Igor Kornilov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Apple from the apple tree, as you know, does not fall far. Here and the daughter of the singer and composer Igor Kornilova joined the musical path. On the day of lovers - 2019 Elizabeth gave her first concert as part of the Maxim Fadeev's virgin trio, which completely updated his composition. To change Olga Seryabkina and other participants, in addition to a dark-haired soloist, and Marianna Kocheryova and Irina Titov also came to the Silver, which represent three capitals - Russian, North and Uzbek.

Childhood and youth

On May 18, 1968, Son Igor appeared in Odessa in the family of builders of hydraulic structures. After a couple of years after his birth, Kornilov went to the debt of the service went to the distant Tajikistan - to build a Nurek HPP. So all the children's and adolescent memories of the artist are connected with these places.

It also happened the first close acquaintance with music, grew into a serious passion. The talent of a teenager in the local Poland of Pioneers appreciated and began to invite to urban speeches as part of the student ensembles. At that time, the guy's interests were to the classic works of Peter Tchaikovsky, Sergey Rakhmaninova, Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven. From modern liked ABBA, Elton John and Italian pop.

"When I took a guitar, I started singing ... And I noticed the enthusiastic glances of girls aimed at my side! And if seriously, I am grateful to my mother, who since childhood has given me love for the song, "he shared in a conversation with journalists.

On the string instrument, they, like other guys, were invariably performed songs of the idols of those years - Alexander Barykin, Vladimir Kuzmina, the Time Machine and Sunday groups.

Passion to passion, but when it was time to be determined with the university, the graduate decided to go in the footsteps of his parents and in 1985 he entered the Moscow Kuibyshev Construction Institute. Here, Igor did not throw a favorite case, but, on the contrary, I pulled the maximum, participating in student concerts and exercising in creating your own poems and songs.

One day, the walk through Arbatu was collided by a young man with producer Viktor Krinitsky, who manifested interest in the work of the guy. So a new section appeared in his biography. Kornilov was in the music center of Vladimir Miguli, in the early 90s, becoming the soloist of "Children of Arbat", successfully toured through the cities of the Soviet Union. Realizing that the selected path requires new knowledge and skills, Igor went to comprehend the Aza science in Mguy.


3 years after the start of the Sing Career, Kornilov decided to do with solo executing, and immediately successfully. In the prestigious festival "Moscow-Yalta-Transit" in 1993, strict jury noted it on a par with Elena Sparrow, who won the Grand Prix, and the finalist Aye, now the leader of the "city 312".

After the competition for Igor fell out proposals on cooperation with the stars of the national stage - Alla Pugacheva and her daughter Christina Orbakaite, Tatiana Ovsienko, Vadim Kazachenko, Irina Saltykova, Alexander Buinov, "Combination" team.

"Composer Igor Kornilov brought us with a magical cassette with his songs. I chose an "episode" and "do so". And my mother liked the song, which is still "May" and was not called, "said Christina Edmundovna.

At the same time, the singer released the Debut Album "Girl Guitar", who brought him popularity among the public and criticism. Among the 18 songs, the autumn "after the Bala" occupies a special place.

A collection was born in zero, glorifying the beauty of YanaA and New Urengoy. The title of the informal anthem of these harsh stern snowy places won the title of informal anthem. And in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Autonomous District, he was awarded the sign of the differences "For merit to Yamal".

By mid-March 2019 in the discography of the artist, several collections, where there was a place and romantic compositions dedicated to beautiful ladies ("Miracle My Woman", "meeting random", "Lullaby for your beloved"), and native people ("Happy Birthday you , my brother").

Also did not forget the singer to reflect in his work and bitter pages of Russian history. "Blocade Leningrad" is impossible to listen and watch without tears - the clip consists of documentary filming of those hard years.

Personal life

Igor Kornilov seems to be from those rare performers who can easily answer for the authenticity of each created composition.

If you can glorify the north, then not only in a word, but also the case. Sang "Yamal, thank you!" And opened production centers there, organized festivals for young people. If I put on the music of the poems "Happy Birthday, Elena,", it did not hurt that the only spouse carries this name. And the album of 2017 "Heaven" and completely devoted to his wife at all.

"This album was created and recorded for 5 years. I dedicate him his beloved wife Elena, who gave me love and support, wings and inspiration, and the sky! ", - the man said.
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Together with the right companion of life, Igor brings up two children - Son Denis (March 6, 1992) and daughter Lisa (June 22, 2000).

In 2019, when the public became known that Elizabeth, passing online casting, was in Serebro, the media did not fail to contact the star father for comments. According to the parent, he was not aware that the girl was talked to the role of one of the participants. And as I learned - confused, because I played for her solo creativity. But the choice of the younger child could not help but support and frankly admitted that this success is exclusively its merit.

Igor Kornilov now

The artist and now continues to delight the numerous army of fans with performances and new singles. In 2018, his anniversary tour of Yamal cities passed, the light saw the Hits "White Polar Wolf", "GRU special forces (" such work ")", as well as clips for the songs "Let's release Angel" and "Maply birds".

Communication with fans The musician supports through social networks - "Instagram", "Vkontakte", "Facebook" and "Twitter". Here he willingly share photos from both concert sites and meetings with colleagues and from his personal life - pictures with warm gatherings with friends, Cellular celebrations, traveling with family in Italy, Belarus and Dagestan, from the autumn son of the Son.


  • 1998 - Guitar Girl
  • 1998 - "When you're near"
  • 2004 - "Northern Region"
  • 2007 - "Thirteenth Strong ..."
  • 2013 - "43th stage"
  • 2015 - "barefoot on the clouds"
  • 2017 - "Sky"

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