Roman Kozak - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, theater



Roman Kozak is a Russian theater actor and director. His performances were on the scene of the entrepreneurship theaters, on the MCAT layouts and the Theater of the Russian Drama in Riga. Kozak was the artistic director of the theater. A. S. Pushkin in Moscow. Having picked up the management of them in difficult for the troupe, he managed to return the scene to the public and recognition. The director was the Honored Worker of Arts of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Guild of theatrical Directories of Russia. He led the author's blog for the journal "Snob".

Childhood and youth

Roman Kozak was born in Vinnitsa on June 29, 1957. By nationality he is a Ukrainian. Not immediately came to the creative sphere. His appearance on theatrical stage preceded training at the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications.

Roman Kozak

But the love of art turned out to be stronger. The novel entered the MCAT Studio School. Mentor of the course was the actor Oleg Efremov. The master brought much a student's work manner, and later Kozak has repeatedly spoke in an interview about a large contribution, which made a mentor.

Having received a diploma in 1982, Roman Kozak almost immediately began to serve in the theater. Already in 1983, he became an actor Mkhat, and in parallel with this he participated as an actor and director in creative experiments and the searches of the studio "Man". The profession of artist Kozak preferred the work of the director and gradually changed the qualifications


The first major works created by the Kozank were "Chinzano" 1987 and "Elizabeth Bam on the Christmas tree in Ivanov", published in 1989. The performances made by the works of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Daniel Harms and Andrei Vvedensky, brought the faith to the first glory. The director was equally fascinated by modern dramaturia and a classic repertoire. Therefore, when in 1990 the Master created the "Fifth Studio Studio" theater, his debut premiere was the formulation of Masquerade on the work of Mikhail Lermontov.

A year later, Roman Kozak became the main director in the theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and continued to work with recognized authors, releasing the play "Don Quixote". Cooperation with the theater on the position of the main director continued 12 months, after which Roman Efimovich was invited to cooperate in the Riga Theater of the Russian Drama.

Continuing the line of work on the classical literature, the director released in 1995 the "Most important thing" in the work of Nicholas Jewinov, a year later, the "death dance" of August Strindberg, and in 1997, the audience saw the interpretation of Othello William Shakespeare.

He continued to cooperate with his native Mkat, where he put the play "Love in Crimea" on the play of Slavomir Mrogina, "Little Tragedies" on the work of Alexander Pushkin, the interpretation of Gogol "marriage" and other Roman Kozak has repeatedly invited foreign theaters to cooperate.

Its creative method enjoyed the love and interest of the public of Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland, USA, Switzerland, Latvia and other countries. The Kozak put the Shakespearer "measure for the measure" in Hannover, "Chinzano" Petrushevskaya in Glasgow and the "Day of Smirnova" in Krakow.

In 2001, the leadership of the theater. A. S. Pushkin appealed to the director with the invitation to lead his creative team. Theater at that moment was in a disastrous position. The audience turned away from him, on stage a long time there were performances, not carrying cultural and artistic values, the troupe of artists suffered without powerful management and artistic inspiration. This routine was called upon to destroy the novel Kozak.

The main condition of the Kozak was to receive a position not the main director, but Khuduk. Such a state of affairs gave him more powers in the management. It demanded the editorial of the charter of the theater.

Azart, with which the producer began to work, brought fresh breath. Changes occurred gradually. At first they were removed from the repertoire of 6 performances. The theater was impersonal before this began to acquire individuality. Commerce, boulevard and melodramas gave way to creativity, slim repertoire logic and idea.

The arrival of the Kozak to theater them. A. S. Pushkin made the attention of playwrights and other producers on him. Many wanted to get a chance to create with a talented director, and it also raised the status of the theater. Roman Efimovich took age actors and spoke for the invitation of young talents, making a bet on her youth.

Supporting the concept of theater house, the director wanted to make his brainchild the main cultural events. One of the first events organized by him was the concert of Leonid Delnikov. The evening gathered all the cream of society and even famous guests who have never been to Pushkin's theater.

On his stage, the Kozak put the performances of the "Academy of laughter", "Romeo and Juliet", "Three on a swing", "cosmetics of the enemy", "offfis", "mad money" and others. The fundamentally updated repertoire of the main scene and the branch in the scene lane brought Theater is among the most popular sites of the city. Kozak invited Kirill Serebrennikov's cooperation, Evgenia Pisarev, Dmitry Brusnikna, who brought fresh ideas and projects.

Roman Efimovich possessed the pedagogical talent and managed to raise up students who were held at the Russian Theater Olympus a decent place. Among the actors, whose mentor he opposed - Daria Moroz, Nikita Vysotsky, Sergey Lazarev, Alexander Ursulak and others. He also had the experience of teaching in Harvard and used in the directorial work of techniques and techniques, topical for European theaters.

Personal life

Roman Kozak was a spouse of the choreographer Alla Cigalova, the head of the theater of modern dance. The man became her second husband. Personal life Couple has been happy. For 16 years, they lived together, they never diverged, spending time at home and at work, being in coitancy.

The wife made the novel happy, so the established family brought him happiness. Roman and Alla became parents of two children: daughters and son. Anna received the formation of an interior designer, and Mikhail studied journalism.


The biography of Roman Efimovich Kozak turned out to be short. The death of the lamination of the stage at the age of 52 years. Heavy illness did not allow him to continue creative activities. Active in youth and in mature years, the Kozak did not allow himself to be chained to the four walls of the apartment and comply with bed.

He worked, dreaming of time to release the premiere of "Mad money" on the play Alexander Ostrovsky. Visiting all rehearsals, the director exhausted the already weak health. He died on May 28, 2010. The cause of death was gantany cancer. The premiere of the play went without it.

The funeral spent 2 days after the death of the wizard. The grave of the director is located on the Troekhrovsky cemetery in Moscow. The creative legacy of the director makes a photo and video of his performances, as well as notes that he wrote for a personal blog in the Snob project.

Theatrical performances

  • 1987 - "Chinzano"
  • 1989 - "Elizabeth Bam on the tree in Ivanov"
  • 1990 - "Masquerade"
  • 1991 - "Don Quixote"
  • 1996 - "Dance of Death"
  • 1997 - "Othello"
  • 1998 - "Boots on a thick sole"
  • 1999 - "The most important thing"
  • 2001 - "Academy of Laughter"
  • 2005 - "Cosmetics of the Enemy"
  • 2006 - "Gull Party Club"
  • 2007 - "Ivonna, Princess Burgundy"
  • 2008 - "Sarancha"
  • 2008 - "OFFIS"
  • 2010 - "Mad Money"

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