Svetlana Zhiltsova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, KVN 2021



The current young admirer of the club cheerful and resourceful, perhaps, will not remember that in the first decade of the existence of the program Alexander Maslyakov led her not one, but in a duet with a charming colleague. Svetlana Zhiltsova came for a year before him and worked side by side until closing the transfer in 1972. The creative couple looked so organically and harmoniously that the audience and even the media had time to marry her participants. In 2016, the TV presenter took congratulations on the 80th anniversary.

Childhood and youth

On the last day of the autumn of 1936 in Moscow, Alexei Ivanovich and Olga Egorovna, the same daughter was born, which in the future was to be the object of love of Cavencers and the audience. But she didn't think about it and could not think - in her childhood, television did not exist, and then, in the 50s, when it appeared, equated to the real miracle.

With the school bench, the chief passion of the girl was literature. And right up to Graduation Svetlana, stiffly and gladly worked in the circle of the artistic word in the metropolitan Palace of Pioneers. In younger grades, mathematics has hung up fear and horror on the student, especially - the tasks of how much water is poured into the pool, and how much it turns out. But English, on the contrary, succumbed to ease, rewarding well-deserved five.

Therefore, at the end of the general educational institution, the choice fell on the Pedagogical Faculty of the Institute, in the conversational version of an excreted effect. The girl dreamed of studying the translator, but at that time this privilege was honored only by representatives of the opposite sex.

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On the 4th year of study at the university, the student received an invitation to the competition for the role of a speaker in the Canadian film about the USSR. Svetlana decided to try his strength and won. The talent, knowledge and charm of the housing created, it would seem impossible. Already after filming, she was left to work on television, which in those years without education and special skills was considered an incredible achievement and a huge rare.


The first broadcast took place at Shabolovka - the new employee was instructed to notify citizens about the start of hockey battle between the US nationals and the Soviet Union."I had such a frightened look, I worried about scary! Everything said right, but the whole ether felt that if someone would fit and knock on the back, then I will crumble on thousands of pieces, so it was tense at that moment. Then I got used to, "Svetlana Alekseevna shared the facts of the creative biography.

Then she was determined in the children's editorial office, where it turned out to be a fish in the water - having fun on a par with small guests, infecting them with positive mood and jokes. The career and school had to combine: in the morning - pairs, in the evening - shooting. In the piggy bank of the gear with young TV viewers and for them, the "alarm clock", and "funny notes", and "good night, kids!".

As the Soviet television is later admitted, the main difficulty in the work on the latter was that she was in record. And with a single admitted reservation or error, it was necessary to redo everything from start to the end.

As for personal preferences, the Zhiltsov allocated among all projects, of course, KVN, who was faithfully served for more than 10 years. And he replied to her, glorifying the whole country.

In the main humorous show, the girl came after the decree - she was called to replace the lead, who left on a business trip.

"Oh, how I liked all the teams! I worried about each, but especially sick for the Institute of Oil and Gas, there were talented, witty guys. We did not know that in the future this university would be so prestigious, "the woman told.

She completed his statement another fact - with Alexander Maslyakov strictly-setting it was forbidden to demonstrate any sympathy for participants. As for the relationship of the Kavéncers themselves to the lead, then the statement of Julia Gusman says for itself. The humorist said that the guys fell in love with the beauty, but they were afraid - exactly as Lenin. And the public gently called the Sveta.

After the project is closed in 1972, Zhiltsova retrained to the "head" musical program. So her creative baggage enriched "Song of the Year", "Musical Kiosk", "Blue Spark", "Morning Mail" and many others. After the return of KVN to the screens Svetlana Alekseevna took part in the game of the 1st season, but as an honorary member of the jury.

Remembering work on television, Svetlana Alekseevna did not forget about the fans, throwing her letters with recognition in the gentle feelings that walked at the exit, and even shouted at nights under the windows of the words of love.

Trust The announcer used and in power - to her one of the few was allowed to travel abroad, to Japan, where she shone in programs about "Great and Mighty". Business trips, in addition to solving business issues, they remember tightly tied in kimono, warm sake and incredibly delicious sushi.

For hard work, a woman was honored with two signs with distinction - the title of deserved artist and the Order of Honor.

Personal life

Svetlana Alekseevna perfectly remembers his first love that happened in the 10th grade. She turned out to be a neighbor boy with a volleyball court. For her hand with him, she held only on the rink - after reaching from ice, such "liberty" was considered unacceptable.

In his youth, there were also love, but there was no marriage and thoughts. In his personal life, everything changed after dating Maslenitsa with a candidate of technical sciences at the Victory by Vladimir Ivanovich Serebrennikov.

Already on the third date, the man suggested his lover hand and heart, but she first refused, fear of hasty decisions. However, the wedding in the trendy restaurant "Prague" played after six months. Soon in the family, replenishment happened - Svetlana gave the spouse of the sole son of Ivan.

In 2019, Vladimir and Svetlana celebrated 58 years of living together, they will grow up two granddaughters whose photos Grandma and grandfather are stored in a prominent place.

Svetlana Zhiltsova now

After retirement, the woman worked for 3 years in the High National Television School, but, disappointed in pedagogy, left the teaching path."Every year my husband and I left for the summer in the Moscow region to the cottage. Now I am engaged in life, I am preparing all sorts of goodies, I go to museums, theaters, I read a lot of books - this is my favorite activity, "the announcer told about her hobbies.

Her often was invited to various talk shows as a guest ("alone with everyone", "let them say"), but it consistently refuses, believing that this is a young business.

TV programmes

  • "KVN"
  • "Good night, children!"
  • "Merry notes"
  • "Alarm"
  • "Pioneer"
  • "Song of the year"
  • "Morning Post"
  • "Musical Kiosk"
  • "According to your letters"
  • "Time"
  • "Blue light"
  • "Horizontal and vertical"
  • "Avenue of Youth"
  • "Speak in Russian" (on Japanese television)
  • ABB (on Japanese television)


  • 1954 - "Hope"
  • 1971 - "Mixtenia adventures of a plate and plugs"
  • 1984 - "Itchs, you are fired!"

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