Maria Eshpai (Simonova) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Pianist 2021



Maria Eshpai - Live refutation of aphorism "Nature is resting on children of geniuses." Masha became born in the creative family became a worthy continuer of the dynasty: talented on the piano, there are no scandals in her biography, but there are victories in contests and roles in films.

Childhood and youth

Maria Eshpai - a radical Muscovite, born in the midst of the 1986 winter. Both grandfather Masha - famous people. The grandfather of Mother Pavel Vasilyevich Stankevich (Simonov) is a psychologist and biophysicist, who studied the highest nervous activity, the author of the formula for the emergence and orientation of emotions. Grandfather Andrei Yakovlevich Eshpai - the composer, which belongs to numerous symphonies and popularly loved songs ("And the snow is", "Two shores", "Earrings with a small armor").

Maria Eshpai in childhood

Mom pianists - the main princess of the Soviet Union, the actress Yevgeny Simonov, who woke up by the famous after the exit of the "ordinary miracle." Father - director Andrei Eshpai, Creator of 13 films, the most famous of which is the series "Children of Arbat". Mary has an older sister - the daughter of Evgeny Simonova from the first marriage, the artist Zoya Kaidanovskaya.

Parents and grandfather-composer quickly felt the calling Masha to music and gave a girl to the central music school in incomplete 5 years, among the graduates of which were famous performers and composers Alexander Pakhmutov, Vladimir Spivakov, Mikhail Pletnev.

Music and films

After the end of the TSSMSH, Maria studied at the School at the Metropolitan Conservatory. Pedagog Machines - Honored Artist, Professor Irina Viktorovna Osipova contributed to the development of the executive skill of the girl, and already during the training of Simonov-Eschpai won the festival held in the capital of Great Britain, and then gave a solo piano concert in the London Cathedral of St. Martin.

Maria Espay in his youth

In 2011, the pianist completed his studies in Moscow and entered the graduate school at the Aarhus Conservatory - the second largest city of Denmark. In 2012, the pianist debuted in the Great Hall of the Copenhagen conservatory and received a scholarship of the Danish Foundation Aigil Harbus. Now, behind the shoulders of the pianist concerts in Estonia, Greece, Germany, the USA and other countries.

A significant place in the work of Mary Eszpai is the popularization of the heritage of his grandfather. The girl solired at a concert dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the composer Andrei Eshpaya, who took place at the Moscow Conservatory in May 2015. Masha played, not looking into the notes, because he knew the writings of the grandfather by heart. In April 2017, the pianist performed the works of the grandfather at concerts at the Moscow Center of Yuri Bashmet.

I tried myself Masha and on the acting field - played small roles in several films filmed by the Father. By the way, in the ribbons of Andrei Eshpaya, the youngest is constantly removing the wife and reception desk director. Uncle Machines - the creator and permanent leading televisor for schoolchildren Yuri Vyazemsky - does not see anything wrong with it. Maria also starred in the Dynasty's documentary film, dedicated to the Simon-Espai family.

Personal life

Maria is a discreet and secretive man. If the facts of the biography of the older sister pianist, the Internet are full (known the names of the three spouses Zoya Kaidanovskaya and two of her children are discussed, the reasons for divorces and rumors about stormy adolescence) are discussed, the personal life of Simonova-Espai is classified, almost like the daughters of Vladimir Putin.

Machines Grandfather Shortly before his death in the interview, it was mentioned that the granddaughter fell in love with a great guy - the Danish drummer. The mother of the pianist claims that Mary has a husband. But he became the heiress of the famous dynasty that he was drummer from Denmark, unknown.

Maria Eszpay does not have an account in "Instagram". In Vkontakte, she is registered (find a pianist is not difficult - she is the only person with such name and surname in this social network). Photo on the pianist page show that Maria is very similar to the mother in youth.

Maria Eshpai now

In January 2018, the Russian Pianist celebrated the "birthday of friends", the works of Beethoven, Stravinsky and, of course, the Machine Grandpa were performed at the concert. On January 19, 2019, Maria repeated the experience of speaking on the stage of Philharmonic to a personal holiday.

Maria Eshpai

This time, in addition to the essays, Eschpay, the music of George Gershwin and Sergey Rakhmaninova sounded, and the vocal parties performed Zoya Kaidanovskaya. The name of the music evenings, becoming tradition, is symbolic, because the surname of Mary from the Mari language is translated as a "good friend."

Currently, Maria Espay lives in England, is still friendly with his sister and mother. In March 2019, there were 2 significant events in Mary's biography: the premiere on the channel "Russia-1" of her father - a multi-sized picture "Tell the Truth", music to which Masha composed, and participate in the jury of the Jury of the Young Performers of Andrei Eschpay in Yoshkar -Ole.


  • 2001 - "Blooming Hill Among Blank Field"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2008 - "Event"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2019 - "Tell the Truth"

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