced another, and the work in the movie became the main profession. In the piggy bank of the Soundtrack composer to the series "Voronina", "Real boys" and "eighties".

Having settled in the company Good Story Media, the singer mastered the position of the launch producer and worked in such projects as "Sweet Life", "Chop" and "Fizruk". In the soundtrack of the latter, the composition "Falling" written by Dmitry. Lanas writes music and to the full-length films, among whom "I lose weight" and "loud communication."

In the series "Sweet Life", a man tried himself as an actor, playing the former guy of the main character. The fact is that the artist approved for a role requested too much salary, and Dmitry gladly agreed to replace.

In 2016, the musician gathered the Lanskoy & Co team, with whom he writes songs, removes clips and performs with concerts. A year after the founding, the group released the album "Contrary to". The co-author of the clip on the composition "Life in the scattered light", released in December 2018, became the spouse of the singer.

Personal life

The first wife of Dmitry became the singer Julia Odeoda, with which the guy met in the school. Gnesinic. Young people met a year, and then decided to get married. The wedding was played on January 20, 2001, but the marriage soon gave the crack, and the couple divorced in 2004. Since then, former spouses did not communicate, living parallel lives. The death of Julia at the very beginning caused Dmitry Shock, and in an interview with the radio station "says Moscow" the musician expressed condolences to the relatives of the singer.

Note that many years the couple did not discuss the causes of the divorce. Only after the tragic death of Yulia Irina Saltykov, a friend of the beginning, told that the singer loved her husband very much, but he betrayed her. Once, returned with the tour before the appointed date, Julia found Dmitry in bed with his mistress. This was a real blow, after which the beginning was forced to mature.

Lanskaya repeated marriage concluded a divorce a year. The whaleter was the televiser Catherine Sapozhnikov, who became the second wife and mother of his children. The girl worked on the first channel and MTV, participated in the shooting of the series, clips and advertising. They introduced their friends, and nearby the tragedy: Katya fell into an accident and was in a hospital in serious condition. There a future husband came there and helped the girl to survive hard time. After Ekaterina strange, young people got married.

Since then, they have marked and 5 times noted the wedding in different parts of the Earth according to the rites of various peoples. A happy couple can be seen in the singer's clip on the song "Infinite Summer", where the children of Lansky - Sophia and Plato became other important characters. The daughter is seriously engaged in music and visits a music school playing on the harp. The girl regularly participates in contests and won in the Latvian competition "Rising stars." The son plays the piano, writes poems and is happy to deal with the declamination.

Dmitry Lanskaya now

Dmitry with the family now lives into two countries: he spends part of the time, working in Moscow, the rest of the days - at home in Jurmala, where his wife and children are waiting for him.

On March 13, 2019, Lanska gave a watch interview to the Riga Poet Vadim Avaves at the Youtube channel "Self". The musician spoke about his personal life, working in cinema and creative plans.

On March 22, 2019, the singer attended the funeral of Julia to the beginning, untimely departed at the age of 38.

A man continues to engage in the music project Lanskoy & Co, seeking to go to the level of a steadily touring group. Dmitry leads an account in "Instagram", where the latest news is postponing, fresh photos, announces clips and concerts.


  • 1999 - "Dirty Dances"
  • 2001 - "Hike to East"
  • 2017 - "Contrary to"



  • 2014 - "Sweet Life"


  • 2008 - "University"
  • 2009 - "Voronins"
  • 2010-2014 - "Real boys"
  • 2011-2014 - "Eighties"
  • 2013 - "To death beautiful"
  • 2014-2015 - "Fizruk"
  • 2018 - "I'm losing weight"
  • 2019 - "Loud Communication"

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